View Full Version : Dilemma

28-12-05, 15:44
I have a dilemma. I did the Mr. Jones quests and then found a place with a lot of mobs and killed until I was lvl 10 so I could do a quest from my faction. That quest was a short delivery quest and now I have to wait another 10 lvls before I get a new one. What am I supposed to be doing? Are there other people who give missions or am I just supposed to find a place to hunt and grind? Please keep in mind that I am not complaining, just trying to get the most out of the game.

28-12-05, 15:47
check any city com terminal (including your app's hometerm) for short delivery, trader or kill missions, preferably to your own faction.

Mr Kot
28-12-05, 16:16
The fun of the game is to explore.

When you become more experienced, you will level very quickly... sometimes to the point where you could have done the next 2 missions and didn't realise.

In the meantime, you could be concentrating your efforts into building a good setup, getting some nice weapons made that you will be able to use shortly and earning some cash to keep yourself in ammo / armour / equipment. When you get to the point where you are on your penultimate epic mission, you can do other missions too. One of them being the combat quad quest.

There is always the iceflash / amphidextine run too - depending whether you're on the side of the dome of the city. Talk to the NPC who stands outside the ProtoPharm HQ (or Black Dragon)

28-12-05, 17:24
get yourself a good weapon and maybe buy some armor
go to plaza 2
check the citycoms and take aggie captain missions for your faction (hard missions)
take the chests and leg implants that the captains drop and sell them in plaza

you'll get fast xp and money that way. Ask in local chat if anyone want to team up with you - you're getting more xp and money (and often getting healed) in a team

good luck

29-12-05, 02:08
Do I sell the implants to the venders or players? By the way, thank you very much for the tips. This will help a lot.

29-12-05, 02:53
There is vendors in crytons that Sell and buy bone imps > sell to them ;)

29-12-05, 20:50
Great, thanks Foo.