View Full Version : NC1 player looking for feedback

30-12-05, 03:39
Hey all...

Long time no see..others hope to get to know you.

I and a number of people from a midwest american city have been sitting on your heels, trying to get our kicks from WoW and discussing over beers returning to NeoCron.

For those who may recall I was haloblack (on a english server name i have forgotten) a member of the DarkSomethings. Had a good run as a healing assult rifle user in game that was in its very very early stages with Dome of York being a half baked gossip driven glitched concept. Grew bored of being ganked by tanks while trying to level, bored with the flawed stock market, the poor UI to the mail, belts, mindless repeated grinding and poor quest designs...so one day i quit.

Dome of York comes..3months into it I sneak back do some sniffing around before I break down and try the 10day trial..whole time fighting back my memories of early neocron. A fellow v1 neocron player from town refered to the game as "the best MMORPG _ever_ that got it all wrong" and I hated to agree with him. With a little excitement, a slight wince on my face and a cold beer next to me I login in again. I am shocked the player creation system while not improved in design works a million times better and I am impressed to see the training area quests teach you something. (rather then break you into mindless sewer grinds) I fly through get a couple grand under my belt and `port into my apartment which I also find is unchanged. I do some term missions and start to recreate my first character's model....then I notice something.

No-one, I hadn't seen a single person short of off in the distance some lone running popping in and out of view. I head to what used to be a HUGE player driven market area and find...not a single person. I stand for an hour and see a collective number of under 10 people..none are selling, none repair and not a one says anything when i talk to them. That wince I spoke of earlier now has turned deeper and is taking more muscle usage to have it increase in "frown" factor. How can this be they fix a number of things, I have a better understanding of what I need to do, the game doesn't crash, quests are total mindless grinding and I like the dark feel. Even though I feel great about the game...I feel alone.l Very very very very alone.

10 days come and go....I got another 1 somehow and I decide since I could fail to be able to login again I will decide. And decide I did, I decided that Neocron: Dome of York wasn't worth it. I had to find a seller for the game (which accounting services couldn't help me with...search me see posts), I felt alone and no-one really could answer me what the hell was the matter and why was whatever was the matter not fixed??...it was clear the lack of players was due to the piss poor attempt at marketing, offering and usage in the states. SO I quit after only 11 days....

Neocron new version comes out.

I sit and I spy....I wonder and read forums. I read about click2pay and all the other things that can go wrong. I toy with the idea, download the update for my domeofyork installer....I wonder maybe the trial. I find this time around they got smart, need to use a creditcard and it is up to me to stop the payment for the game. Still in the forums I read this billing company is all wacked....no sellers in the US and again the trouble with no euro driven sales. (note to dev: send me a box full and i will sell them out of my garage..that has to be better then what you got going)

So since I know someone has read this far....looking for input.

1. Has neocron improved some of the issues I have discussed?

2. Why should I play? Has neocron as a game taken a bit of a relook at itself and improved some of the utterly lacking aspects?

3. Has the stockmarket become something that works like a stock market?

4. Is it worth an american's time to even attempt to play on the english server? More to the point, is there a player base that makes it worth while to even attempt to restart again? Or just plain bluntly, does this game have an english community at all or is it just another server for euro's?

5. If there is a player base on the english side..how is the guild/group structure? Do the players have a chance to really effect their faction, their stock marker, battlefield and/or other aspects of the game? Or is the game still made up of people playing multi-characters to make up for the lackings or short comings of player numbers? put bluntly - is there anyone really doing anything or just doing a different form of grinding?

6. Have the fixed some of the errors, bugs, crashes and down right painful clitches?

7. Why shouldn't I play again? Simple enough question if you would just give me an idea of the reasons I should steer away from neocron.

8. Is it worth it? Do you feel in the long run neocron will hold my attention or is it just going to become yet another waste of time? because while i liked killing spiders, 2months of spiders got REALLY REALLY old and then aggressor capts for another 2months got old..keeping that in mind is it just more of the same?

