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01-12-05, 20:48
Please post your technical issues and bugs into this thread. Concentrate on reporting and avoid any unnecessary discussions, please. Thanks.

01-12-05, 20:50
Haha, the second i hit "enter" on the login screen, my game crashes, the nc screen freezes on my monitor and all i see is my windows mouse cursor. Can't do shit then and gotta shut down.


01-12-05, 20:50
Alt-tab in wastes = crash
Slow ass weapon reload (is really annoying in pvp, not a bug tbh)
water on highest setting drops fps like mad.
Defence against people trying to kill u: sl loss (please add a system where you can kill anyone who did more than 10% dmg to you without penalty)

01-12-05, 20:50
hoping this is a bug not us been sold short but, the ammo models are still all the old ammo models.

Logan Tyrus
01-12-05, 20:53
the in game forums are empty (not added yet?)
and when i choose neocronicle on a citycom it throws me out to the login screen
z-index messes up a bit on the vegetation too!

01-12-05, 20:56
Please post your technical issues and bugs into this thread. Concentrate on reporting and avoid any unnecessary discussions, please. Thanks.

You mean like every file from 150th patch being broken? then after downloading them again, half of them still broken? I'm still downloading those files again lets hope third time lucky!?

Also there's my graphics issue dateing back months, but Tech is aware of that and are currently working on it i believe :)

01-12-05, 20:59
some of the downloads have been corrupt try a different mirror

01-12-05, 21:00
changing weapon is very slow, got a synch where my whole PC froze which has never happened before

01-12-05, 21:02
Small gfx bug. Look at the collision between the Termi and the body.


01-12-05, 21:02
hitting neocronline or what it is in citycom makes you popback to login screen

and SL thing is pretty fucked, vampire sayd the right solution for it.

allready have -45 becouse i defenced my self

01-12-05, 21:10
it wont let me connect to the server at the login screen. i hav got to change a ip or something as it is pissing me off. i hav tried with lots of accounts and i could connect last night

01-12-05, 21:11
You can no longer abort a reload and switch to anything else, wich is kind of
annoying, plus the reload seems to take longer.

01-12-05, 21:12
Solution for the sl problem: if someone shoots someone else, change their status to hostile for 1 minute to everyone (kinda like it is in world of warcraft with the pvp flag)

01-12-05, 21:34
Where's the gamma setting? It's so dark even with brightness all the way up. Before, altering the gamma slider sorted it right out. Also NC seems to override my gfx card gamma setting, so changing the whole pc's gamma doesn't have any effect. Also I'm getting between 60-80 in an UG, zone up and it drops to about 10-15. You can't PvP with 10FPS in an empty sector lol. Anyone got any suggestions? LOD and veg distance are full down, fog distance as close as it cab get and still able to see more than 3 feet.

To everyone having problems with it freezing when trying to connect/resume, try your anti-virus settings. I had this problem too turns out my av was not accepting the setting to allow when NC triggered it, I had to manually configure access before starting NC.

01-12-05, 21:50
On Login when i got to my char selection not a single one of my chars faces was there with info just char names.

All my tanks had bugged skins, like npc green skins, sure someone in plaza 2 seen my tank with green skin or bad skin.

01-12-05, 22:04
How i see it now, the new SL system is complete and utter shit without a flag system when you get attacked.

And that reload bug fix is pretty idiotic aswell, monks will rule even more now.

Bugs i encountered:
Water KILLS fps.
Most NPCs got a weird skin issue, even with max gfx settings and everything.
Big lip still around.
And my spy went from ~200k to zero cash. :(

01-12-05, 22:20
Zoning makes stops vent from working for 30 secs, get a lot of bugs where i can't changed weapons, and synching takes a lot longer

01-12-05, 22:23
way to dark outside when it's night (i know that sounds stupid but i cant see two feet infront of me) and that's with brightness up full. no gamma slider :(

01-12-05, 22:31
Most NPCs got a weird skin issue, even with max gfx settings and everything.

Getting that and its quite annoying only happens with some NPCs as most misc faction NPCs are fine.

01-12-05, 22:33
lots of old icons are blurry

01-12-05, 22:33
doy bots are hostile to all, i guess. At least to BD :)

01-12-05, 22:42
1) When attemping to rep out, sometimes I get a HUGE delay (I.E i can run around the zone, then i zone back to apt) Or I get SI and I dont rep out.

