View Full Version : Twilight war cancelled

04-01-06, 22:44


04-01-06, 22:48
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :( damn was looking forward to that.

04-01-06, 22:56
Well that fucking sucks :(

Ah well, Neocron forever it would seem, lol

04-01-06, 22:58
That sux :(

Paper Dragon
04-01-06, 23:00
Although companies going out of business is always sad, I can't help but raise a smirk at seeing a "Neocron killer" go down before it's born.

04-01-06, 23:02
The main website don't work either...

Me = Sad :(

04-01-06, 23:05
Although companies going out of business is always sad, I can't help but raise a smirk at seeing a "Neocron killer" go down before it's born.

Twilight war was not goin have chance to be a nc killer anyways if it did come out. C2P are doin that job just great.

04-01-06, 23:07
Ahh dammit! I was looking forward to that.

04-01-06, 23:11
Although companies going out of business is always sad, I can't help but raise a smirk at seeing a "Neocron killer" go down before it's born.

[ edited ]

04-01-06, 23:14
/me crosses off Twilight War from it's #1 spot on his "MMORPGs To Watch List"...

/me moves Fallen Earth (http://www.fallenearth.com/) up to #1

Paper Dragon
04-01-06, 23:16
[ edited ]

If you more time reading my posts and less time trolling them, you'd understand how so very, very off you are in your judgement of me. ;)


04-01-06, 23:22
arf :*( , i been keeping tab's on that for quite some time now , aswell as fallen earth (Tho Fallen earth seems to be devolping rather slow and not alot of info , i get a news letter now and then from then but not heard anything for a while).

04-01-06, 23:29
alot of games dieing these days, i mean asheron's call 2 cancelled, SWG being abandoned by alot of players and planetside hanging by a thread.

NC will probably survive them all :D

04-01-06, 23:36
im not sad to see it go.

it would have totaly raaped nc's playing populations if relesed

Paper Dragon
04-01-06, 23:39
it would have totaly raaped nc's playing populations if relesed

They've said that about any and every single bloody MMORPG that's come out. Planetside, FOMK, even this one.

It's not even funny when people come out with that line anymore.

04-01-06, 23:42
and every single one has lost us players

i still know ppl who moved to WoW and aint coming back
" " " " " " " " FoMK " " " "
" " " " " " " " SWG " " " "
" " " " " " " " PLANETSIDE " " " "

all games take numbers away
especialy a game like twilight wars

i dont think any game will EVER kill nc... but take away chunks of its playing population

hell yes

Paper Dragon
04-01-06, 23:44
and every single one has lost us players

But not a single one has "totally **********" Neocron's playerbase.

Hell, by your own post it's taken at least four other MMORPGs to dent the population, three of which have enormous funding and development teams compared to Reakktor.

I just find it absolutely, positively hilarious how people keep harping on about the next MMORPG signing Neocron's death warrant.

04-01-06, 23:48
i know many ppl would leave to play a new game

as i said i dont think nc can ever be killed

shit with the problems it has i woudlnt have though nc could have ever been formed but it has sumin nothing else has n as no other mmo has reproduced it nc will continue to survive

hell ppl still folow the game who havent played for 2 years. when they talk about neocrack they realy mean it. this game is adictive...

most of us leave n cant help but reactivate (hehe even though reactivating is much harder than it use to be lol)

04-01-06, 23:53
/me crosses off Twilight War from it's #1 spot on his "MMORPGs To Watch List"...

/me moves Fallen Earth (http://www.fallenearth.com/) up to #1

is it me or has fallen earth atempted to make it look real and in that atempt made it all look a bit cartoony n fake

05-01-06, 00:24
better like this then after few months release...

onero S
05-01-06, 00:33
/me crosses off Twilight War from it's #1 spot on his "MMORPGs To Watch List"...

/me moves Fallen Earth (http://www.fallenearth.com/) up to #1


Roots: Visionaries and followers of spirit paths, faithful devotees of mind powers and healing arts

Since The Fall: Devoting themselves to their vision of bringing Light into the shadows and darkness of the Fallen Earth, the Lightbearers view their path as the only true path, and their mastery of mental and mutational powers makes theirs a faith to be feared as well as followed

Sweet, psi monks, (I wonder if they'll let me make a holy hyb)

05-01-06, 00:47
Twilight war was going to be the next MMO I was looking at moving too. And also some people from P.I.M.P. had said that they would look at reforming to that, so thats a bit of a blow. But it does show how much work KK actually does seen as they must have a much smaller budget than Smiling Gator, and yet they have survived through quite a few "Killer MMO's"!

