View Full Version : Outpost Question

03-01-06, 19:39
Its been a while since I did any thing with outposts.

So far I hear you need 4 hacks: 3 layers then a final HN take over of the op.

My question is do the hackers need to be in a clan? Obviously the last one does but could I do a layer with a unclanned hacker?

03-01-06, 21:19
all 4 need to be clanned iirc

03-01-06, 21:38
yea i found a post on the forums for it. took a while with different possible entries.


06-01-06, 15:23
The first 2 layers could be hacked by any clannned char

i.e. Clan X Player hacks first 2 layers then Clan Y player hacks last 2 layers = Clan Y owns OP.

But as always you gotta be in some clan to hack OP

Bugs Gunny
06-01-06, 15:33
Don't go over 118 in hack, that makes things harder.

06-01-06, 16:34
hacking gets harder after tl 118?

conventional wisdom would suggest it should get easier but knowing a certain company i can now understand ;)

Bugs Gunny
06-01-06, 16:36
Everyone keeps saying 115 is best, but i wouldn't be surprised if our magical number 114 is actualy the right target.

114 for resists
114 for con resists
114 for barter


06-01-06, 17:36
Theres a difference on resist caps between classes i think.

Bugs Gunny
06-01-06, 17:42
Hmm, interesting.

I also think there's a difference on runspeed caps for classes.