2) while HC weapon reloads I cannt switch to another item or heal etc(not sure if a bug or if its meant to be this way)

3) getting over 60 FPS in the OZ at full detail and no slowdown in water (must be a bug :p )

01-12-05, 22:47
For people having problems seeing anything, ALT + TAB go into your windows video settings and turn the gamma up, when your happy with the level ingame save a profile for the settings.

01-12-05, 22:48
some people become invisible for whatever reason

01-12-05, 23:47
Haha, the second i hit "enter" on the login screen, my game crashes, the nc screen freezes on my monitor and all i see is my windows mouse cursor. Can't do shit then and gotta shut down.


Same thing here. I'm locking up completely after clicking log in. The game completely locks my system up preventing me from even CTRL+ALT+DELETING it. I gotta reboot my computer each time I try to log in otherwise I get to stare at the neocron log in screen in frustration while it does nothing. I dunno what to do. I got newest drivers for my vid card as well as newest directx. Prior to this update it didn't do this. So *shrug* Feedback would be nice?

My specs:
P4 3.4 GHZ
3 gigs of ram
Nvidia Geforce 6800 gt pro pci express

01-12-05, 23:53
Whenever I go into a highly populated area (even if I don't see anybody) my game returns to the login screen. Highly fucking annoying, since it basically means I can't log into my main character anymore.


01-12-05, 23:57
the mutant mobs in regants that run around like crabs don't do dmg

EDIT: P.S. I want my damn halloween prizes alrdy !!!!!!1111

02-12-05, 00:14
This isnt a bug, but its stupid. Put the option to REMOVE the vegitation onto the game, it kills my FPS even more now ><

02-12-05, 00:21
the big fat trees (eg the ones near cycrow), would look 10x better if they had roots

02-12-05, 00:44
I'm taking a while to rep sometimes...not everytime. Can't narrow down what causes it when

02-12-05, 00:59
Ever since I got 2.1, my inventory and belt is all blurry (including Armor and Imps screens). I included an sshot:

Notice weapons 1 and 9 aren't blurry. Somebody gave me the fussion cannon (Slot 1) since I had 2.1, but I've had the plasma rifle (slot 9) for a while. I'm not sure why only those two are clear

02-12-05, 01:05
Aye i noticed this too, it feels like KK's smeered some vasline onto the RPOS guessing its a resolution problem, ie icon's been redrawn by the game to the sizes of the old icons when in reality the new icons are bigger or smaller then they should be for those locations.

02-12-05, 01:12
its too dark please give us gamma correct back

reload is too long now on all weapons giving serious imbalance in favour of monks

weapons cannot be switched whilst reloading ie: no swapping to quick heal between clips with the auto reload kicking in at end of clip it causes serious problems.

poision from mobs in regents legasy does 0 damage oO had a screen full of stacks and taking 0 damage.

that buggy ass crappy rpos introduced in nc2 is still here please remove and replace with something properly

memory leaks still not fixed.

grass in area's around gravis doesnt always show up randomly appaeras and vanishs as you turn round.

can see the poly differences between different water polys now ie: if a puddle is made of 2 or 3 polys you can see the join lines etc.

NC clan appts (i know TT this is true) if you go into the room with the 2 rec units there is a light box square on the floor appears to be sitting on a different plane to the floor map its self ie: moves in parallax to the floor surface.

mirrors in appts no longer act as mirrors.

probably a few more i cant remember off head but only been around so far for about 3 hours will know more later.

02-12-05, 01:25
grim chasers seem to have the loot bug now - persecutors work fine now.
when zonin with a VHC all the loaded ammo goes down to zero.

02-12-05, 01:59
When I use the city com and went to Neocronical it sent me back to my log in screen. Did 3 times in a row so it is bugged somewhere.
My weapons look weird. Can't really identify them unless I click on them. They just look like dark blobs no matter where they are. :(

Logan West
02-12-05, 02:22
Anyone else having this problem? This includes the profession reward drone. It seems most of the drones lack firing sounds as well (they always did). I'm pretty unhappy with the MR-100,1000 drone sound, the old one was great, the new...sucks.

Is it possible to add or change sounds in Neocron?


Didn't see the bug thread, I added this there.

Logan West
02-12-05, 02:30
1. Ion Drones don't fire, including the profession reward drone.

