View Full Version : evo 2.1 storyline start

11-12-05, 14:28
Close this when its been found but i cant seem to find the thread which tells us when the official storyline begins.

Can anyone tell me when it starts or where the thread is, thanks.

11-12-05, 14:37
12th i believe

11-12-05, 15:02
thats tomorrow ? strange to start a storyline on a monday imho when people work lol.

i thought it was yesterday.. but err i can't remember lol. isn't it in the announcement forum ?

11-12-05, 15:41
KILLER']thats tomorrow ? strange to start a storyline on a monday imho when people work lol.

i thought it was yesterday.. but err i can't remember lol. isn't it in the announcement forum ?

Heh - thats when they work too! ^^

paolo escobar
11-12-05, 21:14
silly to start the story line 2 days before ppls 14 day trial runs put, and possibly 2 days after many other ppls trials have run out.

Ok so they might be banking on new subscriptions from returning vets, but to do this they better make it one hell of a story line.

11-12-05, 22:50

Global Storylineevents incoming :
11./12.12.05 , start arround 6 pm
(mars - merc - terra (i think arround 9-10pm CET - depends how long the other servers will need))

more infos you will find in the mags :

www.votr-mag.com (http://www.votr-mag.com/)
www.neocronicle.com (http://www.neocronicle.com/)
Does that mean those times on each day or what?

11-12-05, 22:59
so it should start today or tomorrow?

I hope it is today, im bored. :D