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View Full Version : Evol 2.1 Upgrade Mirrors

01-12-05, 15:44
To keep the Neocron 2 Patcher from overloading, mirrors for the patch download have been made available. Our thanks go to all community members and game sites that have agreed to host the upgrade.
The upgrade is a self-extracting archive (117 MB) with 3 large patches. Extract it to your Neocron2\patches\ folder and run the patcher. Due to the size of the patches, it may take some time for the patching process to finish, please be patient and wait for it to finish properly.

Upgrade Mirror list: (more mirrors will be added soon)
MD5 hash: d25913345d81cd206af98b49fe33dfae

dome-of-york.com (http://dome-of-york.com/download/) (Official)
Filefront.com (http://files.filefront.com/Neocron+Evolution+21+Patch/;4414733;;/fileinfo.html) (USA)
Krawall.de (http://www.k-files.de/download.php?action=details&dlid=1577) (GER)
4players.de (http://www.4players.de/4players.php/download_info/PC-CDROM/Download/44929.html) (GER)
ikemp.com (http://www.ikemp.com/nc21upgrade.exe) (USA)
surffi.net (http://pelit.surffi.net/~finl/neocron/nc21upgrade.exe) (FIN)

Client Mirror List: (more mirrors will be added soon)
MD5 hash: 6f6ccb603369cfb5d174ea67c5c3535a

dome-of-york.com (http://dome-of-york.com/download/) (Official)
Filefront.com (http://files.filefront.com/SEARCH/;4415824;;/fileinfo.html) (USA)
Krawall.de (http://www.k-files.de/download.php?action=details&dlid=1577) (GER)
4players.de (http://www.4players.de/4players.php/download_info/PC-CDROM/Download/44930.html) (GER)

01-12-05, 15:47
So I guess you didn't update the NC2 client mirrors then? some people with slow connections may be really angry having to download the client, all the patches up to 146 and then Evo 2.1. :rolleyes:

01-12-05, 15:49
Thanks ! :D

01-12-05, 15:50
We have a new client but the mirriors aren't up yet since it was only completed last night. They should become available throughout the day and tomorrow.

01-12-05, 15:50
Very fast ... good work :)

/E noooo :(
Extracting cp000147.pat
Extracting cp000148.pat
CRC failed in cp000148.pat
Extracting cp000149.pat

/e2 hmm dled it again from the 2nd mirror and im gettin the same crc error as before o_O

/e3 seems to be only on the 2nd mirror.. the file from the 1st and 3rd mirror has no error

01-12-05, 15:57
Proud to be host...hrhrhr...:D

Logan Tyrus
01-12-05, 16:00
i got that too 148 didnt work :(

01-12-05, 16:01
i got that too 148 didnt work :(

Me too. :/

01-12-05, 16:02
mirrors 1 and 3 work mirror 2 is shafted

01-12-05, 16:04
downloading at 110 kb/sec <3 it

01-12-05, 16:08
Can somone post a MD5 sum of the exe file please from Mirror 3.

Once I've verified the file, the Tech Haven Network will have the patch for download for registered THN members only.

01-12-05, 16:08
mirrors 1 and 3 work mirror 2 is shafted

I downloaded number two grrr, oh wells :angel:

01-12-05, 16:10
Removed the corrupted oberkrass.org link and added èéasmastorm.info, which also has the full client.

01-12-05, 16:10
Oh god, I didn't think this would happen. I still have 5 hours left in school :( .


01-12-05, 16:10
Heh, also took mirror 2.
But what the h... with a speed of 220kb/s i can wait :D

- Nap

01-12-05, 16:11
they removed that link only 2 hosters have it atm.

01-12-05, 16:12
downloading at 110 kb/sec <3 it

Hehe, nice but I'm downloading at a steady 234kb/sec :lol:

01-12-05, 16:12
Can somone post a MD5 sum of the exe file please from Mirror 3.

Once I've verified the file, the Tech Haven Network will have the patch for download for registered THN members only.

if it holds speed i have it down in 11 minutes, so if you can tell me how to make an md5 sum of it :p

or did you mean the KK guys make an md5 sum of what it is supposed to be, so you can verify that the thing you already finished downloading is infact right, then I cant :p


Hehe, nice but I'm downloading at a steady 234kb/sec :lol:

I swapped my 2 mbit / 128 kbit line out with a 1 mbit / 512 kbit about 2 months ago, so my max download is 128 kbyte/sec atm, so 110 kb/sec is about as good as it gets for me :p

01-12-05, 16:13
i'll have the file in 2 mins 479.9k/sec

01-12-05, 16:14
i'll have the file in 2 mins 479.9k/sec

Wow, your sig is xbox sized.

