View Full Version : Any action needed for 14 day free trial?

01-12-05, 16:22
Ok so downloaded the 2.1 files needed, waiting to patch it onces server are sorted, but what happens to my account, atm its not active, are KK going to slap on the 14 days free trial for us, or do we the customer have todo anything other than log in once servers are up?

The Ottoman
01-12-05, 16:29
I'm wondering about the same thing. My primary account expired a few days ago and my second one a few months ago. Just a couple minutes ago I sent C2P a mail to reactivate them. Crossing my fingers all goes smooth. :D

So I'm curious whether I can play tonight with my expired accounts. I will play for sure when the reactivation is finished. Just wanna know if I can play tonight. :D

01-12-05, 16:57
I'm wondering the same sort of thing.

I let my account lapse about this time last year after C2P managed to fuck something up.
After 2 days of chasing back and forth I reached the point of "fuck this for a lark - I *really* can't be bothered any more", and just let the account die in peace.

I'm not looking forward to having to deal with C2P again, but (being optimistic) maybe someone has beaten some sense into them over the last year with a big Clue [tm] stick.

01-12-05, 17:22
How do I get the 14-day trial started? :rolleyes:
there's nothign to click that says 14 day trial for old, cancled, members. :rolleyes:

01-12-05, 17:26
Seems a little odd for sure, I mean did they go through a database of old accounts that are inactive and just pick them out and said "right come the 1st Dec, these accounts will become active for 14 days at 6pm GMT ?

01-12-05, 17:31
afaik they just work. if not, i'm sure they'll tell us wsup

01-12-05, 17:39
I tested my account ealier and mine has been inactive since end of september.

I could log into NC before they even shut the servers down for the patch

01-12-05, 17:40
it's confirmed then. Hf playing everyone :D

01-12-05, 17:43

01-12-05, 17:55
Heres an answer from Carnage in the german community talk look (http://forum.neocron.com/showpost.php?p=1907786&postcount=2)

Carnage's answer (roughly translated):
All inactive Neocron 2 accounts (with the exception of locked(banned) accounts) will be switched to active state for 14 days beginning with the restart of the servers

Or just read this (http://forum.neocron.com/showpost.php?p=1907994&postcount=1) sticky.

01-12-05, 18:04
Heres an answer from Carnage in the german community talk look (http://forum.neocron.com/showpost.php?p=1907786&postcount=2)

Carnage's answer (roughly translated):
All inactive Neocron 2 accounts (with the exception of locked(banned) accounts) will be switched to active state for 14 days beginning with the restart of the servers

Or just read this (http://forum.neocron.com/showpost.php?p=1907994&postcount=1) sticky.




01-12-05, 18:08
Feb 02 :o

1 hour to go..

Just wanna see them new guns lol

01-12-05, 18:09
I'm wondering the same sort of thing.

I let my account lapse about this time last year after C2P managed to fuck something up.
After 2 days of chasing back and forth I reached the point of "fuck this for a lark - I *really* can't be bothered any more", and just let the account die in peace.

I'm not looking forward to having to deal with C2P again, but (being optimistic) maybe someone has beaten some sense into them over the last year with a big Clue [tm] stick.

C2P made me leave as well, was frustrated with the game anyway but they were the proverbial straw.

01-12-05, 18:50
On the subject of clicktopay or whatever they called, why didn't KK use Clickand buy.com ? These are world known and are perfect for this, all customers worldwide can use this without problems at all, for me being in the UK, I could use 3 different methods of paying, either CC or any major banking cards "switch/solo etc" or setup up Direct debit, or even use BT phonebill, as they are owned by BT "British Telecom"

Seriously KK check them out, far better than paybycash or click2pay

Clickandbuy FTW

P.S they handle all Itunes.