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View Full Version : Question: DRE Epic, Max in OZ8

16-12-05, 09:46
I'm trying to redo the DRE Epic (did it in NC1) but the last time I did it OZ8 was closed while KK were re doing the prison and Max was stood just inside the entrance to the wastelands

Well I went there last night expecting to still find him there and almost got fried by the guards.

I've made my way into OZ8 via that little tunnel (OZ2 I think) but I have no idea where hes going to be, does anyone know?


16-12-05, 10:01
He is now in OZ5. Get there from OZ4. BradSTL's Outzone Map (http://nc.synergyxr.net/files/maps/bradstl-outzone.jpg) is probably the best way to find your way there.

16-12-05, 15:38
As you zone from oz4 into oz5 there is like a hut infront of you , He is inside there behind a wall . 9 times out of 10 he fighting muties and such so he might be dead .

16-12-05, 16:35
Sorted- thanks

16-12-05, 16:36
Thread moved.