2. Most of the drones still are missing firing sounds (makes them hard to use).

3. Everything that is a static graphic is blurry; this includes icons, meshes on building and other stuff.

4. There are trophies in an office in the zoo that take 20nc when you click them, what are they for?

5. Hallway leading into office above has a bad invisible wall in it.

6. Drones still randomly switch view point upon launching or exiting the mode. VERY annoying bug.

02-12-05, 02:36
Thread moved. The new forum structure is going to take some getting used to for everyone. ;)


02-12-05, 02:38
Thread moved. The new forum structure is going to take some getting used to for everyone. ;)


You'd think the one that came up with it though would learn to follow it :D

02-12-05, 02:42
Rofl infighting, puts nid, odin and snow in the fight cage and lets them work it out NC style.

02-12-05, 02:43
I'm partly to blame - I've been staring at it in the wrong forum all night and only just realised. :p


/me slaps himself for posting off-topic.

02-12-05, 02:44
hehe, bet ur knackerd nid as ur Mr PR, this must be causing a few stress thresh's for u.

02-12-05, 02:44
The new trees are sexy... but their collision boxes are *huge* :( The red area is the collision box 8|

02-12-05, 02:46
*ponders how FN mapped the collision box*, clearly not photoshopped as u wouldn't have taken the time to do it translucent and cut out the trunk

02-12-05, 02:52
haxx FN!

Anyway, NC2 "reboots" my computer when running in window mode after a while (20-xxx minutes of playing).

Logan West
02-12-05, 03:06
One big one I forgot to mention. When patching, I downloaded the patch from a mirror and placed the content in the patch dir, but it didn't seem to matter, it downloaded the stuff anyway...

Also, during the patch my computer rebooted suddenly, very scary.

Is there any way to edit the sound in NC, I noticed the new sounds have been added to the sound directory rather than the old sound.pak. What format are thoe pak_sound.wav files? I cannot seem to open them in my sound studio software? I really don't like the new sounds for most of the stuff.

02-12-05, 03:10
Thats cus there a compressed version, and im sure you rembers KK policy on editing, changing game files apart from ini files.... insta ban

02-12-05, 03:17
Dunno if this was like it before , but today (after servers went live) i changed faction from CM to TSU and ALL DoY guards and TG guards are red to me (and i have NO -fs for any faction) , so i thought i try a complete log out/reboot maybe that would fix it (as i didnt after i changed faction) , but alas they are still all red to me they draw guns but dont shoot.

02-12-05, 03:52
*ponders how FN mapped the collision box*, clearly not photoshopped as u wouldn't have taken the time to do it translucent and cut out the trunk
Photoshop's Polygon Tool for the win! I just traced around it quick with that - it's not like the tree's base is super curvy :p Notice I didn't bother with my character's curves.

Logan West
02-12-05, 04:32
Thats cus there a compressed version, and im sure you rembers KK policy on editing, changing game files apart from ini files.... insta ban

Didn't realize this, maybe I should ban them from charging my credit card for not adding drone sounds since the game was made three years ago...I'm very unimpressed by the new sounds, they are 1/16 the quality of the new models. Why do none of the drones have fire sounds except 1 type? Why do they use the pistol shot for drone launch, seems very lazy to me.

I deff won't do anything that is not allowed.

Three Strikes
02-12-05, 05:17
For me, if I or anyone near me casts s/d on anyone, I crash to login screen. This also happend if I fire a judge. Also, all tank models look like they are made out of medkits...

02-12-05, 07:29
i dont seem to be getting any buggs that anybody else is :S no ammo unloading when zoneing in vhc's no wierd water or stuf. maby its becasue my lod and fog disttance and everything is up full? and i can alt tab fine

the only thing i dun like is in dx 7 i get 9 fps no fatals

in dx9 i get 30-60 constant then crash if i stand still in one area to long. if i run about it seems fine

Richard Blade
02-12-05, 08:24
I played on and off for 7 hours. Had only a couple crashes.

Then, FRE everytime I try to log in. Both accounts.

Ran through tons of things to try and fix it.
Only thing that works is running DX7 instead of 9. sux.

02-12-05, 08:35
this forced vegetation, some say it doesnt effect their FPS.. mine literally cuts in half when i come across it... now i have to turn fog up and detail down to still not nearly compensate.

02-12-05, 08:44
this forced vegetation, some say it doesnt effect their FPS.. mine literally cuts in half when i come across it... now i have to turn fog up and detail down to still not nearly compensate.
gfx card? and dx version?