9. Is everything so damn ass hard? TechHaven while it rocks is the most poorly designed thing I have EVER seen that doesn't have some basic signage to help a brother you know market to the mall in the middle...that crap still crap?

10. Anything I missed?...is there some great upgrade feature that I haven't heard or commented on? Neocron as I recall it wasn't the greatest game out there...it was the greatest concept...if you have read all this and commented on the above..why are you still here?

Toying with the idea of rejoining....very intertested in feedback..please post, send directly to me or however it feels good to you.

30-12-05, 08:17
1. Has neocron improved some of the issues I have discussed?

Improvements ive seen since nc1 which i played since beta and quit and replayed several times: More quest, more items to be obtained through quest,hacking, and using other players instead of 90% of stuff comming form tech parts. Population on Terra is alright. Not quite what I remember from nc1 towards the end of my days, but enough to get things built, poked, researched etc. and enough to pvp and group with. Hacknet while somewhat bland is avilable now, and is an exciting concept but lacking.

2. Why should I play? Has neocron as a game taken a bit of a relook at itself and improved some of the utterly lacking aspects? see above

3. Has the stockmarket become something that works like a stock market?
I never did anything with the stock in neo 1 or now, but ive heard people say its working better now.

4. Is it worth an american's time to even attempt to play on the english server? More to the point, is there a player base that makes it worth while to even attempt to restart again? Or just plain bluntly, does this game have an english community at all or is it just another server for euro's? On terra, the server designated as english, I very rarely ever see anything else besides english spoken.

5. If there is a player base on the english side..how is the guild/group structure? Do the players have a chance to really effect their faction, their stock marker, battlefield and/or other aspects of the game? Or is the game still made up of people playing multi-characters to make up for the lackings or short comings of player numbers? put bluntly - is there anyone really doing anything or just doing a different form of grinding? Anti city factions have been attack pp almost every day of my 10 day free trail, anti city have attacked mb while i was there, and pro city have rallied to fight them off. I havnt seen any op wars since I came back though, so i cant comment on those. Again stock market, I know nothing about. Also you now have faction support managers which effect what each faction can buy, so you have to rely on others or make alts to get gear form the other factions.

6. Have the fixed some of the errors, bugs, crashes and down right painful clitches? to put it bluntly no.

7. Why shouldn't I play again? Simple enough question if you would just give me an idea of the reasons I should steer away from neocron. I find the pvp to be very exciting verus alot of other mmo's, and neocron is unique in its fps/mmo style.

8. Is it worth it? Do you feel in the long run neocron will hold my attention or is it just going to become yet another waste of time? because while i liked killing spiders, 2months of spiders got REALLY REALLY old and then aggressor capts for another 2months got old..keeping that in mind is it just more of the same? You must have done somthing wrong. on my 10 day free trial account i have 3 characters which are almost beyond the agressor grind and one that is passed it.

9. Is everything so damn ass hard? TechHaven while it rocks is the most poorly designed thing I have EVER seen that doesn't have some basic signage to help a brother you know market to the mall in the middle...that crap still crap?

Nav-ray is majorly improved. It shows about 10 categories with each cat being further divided into 10 or so subclasses.

10. Anything I missed?...is there some great upgrade feature that I haven't heard or commented on? Neocron as I recall it wasn't the greatest game out there...it was the greatest concept...if you have read all this and commented on the above..why are you still here?

Im here because as soon as I get my spy up to par again, imma be sniping my enemies. And as soon as I get my Pe back up to par Imma be back to running a mok around anywhere I can get some action.

Overall if you didnt enjoy the first neo there probably hasnt been enough upgraded to make you enjoy it now. If you enjoyed it the first time, but needed some time off, then there enough new stuff to make it worth comming back to try again.

Just my opinion.

31-12-05, 02:36
Well thank you very very much for the feedback

I had a cig, sipped a beer and slowly recalled all that I could...

I have decided that since i liked the old neocron that i should give the second (third) a try.

Do you know if there is a discount or anything for people who bought the first one?

31-12-05, 02:50
Not that im aware of.