View Full Version : colour coded gene replicators

08-12-05, 16:46
To add to the stack of suggestions made for this game already...

I noticed how difficult it gets sometimes to pinpoint where you want to go if your generep is filled with different locations. Ordering them is great and it works well, but every now and then you go to some place that you don't regularly go to and it's a bit of a hassle finding it on your list of locations in the generep screen.

So my suggestion is that it would be easier to find out where you want to go if the generep locations were colour coded. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, here is what I'm thinking of:

http://img466.imageshack.us/img466/1492/grcolor9wz.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

Now of course this particular list is very short because I took the screenshot from a character I made yesterday, but if you imagine all the genreps on that list, it can get pretty long.

Anyhow, thanks for hearing me out :cool:

Ras Klaat
08-12-05, 16:51
thats a pretty good idea, sometimes in a rush i tend to gr to the wrong place :lol:

08-12-05, 17:00
Ye nice! :D

08-12-05, 17:01
I'd rather simply see doy orange, neocron green.

08-12-05, 17:17
it would require a bit more work than what you are proposing..

but Iīd much rather have the genereps shown in different colour, depending on if you can :

-Gr through without synaptic (clan outpost gr) <- Green
-Gr through with synaptic (open gr, non clan) <- Yellow
-Canīt Gr through (closed gr, non clan) <- Red / Black

then we can put your idea onto all other grs, since this only applies to outpost grs (+/- canyon reloading point).

08-12-05, 17:31
-Canīt Gr through (closed gr, non clan) <- Red / Black

To get this one going might be iffy - I believe it asks for permissions. To have this in would mean querying every GR ingame that was in your list, and could probably make using the GR a slower process.

08-12-05, 17:42
Oh, my friggin' gosh.

I LOVE the idea of color-coding according to danger. LOVE IT!

How about simply Full-Color for open, gray and dim for blocked gr?

That way, we get BOTH types of information in the same window!

08-12-05, 17:51
I like the idea of colour coding the list, but colour coded to indicate whether the GR is closed or not is going a bit too far.

If you die know, you have no way of telling which GR is open, so sometimes you have to pick a GR that may not be open. Thats what the map is for!

I would like to see the GR's colour coded by type - eg.

Green - All NC Gr's including Outzone and HQ's
Orange - All DoY GR's including HQ's.
Blue - Neutral/Open GR's (Point Red, El Farid, Tech Haven, MB GR's etc)
Red - Lab's
Yellow - Factorys
Brown - Mines
Purple - Uplinks

08-12-05, 18:00
If you die know, you have no way of telling which GR is open, so sometimes you have to pick a GR that may not be open. Thats what the map is for!

Brilliant argumentation

08-12-05, 18:03
Brammers, your argument makes no sense!

One cannot open the worldmap while dead.

08-12-05, 18:42
Brammers, your argument makes no sense!

One cannot open the worldmap while dead.

Ok I may had said it bady, but what you said is exactly my point! If you die, you play roulette with the GR list in hoping you go to a open GR, otherwise you end up at the apartment.

So why should you see some extra information (Like when the GR is open) when you are dead?

08-12-05, 18:47
Id love to see them in some kind of structure. Theres nothing worse than when your on the run from a mob of enemy players, you reach the genrep and you get owned cos you cant pinpoint a good genrep. If they were color coded to show which ones you could actually get through, would save a lot of trouble.

D.J. Dreek
08-12-05, 18:57
So why should you see some extra information (Like when the GR is open) when you are dead?

Because its a game. Its the same reason why you're allowed to come back and play AFTER you've died. There are more valid reasons to mark a generep closed (or even display a message that you cannot rep there after choosing it) than there are for you to be sent to your apartment when you didn't want to go there and did not have access to your map.

Yes, you're dead. No that shouldn't give you map or security privledges. But it makes sense.

08-12-05, 19:20
Perhaps another idea would be Genreps you cant genrep to are removed from the list.

Or maybe have 2 groups in the list "GRable" and "non-GRable".

08-12-05, 20:20
Well you could have GRs that you can't GR to separated by a horizontal separator and all the GRs below that would be in grey.

