View Full Version : Me likey

04-12-05, 12:05
Just realised why I liked this game so much :p


I was around Gabanium yesterday, noobing around a bit, and I see a tangent Tank. "I'll have some of that!", says I. Run towards him With my STORM out ( Yes, I know - piss poor for Phayse, but I appear to have lost My rares - and my Moveon - but thats a story for another day :p)

Out comes the storm, now - I'm not wearing Camo PA, I'm not carrying a swirly and he's too far away to see my rank. He's got a swirly out. What does he do? He shits himself! I fire and he bugs out.

So I'm wandering around having a shootabout at hover bombers etc... and along comes this monk, I don't see a swirly - and I can't see his rank, but he hasn't got his ewok threads on... doesn't look like too much of a challenge...


He attacks me and I lose a chunk of health :p what do I do? I shit myself!


I lovesh it! I like the uncertanty of it, when you can't see the rank and you have to decide to split because he's too much for you, or stand yer ground. It's ace!

Cheers for reminding me those two people types :)

oh and PS

Keep ranks as it is - only have them display at closer ranges makes those indoiscriminate killers unable to see who to avoid, and adds that uncertainty in yer gut when you see a red coming your way.

04-12-05, 13:25
yeah I love the uncertancy added in the game. you never know when you should carry on fighting or make a break for it.

I also like stalking runners i find in the wasteland, so they never quite know who or where i am. See them, shoot a few blasts at them, dive behind a tree. Stealth or what ever, never to kill them but just to make them paranoid.

04-12-05, 13:45
Was just at MB - after a melee tank. Little bugger was zoneline whoring and I chased him through...

Into an APU :P