Maybe KK can hire some of Smiling Gators Staff ;)

RIP Smiling Gator


05-01-06, 00:51
Man! I had to admit, Twilight War sounded interesting and the gfx looked so cool.

The RP scope didn't look half bad either!

Scanner Darkly
05-01-06, 00:51
Not meaning to derail, but...

This kind of reminded me of Hostile Planet which changed it's website from a bulletin board bursting with anticipation, to an ugly "COMING SOON" flash animation, to not existing within the space of last year.

Another potential NC killer slain, or is it?

05-01-06, 00:53
thats really really bad... for several reasons

05-01-06, 01:01
were in 2006, and i couldnt be bothered to waste my time on a supposedly
"hot" sci-fi mmo.if it was so hot by now it would be out.
tabarnak they had like forever to put out they game and they dont.
im sure im gonna have more fun building and destroying my scout gliders then playing those would be NC.
tbh i dont think anyone will ever find any alternative to NC, not in the yrs to come.
lets face it : NC is the ONLY game of this genre that deserves attention.
other are just wannabes.

05-01-06, 01:14
Kame you have absolutely no idea how long it takes for game-development.

It takes months just to write the engine (that could be around 5meg of pure text)

05-01-06, 02:47
nc should just steal the people who were gona work on all of the competitors that they see of =]

05-01-06, 03:01
nc should just steal the people who were gona work on all of the competitors that they see of =]
And get smiling gator to dontate their source licence :p

05-01-06, 03:14
Although companies going out of business is always sad, I can't help but raise a smirk at seeing a "Neocron killer" go down before it's born.

That is a pretty one sided view of things. Why should you be happy that another mmo of the same genre didn't make it. Competition is always a good thing.

[ edited ]

Paper Dragon
05-01-06, 03:16
That is a pretty one sided view of things. Why should you be happy that another mmo of the same genre didn't make it. Competition is always a good thing.

Actually, I'm happy that - once again - the "NEOCRON IS GOING TO DIE WHEN THIS GAME IS RELEASED LOL" crowd have been put in their place.

[ edited ]

It's been around for three years so far. That's pretty damn respectable by any standards.

05-01-06, 03:24
There are free UO shards with better populations, that stay alive by donations. I don't see how the population constantly sliding and nobody happy with the way the game has gone is a sign of a job well done.

Paper Dragon
05-01-06, 03:28
There are free UO shards with better populations, that stay alive by donations. I don't see how the population constantly sliding and nobody happy with the way the game has gone is a sign of a job well done.

Nobody happy? Someone's aiming to exaggerate, it seems.

My point is that those who are never happy and constantly claiming Neocron is dead, are making laughable claims. The game has survived for three years, and those "NC killers" that are lauded around have been anything but.

05-01-06, 03:30
Alright my bad everyone except you and like 4 other people.

Paper Dragon
05-01-06, 03:32
Alright my bad everyone except you and like 4 other people.

....not to mention people like you, who - despite constant claims of not enjoying the game - stick around, and continuing paying. :)

05-01-06, 03:40
No, I'm not completely against NC. I still enjoy it somewhat I'm just not blind to it's failings. I also still have faith that it could get better with some changes.

Paper Dragon
05-01-06, 03:42
No, I'm not completely against NC. I still enjoy it somewhat I'm just not blind to it's failings. I also still have faith that it could get better with some changes.

Then perhaps you shouldn't exaggerate and start making claims that only four people enjoy the game, hmm?

I'm not blind to it's failings either, it's just unlike some I don't make it my sole purpose in life to flame Reakktor.

05-01-06, 03:51
Then perhaps you should, and Reakktor will know that more people are sick of the problems that still aren't resolved (such as the frigging awful memory leaks) and might finally take their finger out of their arse and do something about it.

Paper Dragon
05-01-06, 03:53
Then perhaps you should, and Reakktor will know that more people are sick of the problems that still aren't resolved (such as the frigging awful memory leaks) and might finally take their finger out of their arse and do something about it.