By the way the colour scheme I was personally thinking of was something more like this:
White: Apartment
Turquoise: Viarosso
Light green: Plaza
Red: Pepper park
Gold: Outposts
Light gold: Non outpost wasteland GRs like desert race track, el farid, CRP, etc.
Blue: Tech haven?
Orange: DOY sectors

But I think that's too detailed in general, the main idea is just to have some easily identifiable structure to the GRs

The thing I'm wondering is just exactly how immediately feasible is this type of thing, in terms of being able to program it into the game. And I figure the less programming it takes the easier it would be to implement, so in the eyes of a reakktor employee it would be a 'good' suggestion, even if it may never come to pass.

08-12-05, 22:13
Well you could have GRs that you can't GR to separated by a horizontal separator and all the GRs below that would be in grey.

By the way the colour scheme I was personally thinking of was something more like this:
White: Apartment
Turquoise: Viarosso
Light green: Plaza
Red: Pepper park
Gold: Outposts
Light gold: Non outpost wasteland GRs like desert race track, el farid, CRP, etc.
Blue: Tech haven?
Orange: DOY sectors

But I think that's too detailed in general, the main idea is just to have some easily identifiable structure to the GRs

The thing I'm wondering is just exactly how immediately feasible is this type of thing, in terms of being able to program it into the game. And I figure the less programming it takes the easier it would be to implement, so in the eyes of a reakktor employee it would be a 'good' suggestion, even if it may never come to pass.

Unless they have changed something i believe CRP is controled by the GR settings of crycrow(SP?)

09-12-05, 01:23

Awesome idea Marz - love the visual ;)

09-12-05, 01:24
Unless they have changed something i believe CRP is controled by the GR settings of crycrow(SP?)
Correct. CRP is not a Public GR - tho we've been begging for it to be forever.

09-12-05, 02:20
Personally i think the CRP gr is bugged, GR rules shouldn't be be zone wide they should be GR specific.

09-12-05, 07:00
it would require a bit more work than what you are proposing..

but Iīd much rather have the genereps shown in different colour, depending on if you can :

-Gr through without synaptic (clan outpost gr) <- Green
-Gr through with synaptic (open gr, non clan) <- Yellow
-Canīt Gr through (closed gr, non clan) <- Red / Black

then we can put your idea onto all other grs, since this only applies to outpost grs (+/- canyon reloading point).

Now that would be nice... seeing which ops are locked so you dont have to run to a cc everytime you want to go lvl.

Or just bring back old gr rules ... (!) :)

Anyway nice idea!

09-12-05, 07:45
how about this, tag in a few extra values into the rpos.ini that allows people to specify different colours for different states of a gr.

09-12-05, 12:52
Correct. CRP is not a Public GR - tho we've been begging for it to be forever.

Well i think originally it was to do with ninja hackers hence why it stayed closed as part of the op....

Infact wasnt the whole lock down gr idea generally to do with ninja hackers?

I'd rather most grs were open, they give the op a gate and then you can set that gr.... i dont think you should be able to lock of entire zones to people it makes it dull sometimes having to run 8 zones because theres no public grs... either that or place 1 or 2 more public grs around the place and delete a few other grs that are less used.

09-12-05, 13:31
I think the idea is good, but having 12 different colors won't really do much,
keep it down to two or three colors and then were talking.


All you need really.

09-12-05, 13:40
Having to colour the closed ones, I say again will slow it down, I'm positive.

My thinking:

When you select a gr - you contact it and synch to the zone. When the GR is closed, you select it, contact and i tells you it is closed, you get your message.

With the closed status as a colouration in the list - you would have to query EVERY GR in your list for it's status/ not so bad for one person.

Imagine there's 20 or so people using a GR at any given time. They All have to query EVERY Gr in thier list to get the open/closed status, regardless of whether they go there.

Imagine that again at higher pops. It'd be like 30 or so people ALL trying to communicate with the same gr at once.

Make sense?

09-12-05, 14:11
Great idea, and oh, great selection of colours ;)


09-12-05, 14:54
Now that would be nice... seeing which ops are locked so you dont have to run to a cc everytime you want to go lvl.

Actually, you don't ahve to. The World Map will tell you all you need to know.