View Full Version : Buying game if already have?

09-12-05, 03:02
Its taking too long for NC to get back to me through emails so mabe some players will know. I have a NC2 account already ( which means i have had to pay the €25.82 charge already for the game already ) but now i want to activate another NC2 account to bring the NC1 characters over, but to do this i gota pay the one time fee of €25.82 to buy the game again?

10-12-05, 04:45
or actualy buy the game for like 10 euros =P

10-12-05, 05:33
each nc2 account requires its own account-key... you cant buy one copy and create multiple accounts with it - each accounts requires one nc2 key / box.

I'd take ZoVoS advice and try to get ahold of a box somehow.. much cheaper than turning a trial into a full acct... and this way you also get a neat box / map / manual :)