View Full Version : Mouse sensitivity

04-12-05, 11:45
So why did they cap mouse sensitivity, I liked my mouse very fast it helped me track fast moving players, now I feel like I'm having to struggle at times.

Changes like this really annoy me :mad:

I have window mouse settings to max speed and ingame at max speed, ok its not that bad but when fighting more than one person it can feel slow to me.

04-12-05, 11:55
So why did they cap mouse sensitivity, I liked my mouse very fast it helped me track fast moving players, now I feel like I'm having to struggle at times.

Changes like this really annoy me :mad:

I have window mouse settings to max speed and ingame at max speed, ok its not that bad but when fighting more than one person it can feel slow to me.

Anything you can change in the editable files? I'm a bit lost myself - I can't hunt Lil bastards under these conditions! :p

04-12-05, 11:59
Anything you can change in the editable files? I'm a bit lost myself - I can't hunt Lil bastards under these conditions! :p

Well I'm pleased I'm not the only one who had noticed it, I was expecting people to go "huh" :wtf: or flame me with "awww stupid pker can't kill everyone he wants"

/edit I guess I could adapt over time, perhaps work on my movement a bit more so I'm not getting hit as much but it really takes the piss they would mess with things that effect some peoples playstlye

04-12-05, 12:06
I don't think it was intentional, but it is f**kin annoying against the faster targets, especially for reticle users.

04-12-05, 12:15
More reason to sort my monks spells out today

04-12-05, 12:38
MouseSensitivity=It's in /ini/player.ini
Not sure if it will go higher than the 'cap' ingame though.

04-12-05, 16:33
Yeah, don't really understand this change... - Although I had to up my windows sensitvity in NC2 as well, never mind evo.

Asurmen Spec Op
04-12-05, 16:48
It still feals the same for me

04-12-05, 17:51
It will only feel different if your use to and used high mouse speeds, its the turn rate I don't like, you can now only turn around so fast befor your view spaz's out.

Asurmen Spec Op
04-12-05, 18:00
It will only feel different if your use to and used high mouse speeds, its the turn rate I don't like, you can now only turn around so fast befor your view spaz's out.
I do use a high speed mouse......

04-12-05, 18:53
Not a high speed mouse (such a thing does not exist in those terms anyway), but high speed sensitivity.

I used to always crank mine to the max so I could turn as quick as possible.

Was that removed? ............

04-12-05, 19:06
Not a high speed mouse (such a thing does not exist in those terms anyway), but high speed sensitivity.

I used to always crank mine to the max so I could turn as quick as possible.

Was that removed? ............

Aye thats what I meant and yes it seems to have been reduced >.<

04-12-05, 21:38
max mouse speed ingame != going into options and moving the bar to max.
max mouse speed = /set ctrl_mousefac 100. Try playing with that LilT, you'll stop complaining. :p The options max is equivalent to like /set ctrl_mousefac 2. Try 2.5 or 3, it'll help a lot. If you find that's perfect, make an sms for it, for example ... +sms a /set ctrl_mousefac 3 . so just type /sms a or ... ctrl-shift-a...? (I know there's a quick command for it) so you can set your mousefac when you start teh game. Basically, if it's over 2, starting the game resets it to 2, so you have to reset it. It's always been like that. I used to use 8 or so when duelling in 3rd person with a SH.

04-12-05, 22:11
Cool, now I can play with my mouse sensitivity as high as it is in CS:S :)

04-12-05, 22:36
max mouse speed ingame != going into options and moving the bar to max.
max mouse speed = /set ctrl_mousefac 100. Try playing with that LilT, you'll stop complaining. :p The options max is equivalent to like /set ctrl_mousefac 2. Try 2.5 or 3, it'll help a lot. If you find that's perfect, make an sms for it, for example ... +sms a /set ctrl_mousefac 3 . so just type /sms a or ... ctrl-shift-a...? (I know there's a quick command for it) so you can set your mousefac when you start teh game. Basically, if it's over 2, starting the game resets it to 2, so you have to reset it. It's always been like that. I used to use 8 or so when duelling in 3rd person with a SH.

I love fast mouse speed ^^ hope this works

04-12-05, 23:25
I love fast mouse speed ^^ hope this works

At about mousefac 20, you touch your mouse and you've done a couple of 360s. It works.

This has been in the game since retail NC1, btw.

If you want it to always work without having to change it...

Go into Neocron2/ini/player.ini

These are your settings. See MouseSensitivity=255? (or another number)... change it. It'll always load as long as you don't mess with mouse sensitivity with the in-game options. Or you could always change it to read-only by rightclicking player.ini, going to properties then at the bottom enabling the check-box "read-only". Then again, this is the ini that makes the "resume" button dynamically change to whatever the last server/character was, so read-only might not be a good idea if you have multiple chars and/or multiple servers.

05-12-05, 00:36
Yup works thx much, found setting it to 3 is perfect for me and 200 is just nuts :lol:

05-12-05, 02:26
Yup works thx much, found setting it to 3 is perfect for me and 200 is just nuts :lol:

Yeah I use 2.5-3 depending if I'm using rifles or pistols/spells.