01-12-05, 16:14
Bleh i downloaded the broken one....
downloading now at 230kbs from the 3rd one

01-12-05, 16:15
Mynes Installed just got to wait for the server to come up in 3 hrs now :/

01-12-05, 16:15
Ok heres the MD5 sum for it:

[MD5:] d25913345d81cd206af98b49fe33dfae

There are some dodgy versions out there, some seem to be corrupted so have a check!

- Delphi

01-12-05, 16:16
Oh, rekktor, by the way, nice job on actually keeping a first deadline!

01-12-05, 16:17

01-12-05, 16:17
If you are a registered user of the Tech Haven Network, you can download the patch file from http://www.techhaven.org/

1. Goto http://www.techhaven.org/
2. Login with your THN username and password.
3. Click on downloads and follow the links to the Evo 2.1 patches

01-12-05, 16:18
so this new cave you say thats been added.. can you give a hint what kind of item we can get from the bossmob i assume is there..

or some spoiler thing about the mobs or just the boss or something..

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaseeeee :)

01-12-05, 16:20
Lol Im Owning You All!!!!!

Im Getting 1.5mbs On Th Network!!! I Luv U Brammers!!!!

holy shit my ISP is owning this morning...it just keeps rising...3.78MBS now...4.44... and its steadily rising :wtf:

//edit...oh damn there it goes back down to my 78kbs :eek:

01-12-05, 16:20
they prolly make it special so u dont know untill u go there and find out lol

01-12-05, 16:20
Can somone post a MD5 sum of the exe file please from Mirror 3.

Once I've verified the file, the Tech Haven Network will have the patch for download for registered THN members only.

dont have an md5 sum unfortunatly

01-12-05, 16:20
as for the MD5 we have compared the THN one with one that works, and its the same, so it can be taken as the right one!

[MD5:] d25913345d81cd206af98b49fe33dfae

01-12-05, 16:21
Ok heres the MD5 sum for it:

[MD5:] d25913345d81cd206af98b49fe33dfae

There are some dodgy versions out there, some seem to be corrupted so have a check!

- Delphi
d25913345d81cd206af98b49fe33dfae nc21upgrade.exe

(just noticed that this one has excellent speed ,2.45M/s, kudos for donating bandwidth)

01-12-05, 16:21
*moves his hands over the patch file in a mysterious way* I sense that its going to be based around arachnids that or we may be gettin the big worms back an that would be frickken cool. Think i'll have a lookie at the patchlog when it loads that should give us a few hints until we're in.

01-12-05, 16:22
Guys open the launcher it looks well cool now.....:cool:

Dribble Joy
01-12-05, 16:24
When I finished DLing, I might whack up a torrent.

01-12-05, 16:25
http://neocron.plasmastorm.info/evo21/ : Service Unavailable .. ups? :D

01-12-05, 16:25
Guys open the launcher it looks well cool now.....:cool:

yours changed??

mine just loaded the new website...

nothing changed except the appearance of the site it has in its little window.

01-12-05, 16:25
when i finish DLing i might be sad, its gonna be right after i gotta run my little ass off to school :(

*cough cough* im feeling sick all of the sudden o_O

01-12-05, 16:27
yours changed??

mine just loaded the new website...

nothing changed except the appearance of the site it has in its little window.

yeh thats what i ment.

but i use that neocron network launcher so it has new skins for my launcher aneways.

01-12-05, 16:28
*cough cough* im feeling sick all of the sudden o_O

Cough cough I was Ill off uni today ;)

01-12-05, 16:30
yeh thats what i ment.

but i use that neocron network launcher so it has new skins for my launcher aneways.

didnt think that one worked for neocron2.

EDIT: gonna be some looooong 2 and a half hours...

01-12-05, 16:35
Hehe, only got patch 147 to 149 in that upgrade file. And the server version is already 150 :) Thats the quickest hotfix ever. 2 and a half hour before the server are back up and running :D

01-12-05, 16:39
And off i go to uni to dl it. Though i ain't got a clue how to get it here then, can't burn CDs there. :(

01-12-05, 16:39
didnt think that one worked for neocron2.