Considering Reakktor are aware of the problems, and have acknowledged them on more than one occasion, this is just a pitiful thing to bring up. Besides; some of us don't get these problems in huge abundance, so obviously it's not a simple thing to fix.

The people that constantly bring up the same issues despite them being acknowledged, the people who claim to hate the game but never leave, the people that keep screeching "this game will kill Neocron!" and, of course, those that keep leaving but coming back in two weeks: those are the people I have issues with.

Bleating on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about the same issues time and time and time again will not make things move any faster.

As I said, I'm aware of the games failings, but I don't throw my toys out of the metaphorical pram because of them.

05-01-06, 04:25
Actually, the last guy who acknowledged the most common complaint (PPUs) doesnt work at KK any more (possibly for completely unrelated reasons).

Anyway, back ON topic:

I was doubtful until I read this. (never heard of gamasutra before and I like to see some confirmation from the company somewhere.)

Paper Dragon
05-01-06, 04:35
Actually, the last guy who acknowledged the most common complaint (PPUs) doesnt work at KK any more (possibly for completely unrelated reasons).

Of course, there's the reloading issue, memory leaks, advertising....etc. A bunch of other concerns that Reakktor have addressed, and are continuing to monitor.

People focusing on a single failing and going wild with it is an example the pettiness I was talking about earlier.

05-01-06, 04:40
Not questioning that, but your attitude appeared to me as that of "kk have recognised all common problems" which they haven't. I'm not a "kk hater" but I'm no fanboi either.

05-01-06, 04:46
LOL, wtf is smiling gator :lol:

Paper Dragon
05-01-06, 04:47
Not questioning that, but your attitude appeared to me as that of "kk have recognised all common problems" which they haven't. I'm not a "kk hater" but I'm no fanboi either.

No, I was just saying that constantly going on about the same things, despite Reakktor acknowleding them, is incredibly dull and downright petty. By all means, keep talking about PPUs for all I care; Reakktor haven't mentioned them, so go nuts.

What I can't stand is people jabbering on as if Reakktor aren't listening in the slightest, and the company is determined to piss off it's customers. That's just being a bloody drama queen about things.

05-01-06, 05:24
No, I was just saying that constantly going on about the same things, despite Reakktor acknowleding them, is incredibly dull and downright petty. By all means, keep talking about PPUs for all I care; Reakktor haven't mentioned them, so go nuts.

Reakktor did mention ppu's where a problem. Then they did nothing. Its my only significant problem i have remaining about nc.

Twilight wars could have been great :( .

05-01-06, 09:24
Damn, was hoping for a good alternative to NC. :rolleyes:

05-01-06, 09:55
I cant wait for Star Trek online ^^^^^^^

05-01-06, 09:57
Stop posting, level that noob tank on mars so we can join a clan and pvp some.

And take out that LE, sissy.


05-01-06, 11:59
Alright my bad everyone except you and like 4 other people.
I am one of those 4 people then. Enjoying this game for more than 3 years now...

05-01-06, 13:00
Ok I am now certain that there's something serious going on with Paper dragon and Suler :D they must be lovers in RL :angel:

05-01-06, 13:13
Twilight war was one MMORPG to watch. Shame it's stopped development, as it did show a lot of promise.

I see in the TWHQ they are taking action to get investment to save it, so not all is lost. See http://www.twilightwarhq.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=52

05-01-06, 13:51
it might have become a shitty game like FoMK

05-01-06, 14:02
it might have become a shitty game like FoMK
Admit it , you liked FoMK ;o

Lucid Dream
05-01-06, 15:03
What a letdown =( Fallen Earth is still a possibility though...

05-01-06, 15:06
How much would the source engine cost to use?

05-01-06, 15:07
The license would cost thousands of pounds, less if they agree'd to give valve a cut of the profits, but if not then it would of been a huge amount.

05-01-06, 15:35
There is anothere one out there or almost ready to come out but I cannot think of the name. It has to do with " what if the Roman Empire had continued to rule the Earth" up into the future.

And as Twilight war , would have like to try it. But NC keeps on going because for all your bitching of this game your still here, it the player base that is keeping this game going and it is KK and the game too. No other game out there givings you the freedom in it as does NC, if people could see that than they would be come over to it. and no other company let you get away with the freedom in the forum as does KK either. Try and do what you guys do here on another forums and see what happens.

