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13-12-05, 20:22
Dno how much people from pluto still are around.. or how many people remember the nerd stories.. but atm they are almost all reposted @ the THN..

Direct link to the THN forum thread (http://www.techhaven.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1771)

NERD rox! last posted chaper i read even has niddy in it :p

as i quote

A few however had gone to the public ‘FORUM’ and had been a bit stupid. So it was with no great surprise that they found themselves booted into the street outside Diamond Real Estate. Moments later a giant hammer wielding menace stalked out after them. Well, I say hammer, but what I really mean is the worlds largest Sledge. It was about 2 metres long, with a 1 metric tonne hammerhead on the end, the entire surface of which was covered in spikes.
The 3 perpetrators shrinked away on their hands and asses as Niddhog stomped forward.
“I don’t care whether its your day off or National Morons Day. This is MY FORUM. And in here thy shall obey The Commandments!!!” Lightning crashes. (feel free to play the mp3).
“Oh great Niddhog, wielder of the Mighty Hammer of Bannage, we fall prostate before thee.”
“That’s protrate, not prostate. Your prostate is the thing you weren’t controlling in there when you pissed on the wall.” Nid corrected.
“Errr… Oh great Niddhog, please enlighten us once more as to The Commandments of the Forum”
“Very well….” And the people did cometh to the foot of Niddhog, and there he bestowed upon them the 10 Commandments of the FORUM.
“1. You shall fear no other MODS before me, for I R Nid, And I will whoop thou spurious asseth with this great Hammer.”
2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in Neocron, or that is in the servers beneath: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I Reakktor Media am a jealous Company, visiting the iniquity of the lawyers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that pirate me; And showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commands and pay their subscriptions.
3. Thou shalt not misuse the name of Neocron, or its EGOS or its MODS, for we are cranky and don’t like it.
4. Thou shalt not have any other MMORPG before Neocron
5. Thou shalt not double post
6. Thou shalt always have a valid point when posting
7. Thou shalt not flame.
8. Thou shalt have a dictionary handy when posting, for 1337 is not a language, it be a headache in waiting.
9. Thou shalt not powerpost
10. Thou shall read NERD

Obey these commands and it shall go well with you. Break these commands and though shalt be struck down smitily to your 4th reroll.”
And all the people went away with renewed fear and awe of Niddhog. (NERD Note: Special thanks to Niddhog for helping to write these commandments, particularly # 2)

13-12-05, 20:31
Heh those stories bring back some memories, did anymore happen after i quit? (over a year ago)

El Barto
13-12-05, 22:25
ah yes, I remmeber it well, also, sex0r da killer and da crazeh

13-12-05, 22:30
I didn't find NERD funny :wtf:

I remember him, but meh just didnt give me a chuckle....

Am I a freak ?

13-12-05, 23:15
Speaking of funny.

I miss Phunqe

13-12-05, 23:22
Speaking of funny.

I miss Phunqe

Deffinetly agreed :p

14-12-05, 00:33
lol, Phunque was a crazy sweed, so am I so I'm his replacement, now laugh at me :(

14-12-05, 00:35
no more crazy stories about GeF :(

14-12-05, 00:41
lol, Phunque was a crazy sweed, so am I so I'm his replacement, now laugh at me :(

*pokes with a stick*

You smell funny. I don't like it... :'(

14-12-05, 01:32

Im the crazy guy around here :(

I have the name.

14-12-05, 01:34
yea. but im the lunatic with a plasma torch :D

fun stuff, those NERD article things