View Full Version : What is it...gfx...???

01-12-05, 19:43
I launch the launcher ended with patch 150, and now get a lot of ERROR with display as i understood, GFX errors, is it the display of the new entering and launching program ???

Anyone of u guys had this kind of error ?

Thx a lot.

01-12-05, 20:19
Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 8| ,

anyone with the same problem ???

01-12-05, 20:25
graphics are worst than before, either in DX7 or DX9 mode :(

TI4200 inside, though I was able too play with nice gfx in DX7 mode, I think I won't be able to do so anymore

Mr Friendly
01-12-05, 20:26
dont know bout this one, but if u have the cds, id just reinstall & re download the patches. (copying the patches b4 a reinstallation sometimes doesnt work, ull get alotta errors when patching, means u need to re download the patches)

01-12-05, 20:30
I had no error when patching, and game was running fine (as my other games are)

could anyone give here a screenshot of those now astonishing evolution ? I'd like to see this before leaving for good if I can't play anymore

01-12-05, 20:44
I just compared the 147 148 149 150 patches sizes in FTP and on my folder, they are same...

But i don't understand why those *.bmp files are missing, is anyone having the same problem or am i the only one ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Looks like,

'gfx\mainmenu\menubackdrop_1280x1024.bmp ...

those files are missing o_O :wtf: :wtf: o_O :( :confused: :eek: 8|

all bmp, all pics ????

Any Game Master could answer me plz ???

01-12-05, 21:09

any Game Master could tell me why i am the omly one who got this error ???


01-12-05, 22:33
Try running a file check if no good then try re-install the patches 147-150 from here direct download.


Put them in the patches directory and launch.

Maybe you got a corrupt download.
Good luck

01-12-05, 22:50
In fact it is downloading the files from the launcher so...

This is looking now that is the last file to DL...

Just have to wait...

I'll try your suggestions after... if it isn't working.

Thx a lot.

02-12-05, 12:15
no need for this, I forgot I updated my gfx card drivers, and that's the trouble

for all TI 4200 users, get back to 43.45 drivers and it just works fine (even if I lost mirror & reflections, that were nice in DX7 mode..)

03-12-05, 13:34
graphics are worst than before, either in DX7 or DX9 mode :(

(disclaimer: did not read any replies post this message.)

Graphics still look the same to me. They never said, they were revamping all graphics. Just a few add-ons to graphics ex: foliage.

04-12-05, 20:06
Ok now it is working nice, since i resinstalled all NC in each computer of a cyberlan, and now it works well with the gfx problem :).