05-01-06, 15:51
The license would cost thousands of pounds, less if they agree'd to give valve a cut of the profits, but if not then it would of been a huge amount.

Say what? More like in the hundreds of thousands.

05-01-06, 16:19
shhhhh.... Huxley dont tell any one...

05-01-06, 18:34
He's right. The Source code license would be in the hundreds of thousands dollars.

Complete state-of-the-art graphics/physics engines DO NOT COME CHEAP.

05-01-06, 19:02
sigh ... what a shame ...

05-01-06, 19:07

05-01-06, 20:26
Say what? More like in the hundreds of thousands.

Yes, thousands can mean hundreds of thousands too. I was just too lazy to type it :p

05-01-06, 20:41
Oh thank god, I don't think I could have taken another "OMG TWILIGHT LOOKS SO GOOD I GO PLAY IT OVER NC" post, while the website doesn't even allow basic practical information on it.

Praise the gods.

05-01-06, 20:45
Oh thank god, I don't think I could have taken another "OMG TWILIGHT LOOKS SO GOOD I GO PLAY IT OVER NC" post, while the website doesn't even allow basic practical information on it.

Praise the gods.

Although having the option to try it would have been nice.

Clive tombstone
05-01-06, 21:27
seriously though, what happens to all the had done? doesnt it go somewhere?

05-01-06, 21:39
seriously though, what happens to all the had done? doesnt it go somewhere?

The Bin more than likely.... conflict omega concept looks good to, like a mad max/cyborg thing goin on

Clive tombstone
05-01-06, 22:54
Hell, I wonder if they could sell the rights to what theyve created already. It would be nice if someone could revive the project

05-01-06, 23:28
Didn't you read the statement? They tried to. Didn't work, nobody wanted to fund it.

06-01-06, 00:05
seriously though, what happens to all the had done? doesnt it go somewhere?
It might be sold off to cover some of the debts. Of course, I don't know how useful it will be without a source license (btw, I wonder if that one is a transferable asset or if it reverts to Valve).

Clive tombstone
06-01-06, 02:03
fuck, they should SELL it to valve, god knows they could finish the project after they finish with the Half life 2 expansion

06-01-06, 02:37
This is a damn shame.

There are enough Fantasy MMOs to last for years... we need more Sci-Fi and especially Cyberpunk MMO's. Twilight War had some awesome concepts and ideas, although more of a survival style Cyberpunk than NC's Megacity Neuromancer style. Would have been nice to see if it could work.

RIP TW. :(

Scanner Darkly
06-01-06, 02:45
fuck, they should SELL it to valve, god knows they could finish the project after they finish with the Half life 2 expansion

The problem is that it's a MMO - not something that Valve I think want to get into, since it requires such a (relatively) long term commitment. It's not just finishing the development of the game, but patching and maintaining it, etc.

Then again all that's just pure speculation...

Clive tombstone
06-01-06, 03:14
Then again, the new competition for Fallen, would be huxly? wouldnt it? I think its gonna rock serious nuts man.

06-01-06, 03:24
There is anothere one out there or almost ready to come out but I cannot think of the name. It has to do with " what if the Roman Empire had continued to rule the Earth" up into the future.

Imperator Online was cancelled few months ago... SF games are just doomed. :(

06-01-06, 03:39
Hmmmmm what a shame. Well I guess I can now say


Well now thats out the way I would think Huxley is a good MMO to look forward too, though i heard it was going to be initially released for xbox.

As for NC well only time will tell. If I was a billionaire then I woulda probably bought out NC, gave it a brand new spanking engine with a huge team and get it back on track for world domination.

06-01-06, 03:43

I was looking forward to TW. :(

I swear to god i'll never find a game suitable to replace EnB :o

06-01-06, 03:48
[ edited ]

06-01-06, 03:52
[ edited ]

Definatly the beginning of NC was its peak time......funneh eh.... Usually peak times in anything would be in the middle this was in the start and boom it went down. Ah man the days of 500-600 ppl everynight now that was the days.

06-01-06, 03:54
Uranus dying at 00:00....

Just brings back the nostalgia.

