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02-12-05, 15:43
Would it be possible to open in read only for a limited time some sections of the boards that were closed?

I'd like to save some texts that were published in "les Terres Brulées".
I think some of us would be happy to have the opportunity to save on their computer some of the RP texts published there.

I would have done this before if you had announced the closure of the forum but I couldn't imagine you'd close it without any notifications.

Thanks in advance for your answer.

02-12-05, 17:17
Actually, an annoucment was made but a bit too early for the whole french community to be aware. And yes, having the french forums in read only would be cool. Our history is there.

02-12-05, 20:00
This may be useful especially for searching purposes (e.g : npc location, old patch notes etc). About the "Terres Brulées" section, I'm afraid you're probably one the only rare remaining french-speaking users to be interested in roleplay, Jerto :(

Maybe they could enable it in the search script results while not placing any link on the new forums main pages to respect their new look.

02-12-05, 21:45
I'm afraid we won't be re-opening sections of the French forum. If there's a particular thread you're interested in (and can identify it accurately) then I'll see about mailing you it's contents. This is a limited time offer - sorry but we have to move on.


03-12-05, 00:38
Well, nevermind.
I'll manage to keep on living without these texts ;)

Thx for the answer.

03-12-05, 01:57
Damn... there is an old thread i started in "Les Terres Brulées" that i would like to get, i guess it's the only thread i opened there, was about vampires stories and such... could it be possible to get it mailed?

03-12-05, 02:01
I guess you can just only PM Nidhogg about it if you want a particular thread mailed to you. Try to specify which thread archive you would like to get, and don't ask for the whole Forum part ;)

03-12-05, 06:54
Et surtout, n'oublie pas de dire Merci !