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05-01-06, 05:56
A German guy approaches a prostitute and says, " I vish to buy the sex with you."
" Okay doke," says the whore, " but I charge 100 euros an hour."
" Ist goot, but I must varn you, I am a little kinky."
" No problem," she replies cautiously, " I can do a little kinky."
So off they go to the girl's flat, where the German produces four large bedsprings and a duck caller.
" I vant you to tie ze springs to each of your limbs."
The hooker finds this very strange, but complies, fastening the springs to her hands and knees, in the hope that she get's a good tip for the craziness involved.
" Now you vill get on your hans and knees! " shouts the odd kraut.
The prossie duly does this, balancing on the springs.
" You vill please blow zis whistle as I make love to you."
The poor whore finds all this very odd, but goe's for it anyhow. Oddly the sex is fantastic.
She is bounced all over the room by the energetic German, all the time honking on the duck caller.
The climax is the most sensational she has ever experienced, and it is several minutes, before she has recovered her breath.
Finally she gasps, " That was totally amazing - tell me, why did that feel so good ? "
" Ah, " says the German, " It's the four - sprung duck technique. "

*hides from the german ppl*

05-01-06, 05:59
bad on a new scale of badness! lol :p you have well and truely dug yourself a hole ZoVoS! :p heh

05-01-06, 06:11
Its only funny in the sense its horrible.

05-01-06, 07:16
That made no sense.. someone care to explain the 'punchline'?

05-01-06, 07:30
*is in the "doesnt get the punchline" boat*

05-01-06, 07:44
think I heard a different version of that once... the other made more sense to my recalling ...

05-01-06, 08:04
A German guy approaches a prostitute and says, " I vish to buy the sex with you."
" Okay doke," says the whore, " but I charge 100 euros an hour."
" Ist goot, but I must varn you, I am a little kinky."
" No problem," she replies cautiously, " I can do a little kinky."
So off they go to the girl's flat, where the German produces four large bedsprings and a duck caller.
" I vant you to tie ze springs to each of your limbs."
The hooker finds this very strange, but complies, fastening the springs to her hands and knees, in the hope that she get's a good tip for the craziness involved.
" Now you vill get on your hans and knees! " shouts the odd kraut.
The prossie duly does this, balancing on the springs.
" You vill please blow zis whistle as I make love to you."
The poor whore finds all this very odd, but goe's for it anyhow. Oddly the sex is fantastic.
She is bounced all over the room by the energetic German, all the time honking on the duck caller.
The climax is the most sensational she has ever experienced, and it is several minutes, before she has recovered her breath.
Finally she gasps, " That was totally amazing - tell me, why did that feel so good ? "
" Ah, " says the German, " It's the four - sprung duck technique. "

*hides from the german ppl*
i think its this : http://www.audi.com/audi/com/en1/new_cars.html
if you still dont get it, i will give further details "spoiler" later :lol:

05-01-06, 09:17
Ahahah, took me ages to get it but i like it!

And i actually am german. :lol:

05-01-06, 09:23
Ahahah, took me ages to get it but i like it!

And i actually am german. :lol:
Yes, it's cool indeed I want to see who will not understand it.. im curious

05-01-06, 13:40
After a minute the joke became funny...
...after 3 minutes i couldn't breathe anymore because i laughed too much!

But: I have never seen a German in my whole life who likes to eat "Kraut"
so much that he deserves that nickname...including me! ;)
Same goes for leather-pants: only worn by bavarians...and they dont really count as Germans. :angel:


05-01-06, 13:42
Thats the worst joke ive ever heard, I got it and didnt even acknowledge the effort of the joke with a slight smile.

05-01-06, 14:06
That one sucked.

05-01-06, 14:32
Kraut = Cabbage right?

05-01-06, 14:34
Kraut = Cabbage right?

05-01-06, 14:35
I like cabbage.

Agent L
05-01-06, 14:38
Didn't get it. what's "four sprung duck" ?

by kraut you meant a sauerkraut?

Mr Kot
05-01-06, 15:59
Heh, rather a long winded joke to get to a word play punchline... but it make me smile nonetheless.


What is Audi's slogan?

05-01-06, 16:04
four sprung duck technic ^^ but still abit of a dry joke o_O

05-01-06, 16:07
Only want thing to say here, WTF, post that on the FoMK forum, not here. :P

05-01-06, 18:25
I like cabbage.
Hahaha, i so know what you're gonna get to eat when you turn up at my castle.


06-01-06, 06:31
^_^ i wanted to see who i got a reaction out of and who i didnt

06-01-06, 10:02
Hahaha, i so know what you're gonna get to eat when you turn up at my castle.


Sausage = weiner right? :D

06-01-06, 10:59
Sausage = weiner right? :D
Yep. :)

06-01-06, 17:29
You probably dont realise how funny that word is, lol.

06-01-06, 18:49
Doh!! Just got some strange looks at work cos I was laffing so much... that was very poor but funny at the same time!!