02-12-05, 08:50
Image 'biglip.jpg': Big Lip. Come on, it's old already.

Image 'spam.jpg': Trade Spam - Didn't do this with patch 145, broken with 146.

Image 'backpack.jpg': How about removing this so the GUI doens't have a useless button?

Image 'blurry_items.jpg': The Blurry Item issue - it looks like it only happens when images are resized - the full-size versions of items are clear for me. Is this a DirectX thing?

Image 'baldy.jpg': Another rendering problem. Move the hair up.

02-12-05, 09:18
One big one I forgot to mention. When patching, I downloaded the patch from a mirror and placed the content in the patch dir, but it didn't seem to matter, it downloaded the stuff anyway...

Also, during the patch my computer rebooted suddenly, very scary.

That's because you didn't delete the tmp patch file in your patch directory
When patching neocron trough the launcher, a temp file gets created. If that one exists the patcher will continue the download.

Is there any way to edit the sound in NC, I noticed the new sounds have been added to the sound directory rather than the old sound.pak. What format are thoe pak_sound.wav files? I cannot seem to open them in my sound studio software? I really don't like the new sounds for most of the stuff.
It's forbidden to mess with files afaik.

02-12-05, 12:02
Ok, not sure if this falls into techical issues but some trees look totaly out of place


Atleast put some grass around the root so it doesnt look like it's comming out
of nowhere, and the texture of the tree isnt inline with the rest of the zone.
Looks really out of place.


Not to mention it's kinda easy to hide inside the trees nowdays, they could use
some kind of collision testing here.

02-12-05, 12:41
NC2 stopped working on my Notebook

P2-450 / 384MB Ram / Ati Rage Mobility / WinXP SP2 (all patched) / Most recent GFX-Drivers (2 or 3 years old tho)
I was running in DX7 and 800x600 ... only had like 2-3 fps but that`s enough to tradeskill at work ;)

Now when i start the game i get a black screen and then windows again :-(

Guess i should not expect a fix for this as the system may just be too old :-(

02-12-05, 13:03
It is still possible to reload and switch to another slot to cast a spell.

And there's about a million trees and bushes floating in the air. Pretty much everywhere.
Oh and there's a big stone south of one of the gaya mine entrances that you can just run through.

02-12-05, 13:12
Yeah, I noticed that to begin with as well. Inventory items (especially belts) had become fuzzy. Me and TFC were wondering why they couldn't be bothered changing the flamer model/sounds, doesn't look like they could be bothered with drones either. Libby is alright compared to the Wyatt but the Wyatt is just pure annoying now, and some of the rifles seem a bit flat.

I'm not too impressed at the Combat Quad either. I was the first person to get it as far as I know and think I wasted 4hours of my time. The requirements are almost the same as a Scorpion Trike, and probably does the same amount of damage. I think it would have been better to turn this into a dext woc 1 or 2 item, you actually need a HC spy or PE to use the damn thing. You might be able to use it on an incredibly nerfed/drugflashed tank or monk (monk could use a M.O.V.E.O.N, Kri`Nakh Nightshade, Beast and X-Strong, can't be bothered checking for tanks). On the up side I enjoyed trying to complete the mission, apart from the fact I had to manually run to the corners of the world. Veerrry slow. I still beat people using vehicles though, heh.

Shame the big lip thing hasn't been resolved, if they were messing about with the models surely they could have sorted the big lip issue. The zoo is pants.

With vegetation distance on maximum I get incredibly crap fps, and on almost the lowest value I get decent fps, but still had to lower my resolution in the process. *sigh* heh yeah, I think most of us noticed you can hide inside some of the new trees. Although it takes away realism I would vote to leave them like that, it gives you a hidey hole to sit in for a moment.

Yesterday many people were getting annoyed at the incredibly slow syncing, or not being able to login at all. On most occasions it took me 15+secs if I was lucky to get into my apartment, and even then, it usually took 2 or 3 tries of being stuck in infinite sync to get inside. This was EXTREMELY annoying when I was at Regant Fortress and I tried teleporting to my apartment, got the usual bugged sync where it charges you the teleport cost, gives you SI, then leaves you in the same place, I then get stuck in sync. I relogin to find a tank starting to shoot me. It's shit like this that really pisses people off, especially myself. (before anyone asks the obvious question, no I wasn't lagging, my ping to the server was 47ms and wasn't getting any packet loss).

