View Full Version : Brainport: Zone types and SL/FS system

01-01-06, 23:09
There are different type of zones in Neocron. Each one has different rules on pvp.
We have: (names may be inaccurate) (let me know if I missed one)

Safe zone - No pvp
City sector - small penalty for neutral, large for allied, none for enemys.
Wasteland/hacket sector - can kill neutral/enemy, penalty for allied
Warzone - No penalitys or belt drops (Outpost zones)
Leveling sector - penalty for killing anyone
Apartment sector - penalty for killing anyone

My first idea is "Faction sector" One for each faction.
So for example "You have entered the Fallen Angels sector. Fallen Angels runners may attack or defend themselves here without any penalty" This would promote in-city pvp in those specific areas. So if I for example saw a tsunami outside the BD-HQ (I'm BD) then we could fight without SL or FS loss.

Moving right along to the wasteland sectors. They're great!!! It encourages pvp and neutrals can fight now without any penalty. Great KK!

Now leveling sectors.. Like Elfarid, sewers, Chaos caves, sidestreets, exc. The first problem with these is accidental SL loss. These are some of the only zones people pvm in and because of that there is a little friendly fire. This means people lose massive amounts of SL and FS fighting there by accident. Also people run inside these zones to force their attacker to lose SL. In danger of getting pked? run in a leveling zone!! It's lame and an exploit of the system. I would like to encourage the noob leveling zones to be city type and the ones in the wastelands to be wasteland type. High level players shouldn't mind a little pvp over chaos caves and elfarid's queen and it would solve all the problems.

Apartment sectors: You cant pvp here without being punished. I killed an ENEMY runner inside my own apartment and lost 50 sympathy with my own faction and -45 soullight. That is just silly. In my opinion apartment sectors should be at least city sectors.

NOW the new SOULIGHT and FACTION SYMPATHY system from 2.1 evol.

Before the big patch you could kill two neutral or allied runners in a city and be about -15 or so. Now it's -63 and below is red. SL comes back slow and this means the drops are much larger than before, this makes pvp less encouraged. In my opinion that is a bad thing. Before you could make a mistake or take a chance and walk away normal the next day. Now every little action or accident puts you way under. There was no need for making the scale so much larger.

The original idea of factions in 2.1 was to lower penalty for neutral pvp and increase reward for killing enemys. They just made SL and FS drops more extreme. Even so now that you need crazy low SL to go red that only takes two kills from being 100 sl and your like -70.
Faction symapthy loss has also increased a ton with 2.1
One kill and you lose 49+ symapthy in your own faction. It's pretty much impossible to get up your sympathy if its -97 just like all the other threads are talking about. The 500k npc was removed and the new missions in TH are a joke. The only way to increase it now is genrep killing an alt or killing npcs.
That's just players doing the only thing they can. Before 2.1 you wouldn't lose half as much sympathy per kill. Unless there is an easier way to get sympathy back it doesn't make sense to have the drops this extreme. Mission only give 1-2 symp each time.

My solution is:
Leveling zones inside citys: city sectors
Leveling zones outside citys: wasteland sector
Apartment zones: city sector
SL and FS drop amounts changed back to pre-2.1
New missions in TH giving 6-8 sympathy each time.

Extra idea:
Faction zones

And I have to go so I can't read this over 10 more times before I post! tell me what you think :)

Dribble Joy
01-01-06, 23:42
Ditch SL, it's such a mess, base everything off symp.

Bugs Gunny
03-01-06, 11:08
If everything is based off FS, i'd be able to come near next, tsunami and cm guards and all the others would shoot me on sight.