Paper Dragon
06-01-06, 03:55
[ edited ]

Fact remains it is still here, and the population is rising again. People have been screaming Neocron will die, that another game will kill it....etc, yet it's still around. It has been around for three years, in fact.

The current numbers might not be "nothing" compared to the days of old, but Reakktor are still in business, and considering they've got Blizzard and SOE to contend with.....well, the "NC is gonna be killed lol" crowd can really go shove it.

It was cute to hear during beta.

It was irritating to hear during the first year.

It was believable during the second year.

But now it's become utterly pathetic, and the warcry of the desperate anti-KK crowd.

Scanner Darkly
06-01-06, 04:11
It's easy to not let the forum trolls get to you (don't read their posts), but what used to depress me about this game, was the amount of people in game who would be heralding it's demise. Right from the start: poisoning public channels, spreading negativity and making the game just that little bit less enjoyable.

Like most, I've got a few bones to pick with how this brilliant concept [cyberpunk FPSMMORPG] has been handled, and I'm amazed that it's still here. Amazed and pleasantly surprised. My only wish would have been for it's survival to have been more than just that. It could have been, and perhaps could still be, a success mirrored in servers that are full of people too busy fighting and RPing to whine about whatever they think is wrong with the game.

Stranger things have happened.

Didn't really know much about TW, other than it was based on a modified Source engine. Guess variety ain't a bad thing, tho' I'm sure KK won't be too upset about TW never seeing the light of day. ;)

06-01-06, 06:00
[ edited ]

Bugs Gunny
06-01-06, 10:10
So, paper dragon, do you call the marketing campaign along with evo 2.1 release a succes when you see the terra numbers have gone up by a massive 30 players?

Some overly optimistic people might call the campaign a succes, but i think it totaly went tits up due to not testing the patches correctly.
I'm sure KK analyzed the number of old vets trying out the game in the 14 day free trial and how many actualy paid to subscribe after.
Let's hope they learned from this mistake.

I think it's a great game, but nc only starts to "live" when the servers hit 500+.

06-01-06, 10:22
Fact remains it is still here, and the population is rising again. People have been screaming Neocron will die, that another game will kill it....etc, yet it's still around. It has been around for three years, in fact.

The current numbers might not be "nothing" compared to the days of old, but Reakktor are still in business, and considering they've got Blizzard and SOE to contend with.....well, the "NC is gonna be killed lol" crowd can really go shove it.

It was cute to hear during beta.

It was irritating to hear during the first year.

It was believable during the second year.

But now it's become utterly pathetic, and the warcry of the desperate anti-KK crowd.

Population is going down since the start of retail. Now its est. 5 times lower than 2 years ago. Thats a fact.
From marketing point of view this game shouldnt exist for at least 1 year now. It is still here ONLY because there are players who will pay for this because they have no other options. Its not really in KK hands anymore. Its all about the will of the addicted players.
Though another fact is that this game is the most addictive thing EVER.

06-01-06, 13:31
Though another fact is that this game is the most addictive thing EVER.

And we all know without the heroine effect of NC there is nothing.

06-01-06, 14:12
Predictions of Neocrons "death" are always going to get edited as trolling. That's our right as owners of this board. I've heard too many of them for too long to permit them credence any more and if all you want to do is to try to bring this community down then you can leave. I especially will not let people with permanent bans come back and troll in such a way.


06-01-06, 14:57
It is still here ONLY because there are players who will pay for this because they have no other options. Its all about the will of the addicted players. Though another fact is that this game is the most addictive thing EVER.Indeed. I'm only sticking around because there are no other good games MMORPG's with the same genre to try out. I can't stand bloody elves and other lame games where you sit there pressing something like tab to cycle through names then just press 1-9 to use your spells/weapons. I tried many other MMORPG's after cancelling my nc2 account for the first time (due to fecking bugs and losing half my gear when I accidentally went red in J01 and was zapped to death by an invisible apu, I then switched to my other character (after completely closing neocron), left the MB entrance and zoned into J01, fatal'd) but nothing compared to neocron with the gameplay.

If neocron were managed better half these bugs wouldn't exist and old and new players would continue coming back, but they don't, because Reakktor fuck everything up EVERY single time. Always one patch to "fix" something, then another patch immediately after to fix idiotic bugs in the previous patch (Quad anyone? it obviously wasn't tested either at all or as much as it should).

