View Full Version : Australia and latency/ping

08-12-05, 04:58
I've been watching Neocron evolve for many years buy I'm yet to actually give it a go. Everything I read about it during its infancy sounded very exciting and exactly the sort of thing I'd like to see in an MMORPG.

I am considering downloading the trial to check it out, however I am worried that it will be pointless as there are no Australian servers.

Will overseas latency cause problems if I'm involved in a battle with other players?
Are there any plans to have an Australian server in the future?
Are there any other Australian players who can comment on their own experiences?

08-12-05, 05:37
Will overseas latency cause problems if I'm involved in a battle with other players?

In general, to me, it doesn't matter if you have a 370 ping (which is what I get) or a 100 ping. There is no lag between item switching, which is most important. And the way the games' combat system is setup, much unlike CS or another FPS, latency doesn't have much effect on combat at all.

Are there any plans to have an Australian server in the future?
Not anytime in the near future. All the server are currently based in Germany. Though there were plans for an American server, it never happened. There's simply not the market for an Australian server at the moment. And even if there was, it would mean the current Australian players would have to somehow move their characters across to it (which I doubt ReaKKtor would allow) or start anew.

Are there any other Australian players who can comment on their own experiences?
*Points at location.

I'm currently on Telstra ADSL 512/128 if that helps any.

edit: Also the main problem with playing Neocron from Australia is that we are generally online when the Americans are going to bed and the Europeans are just waking up.

08-12-05, 06:19
Wee, another Aussie.
would be nice to have more around - so theres more people on when i play :P

I find myself getting anywhere between 300 and 500 ping. both are fine, however if i hit 700 or so, there can be definate slowdown of item switching/ firing, etc.

I am on exetel 512/128 adsl, crap. :(

I do find it hard to pvp, i know they are casting/shooting quicker, switching items quicker, but i also suck at pvp in this game, so as Sultana said, if you are decent it shouldnt matter too much.

Give it a go, its an awesome game.
It has some bugs, some major bugs, but if you fall in love with the game, you better hope you dont get too pissed when dying or crashing out. :P