View Full Version : Targeting // RPOS problem...

02-01-06, 10:58
I `ve just returned to the game, after 11 months or so, but just cannot get used to the targeting. My targeting icon (for want of a better discription) moves slightly more independently than my mouse/character, and as a result it makes me feel a little dizzy, after a long time playng,
is there a way to alter this, to make it more `fixed`?

as i said, its a long time since i played, and i`m pretty sure it wasn`t like that, the last time i played, or maybe it was and i`ve forgotten...

anyone got any comments?

02-01-06, 14:11
I know how you feel. I find targetting things in neocron is a bit hard at times, but that's mostly because of the shit FPS I get in places. I know for me that the aiming with the mouse is sort of 'smooth'... not sure how to explain it too well. Wobbly maybe? brb while I go buy a dictionary and spend a few days trying to find the words i'm thinking of. lol

02-01-06, 14:15
I know how you feel too ... It's seems that acceleration/sensibility of the mouse cursor is different in "interface" mode and in "aim" mode ...

02-01-06, 15:29
I know how you feel too ... It's seems that acceleration/sensibility of the mouse cursor is different in "interface" mode and in "aim" mode ...

Yeah - like you have a piece of string from yer head to yer Crosshair... it tends to drift a fair bit.