View Full Version : old time neo 1 player

19-12-05, 01:40
I played neocron from beta till about 1 year later. I stopped following the game about the time doy was gonna be released.

Now I come back and I am confused on a few things.

First my account from neocron will it work for neocron evolutions?
Are neocron 1 and evolution players able to play together or are they totally seperate games?

19-12-05, 03:39
nc 1 is over

ur characters still exsist however but only with what they are carrying on them (amour brain bone and QB)

if u get a nc2 accound u can have ur characters transfered from nc1

evo's are major overhaul patches on neocron to clean up stoof. so to speak. all nc 2 characters are nc2 everybody has to play evo 2.1 because its just what they call it when they do a big patch

19-12-05, 11:11
Download NC2.1 or buy retail NC2 then download patches.

Email account@neocron.com to get them to transfer over your NC1 chars to your chosen NC2 server TERRA is Mainly English server.

These chars come with same skills NO cash except that awarded for level think around 200k was cap , Armour Implants excluding Epic rewards i.e. MOVE ON, PPR. and your stuff in Quickbelt as at the Database snapshot taken back in September. NO GOGO , NO INVENTORY , NO APARTMENTS.

29-12-05, 01:26
I did Download NC2.1 and then download patches. And sent an Email account@neocron.com to get them to transfer over my NC1 chars to NC2 server TERRA the Mainly English server. And it worked like a charm.

And now I have a gentank in crahn that is so lonely. And need some company for sure. Not easy to find someone to group up with. But sooner or later I will have some clan hopefully! Trying to do some symp missions atm but they are hard to solo. And my pistol spy he has it a bit more easy since he is in Biotech and has the LE in. Done with the epic there and cruising around getting genreps all over the place! Though not fun to have 115 research with a shitty TL90 research tool, did not a tool since it was in the gogo, lost in the move from NC 1. Hopefully I have a clan to join with him, talked to a nice Clan leader in a nice Biotech clan named Ragnarok. So far I have to say I enjoy my return to NC 2.1 and will be around for a while for sure, been playing since beta 3 and still love the game. There is no other game like NC :)

So hope to talk with you all ingame on the Terra server!

Felakin Equlibrium - Pistol SPY 49/46
Felakin - Gentank 55/56