Trade spam... not much I can say other than... ANNOYING, especially where drones are concerned as you can't group them now. The main thing I hate is having the game hang up for a second when you buy over 200 of a particular item, I don't mind seeing a million "You paid 200nc." messages as most of them get moved from the chat window if things are being said on CUSTOM channels.

02-12-05, 13:12
No kid, we cant! :(

02-12-05, 13:15
No kid, we cant! :(
Nah, it's actually still possible. At least i can do it. o_O

Don't think it's intended, so no way am i gonna tell anyone how. :p

02-12-05, 14:51
I'm loving Evo tbh.
My only gripes are.

Rifle PE Weapon Bug - Any Rifle you carry on a PE with no PA on clips through your back, not majour but not cool looking :P
Lowtech Rifle and Pistol sounds - They are far too thin and low bass sounding, they should be louder and make more of a blasting sound.
How the Models hold weapons - although ive heared this will be fixed in the future, Models hold the guns quite unnaturally.


02-12-05, 15:00
Everytime i log into the game, i gotta try it twice. First connect to sever, no matter if "enter" or "resume" kicks me back to the login after about 5 seconds. Second try works fine then. Pretty fucking annoying.

Being a CM is pointless now as i'd be red all the fucking time. And y own guards WHO ARE NO COPS will pwn me then. Who made up that stupid shit?

Raygun weapons still are complete wank. Hitting a standing target works, on a moving person they do fuck all damage.

Executioner still got a weird bug, even with a closed reticle every few shots miss, they just go right through the target doing no damage.

Mob spawns are fine now though. At least something. o_O

My reveller 30mm cannon sounds like a goddamn pea shooter now.

Mr Kot
02-12-05, 15:20
Only problem i've noticed is the Neochronicle button on the citycom kicks me to login screen. I haven't tested this on DX7 yet.

1) When attemping to rep out, sometimes I get a HUGE delay (I.E i can run around the zone, then i zone back to apt) Or I get SI and I dont rep out.

2) while HC weapon reloads I cannt switch to another item or heal etc(not sure if a bug or if its meant to be this way)

3) getting over 60 FPS in the OZ at full detail and no slowdown in water (must be a bug :p )

1 is an old bug, 2 is a feature, 3 is just pretty damn good :)

02-12-05, 15:40
I fixed my previous problem (it was a problem in the patching process, a reinstall fixed it). But I do have two major problems (for me atleast) to report.

1. PE LIP BUG, It still exists!

2. DX9 vehicle bug still exists too! Comon KK, you made such awesome changes to DX9 lighting, why do you force me to use DX7? Please make this a higher priority :( .

02-12-05, 16:57
The sound of weapons/spells doesnt work, reload time is insane, and my friend went to -44SL in Regants Legacy for defending himself. Utter bollocks tbh.

02-12-05, 16:59
Direct X 9 polygon bug as shown on the Iguanas and the Scorpions (I have some other pics too).

And some bug with the smooth shading.

02-12-05, 17:09
Direct X 9 polygon bug as shown on the Iguanas and the Scorpions (I have some other pics too).

And some bug with the smooth shading.

What Graphics card are you using?

02-12-05, 17:38
GeForce 4600Ti, with the Nvidia Forceware 78.01 and Dx 9.0c

02-12-05, 18:13
Sometimes the lava in regants overlaps the grids that you walk on

Mr Kot
02-12-05, 18:47
Sometimes the lava in regants overlaps the grids that you walk onThat happens in DX7, when i changed to DX9 it looked ok

02-12-05, 19:11
Killling red/yellow SLpeople still leads to SL punishments.

02-12-05, 19:53
Killling red/yellow SLpeople still leads to SL punishments.

Which zone type were you in as i got some nice SL plussage yesterday when i killed a pesky NEXT worker in sector 3 ^^

03-12-05, 04:41
Which zone type were you in as i got some nice SL plussage yesterday when i killed a pesky NEXT worker in sector 3 ^^

Following normal faction SL loss/gain rules, obviously. But if you see a friendly negSLer, killing them will get you punished (in non-battlezeones)

paolo escobar
03-12-05, 05:25
Taking me multiple attempts to log into the game successfully on any of my accounts/chars.
Sometimes as much as 7 minutes before i log in successfully.

