View Full Version : Runner Locations

28-12-05, 11:05
If anything this idea should be put on Neptune (when it gets sorted out that is), or just all the servers; the ability to allow you to lookup the locations of runners via the CityCom. Pretty much keep the interface as normal, but when looking up the details for a runner, list the location he/she is in as well. This extra information could possibly be paid for through an NPC that gives you some sort of quest complete status for a certain amount of time, say 3 real hours of gameplay, before resetting itself forcing you to pay for the service all over again. The runner locations obviously shouldn't be shown unless you paid for it (thought I would remind Reakktor of the basic logic behind this... since they'll probably forget about it totally and accidentally let everyone be able to do it for free :p)

John Wu
28-12-05, 11:20
this was in wayyyy back. and was taken out for a reason ;) its too easy to grief someone with that feature.