View Full Version : Wtf Is Wrong With Payments!!!

24-12-05, 01:50
i payd my account today, i got confirmated about my accounts (2 of em) got payd, they opened like they should. so after 5 hours of playing i had to relog and WTF my another account keeps saying my account has been expired?!?!

24-12-05, 02:05
Looks like Spermy wasn't the only one.

I guess C2P is having that time of the month again.

24-12-05, 02:17
I have the same problem with PayByCash. Emailed support...nothing yet, don't expect to be playing tonight.

24-12-05, 02:29
aye same with me.

24-12-05, 02:36
I also reactivated my account via PBC, but no payment confirmation and my account isnt active so i dunno whats going on with my account either :(

24-12-05, 02:41
the problem is that kk gives a shit how crapy this "pay-services" work.
for example. i had to pay the game + 3 month play time... twice. now after 2 months, 3 mails and 2 phone calls they still dont got it right..
is it so hard to manage payments? it is....

24-12-05, 10:01
Funny how the many many many Click2Gay threads that have been started since the beginning of this month haven't been merged. It would draw more attention to it all for the random people browsing checking the recent posts. I know how you feel though, my account is currently expired too. Click2Gay is unable to draw funds from my account, says Reakktor, although there's nothing wrong with my bank account, and i've been using the same debit card since I first started playing nc2 beta, not to mention I recently bought 4 books off amazon UK with it. :p