I am usually experiencing one or more of the following probs.
Perma sync
50/50 bug
No cash
Incorrect SL
Incorrect faction symp values
Inventroy/gogo bugs
Not being able to draw weapons/spells
Being able to draw weapons/spells, but them not being visable or usable (i know i'm drawing them because the weapon dissappears from my back, i only presume its the same with spells)

Also i've noticed longer sync time on zones and gring. sometimes i'm left waiting for 4 or 5 seconds at a gr before i warp.

03-12-05, 13:56

sometimes when you pullout a drone in 3th person mode, you will get this.

03-12-05, 15:15
Please fix TT 2nd to last mission so it tells you to kill one Biotech NPC
rather than two. It has F'ed up my SL and made me a bigger target to
the rest of NC.

03-12-05, 15:38
GeForce 4600Ti, with the Nvidia Forceware 78.01 and Dx 9.0c
Known issue with the GF 4xxx line of cards, can't remember how to fix it, but try and do a search on these forums, I'm pretty sure it was some settings under your graphic card

03-12-05, 22:46
antipara/antidote/anti-db spells are now all "weapons" according to secuity guards/safezone again.

04-12-05, 00:55
Boobs and guns ammo vendoir has some blank entities in the middle of the list before cannon ammo and after rifle ammo - just shows no picture and a zero for the price and name.

Mr Friendly
04-12-05, 02:04
I have completely Zero control with my mouse in window mode. cant move the cursor at log-in or in-game & cant aim or nething in-game, works normal in a normal reso though.

04-12-05, 03:15
see thread in english comm talk section called "too [edited] dark"

04-12-05, 06:02
1. Ion Drones don't fire, including the profession reward drone.

Same here.

3. Everything that is a static graphic is blurry; this includes icons, meshes on building and other stuff..

Same here.

4. There are trophies in an office in the zoo that take 20nc when you click them, what are they for?

For ... having you spend 20 nc :D

6. Drones still randomly switch view point upon launching or exiting the mode. VERY annoying bug.

Old one :(

04-12-05, 12:47
Massive delay from when someone says something (appears above their head), and it appearing in the communicator!

04-12-05, 16:41
Massive delay from when someone says something (appears above their head), and it appearing in the communicator!
again, old.

04-12-05, 17:03
Im getting the vehicle bug where you spwn a vehicle, drive it then get out and you spring back to your original position... you cant zone.

The vehicle worked for 3 zones then i got the bug, and am unable to drive any vehicles now. I know that if you revert to Dx7 it will fix the bug, but id rather the bug get fixed than for me to have to ue old drivers.

04-12-05, 22:52
The PEOPLE indicator dont update as quick as it used to if not worse than pre patch

just my 1 cent

05-12-05, 08:28
Whenever I'm running full screen, I can't login. After clicking ENTER or RESUME, it'll say "connecting to server" and then kick me back to the login. Over and over and over again.

However, when I'm in windowed mode, I can login just fine.

I have no clue wtf is going on...

(ports are opened to match local, firewall privs allowed, etc).

05-12-05, 14:39
Still lots of vendors at battle dome missing. 2 of em now say "Selling: not much tbh". Thumbs up for humor, thumbs down for not just fixing them.

Drones are bugged beyond belief, ion drones don't work anymore, every old drone bug is still around and everytime i drop a drone i can't start a new one without relogging. :(

and what about that stupid stutter casting bug? Is it allowed? Is it even intended? Because i see more and more people using it and it's quite annoying not seeing the rezz/hab going down. Though i like runcasting shelter on my spy. o_O
I'd love an answer about this, if not on the forums, some mod drop me a pm please!

05-12-05, 14:50
They tried nerfing run casting but failed.

I think the stutter cast is derived from that.

Oh and my sound still doesnt work.

05-12-05, 17:23
However, when I'm in windowed mode, I can login just fine.

Where the heck is that edit button...

Lemme rephrase that: Whenever I'm in windowed mode, I can get to the char select screen, and afterwards I'm stuck in permasync. Lovely, can't play when I want to :confused:

05-12-05, 18:45
Thanks for your reports so far. We are collecting every issue and will look into them to offer a proper solution within the further development process. Please note that not every issue can be adressed in a short time.

For players who still have serious technical client issues we recommend to use the new Neocron Evol 2.1 client install which solves some of the mentioned technical issues.