View Full Version : [OT] - Any help would be greatly appreciated!

13-12-05, 00:11
I hope these kinds of threads are allowed. Doesn't really hurt anyone O.o

Anyway, I have a few friends among the Independent Gaming developers, and they've made an FPS game that kicks quite a bit of ass if I may say so myself (website here (http://www.darkhorizons-lore.com/news.php)) and the player's choice award is coming up, so I was hoping if you could help me out give the game a nudge.

Downside to this is that I'm not asking you to simply click on something, the board requests a registration, which is sort of a pain but anyone adept at his browsing can do it under three minutes while multitasking with something else (like playing Neocron :p).

If you could do me a favor and vote for Dark Horizons: Lore Invasion, I would greatly appreciate it, as I'm sure my friends would as well :)

Link to the poll: http://gametunnel.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=512

If you decide to help and vote - Thank you :)

13-12-05, 11:33
*Steals the line*

Play lore :p

Does indeed rocketh yer socks off. I play from time to time when I'm not NCing.