06-01-06, 14:59
Predictions of Neocrons "death" are always going to get edited as trolling. That's our right as owners of this board. I've heard too many of them for too long to permit them credence any more and if all you want to do is to try to bring this community down then you can leave. I especially will not let people with permanent bans come back and troll in such a way.


Thx for that

06-01-06, 15:03
I don't know why they don't invite people to test new patches on their test server, So when we get them, They're Decent without being more buggy than the last!

06-01-06, 15:14
I don't know why they don't invite people to test new patches on their test server, So when we get them, They're Decent without being more buggy than the last!
Its a good point, although the old test server was used alot for setup testing due to its nature it still removed some of the "in your face how did you miss me" bugs before the patch hit the retail server such as the genotoxic fiasco.

I dont think theres anything else that catches my eye much as i dont like the look of Fallen Earth :/ and huxley looks shiney but the mentioned mechanics sound a bit odd.

06-01-06, 16:08
i dont realy want another mmoprg

the reason i keep coming back to this is it is the best

i dont want summin to beat nc i want nc to get better.

06-01-06, 16:13
Its a good point, although the old test server was used alot for setup testing due to its nature it still removed some of the "in your face how did you miss me" bugs before the patch hit the retail server such as the genotoxic fiasco.

I dont think theres anything else that catches my eye much as i dont like the look of Fallen Earth :/ and huxley looks shiney but the mentioned mechanics sound a bit odd.

If it was made for "invite Only" It would remove the players only wanting to test their setups!

Bugs Gunny
06-01-06, 16:16
There's no point to testing setups on a testserver.

1) there's skillmanagers that let you create perfect setups
2) all the information regarding resists and con setups + runspeed is out there to grab
3) speccing points in nf to see at which point you cap your weapon is sexy
4) cookie cutter setups are freely handed out to everyone.

If someone needs a cookie cutter pe setup i'll pm it to you no problem.
It's NOT the setup that does it though.

06-01-06, 16:28
as i said beofore just because sumbody hasnt got an invite doesnt mean that there isnt a test server which is invite only with a NDA =]

oh n just REALY crappy testers

Bugs Gunny
06-01-06, 16:34
[ Edited ]

06-01-06, 17:26
Surely people dont need cookie cutters setups since the gay weapon formulas were implemented?

Bugs Gunny
06-01-06, 17:44
Let me rephrase that :-)

I wonder how KK can claim they have testers for their patches when the genotoxic ammo eating the gun itself bug made it through the patch.

06-01-06, 17:47
TW looked interesting, and it would have been cool to mess around with it maybe, but I really didn't hold out much hope for it being great. Fallen Earth looked cool, but after seeing the video they released a while back I'm almost 100% sure it's going to be point and click / turn based which I really can't stand. Huxley is looking good, Sigonyth: Desert Eternity is looking....interesting, Citizen Zero too. There's also that cell shaded graphics game, Seed, looks like XIII, but I'm not sure about it yet lol

06-01-06, 19:26
i dont realy want another mmoprg

the reason i keep coming back to this is it is the best

i dont want summin to beat nc i want nc to get better.
Yes sir, you are completely right.

07-01-06, 01:58
Predictions of Neocrons "death" are always going to get edited as trolling. That's our right as owners of this board. I've heard too many of them for too long to permit them credence any more and if all you want to do is to try to bring this community down then you can leave. I especially will not let people with permanent bans come back and troll in such a way.

mabye if you did your job ("Community Liaison"'s talk both ways doesn't they?) and relayed to KK that mabye they should do something that someone actually wants; so many people wouldn't be inclined to post these negative things... it's hardly OUR fault that death always appears so likely for NC, just a sign KK's never run things right...

i hope im not "trolling" :rolleyes:

07-01-06, 02:06
i dont realy want another mmoprg

the reason i keep coming back to this is it is the best

i dont want summin to beat nc i want nc to get better.

Actually thats a very very good point.

07-01-06, 02:28
Yes sir, you are completely right.

Actually thats a very very good point.

wow 2 more ppl agree with me about summin

that takes my total to


2 people :angel:

07-01-06, 02:51
Yes sir, you are completely right.

So are you.