EDIT: gonna be some looooong 2 and a half hours...

yeh it works for NC2 cos its on the website and it says it supports NC2

cant read the site cos its in german but i get the basic features.
and upgrades.

being able to Copy and paste from channel to channel

/nnl help system ingame

launcher skins about 9 available

winamp controls

mIRC - IRC over NC

SoundExtension - addiontal sounds added for words like "ahhhhhh, lol, hehe, hmmm" etc.

automatic Logfile Backup

Announcement system

Ingame status - Char/Server etc. how many people running under NNL2

Teamspeak remote control - Ingame

01-12-05, 16:39
http://neocron.plasmastorm.info/evo21/ : Service Unavailable .. ups? :D

It means -> Server are full ;)

01-12-05, 16:41
Hehe, only got patch 147 to 149 in that upgrade file. And the server version is already 150 :) Thats the quickest hotfix ever. 2 and a half hour before the server are back up and running :D

where the bleep do you find the 150?????

Mr Kot
01-12-05, 16:42
I used the 3rd mirror. Everything was fine.

I got a steady 116 KB/sec and it was all done in under 30 mins.

All patched up :)

01-12-05, 16:43
On the other hand...i better wait for the hotfixes before i go to uni. :lol:

01-12-05, 16:44
where the bleep do you find the 150?????
Start your Launcher, and youll see ;)

01-12-05, 16:44
I used the 3rd mirror. Everything was fine.

I got a steady 116 KB/sec and it was all done in under 30 mins.

All patched up :)

how did you patch it?

mines just keeps an empty screen when i press the login in the launcher so it goes to the autoupdater that usually patches it..


Start your Launcher, and youll see ;)

yea saw that after i read your post and i had replied, but it still doesn´t say where i can download it from.

edit 2:

are we gonna get patchnotes to these new patches soon or at some point??

some of us are keeping records :p


01-12-05, 16:54
that patch 150 wont be available till the server is back up.
the patch hasnt been put on the ftp.neocron.com/nc2retail (ftp://ftp.neocron.com/nc2retail) yet so you'll have to wait for client to go up

01-12-05, 16:56
that patch 150 wont be available till the server is back up.
the patch hasnt been put on the ftp.neocron.com/nc2retail (ftp://ftp.neocron.com/nc2retail) yet so you'll have to wait for client to go up

he i see you updated the url :p

Scanner Darkly
01-12-05, 17:02
Downloaded at 900kbps from Plasmastorm, thx! Hope I don't get in trouble for this at work ;)

See you all this evening...

01-12-05, 17:03
500kbs ftw

Obsidian X
01-12-05, 17:04
Damn you all, the biggest thing to happen to NC and here I am stuck at university! My halls block NC totally, so any chance of me playing Evo 2.1 before weekend has gone for a burton. :mad:

01-12-05, 17:05
Due to the size of the patches, it may take some time for the patching process to finish, please be patient and wait for it to finish properly.

Just how long should we wait? and are there any tell tail signs it's finished? Like a "It's done" sign or it closing itself? As my autouploader is just sitting there looking pretty :) saying "Connecting to server" although my launcher has changed colours :D

hmm , downloaded from mirror 2 , patched to 149 , yet when i start launcher says Your Client version 146 , server version 150 O_o , so will this update when servers are back up?

I was about to ask that too...

01-12-05, 17:05
The free upgrade package will be released on December 1. The first and largest part of the upgrade will be a 200+ Megabyte patch. We are currently looking at alternative distribution methods besides the patcher to reduce the load on said patcher.

So Patch 150 is around 80mbs?

01-12-05, 17:06
1st dead, 2nd, corrupt, 3th dead.

01-12-05, 17:07
hmm , downloaded from mirror 2 , patched to 149 , yet when i start launcher says Your Client version 146 , server version 150 O_o , so will this update when servers are back up?

01-12-05, 17:14
Patches 147-149 are now available on the regular patch ftp server, too.

Patch 150 will be available on the FTP/Launcher as soon as our final tests are completed.

edit: Patch 150 comes at about 13 MB and is meant to "finalize" the whole Evol 2.1 package. Since creating a new distribution takes some time, the new Neocron2 setup ships with version 149. Patch 150 includes all final changes.

01-12-05, 17:17
woot! well done Codi Im sure I speak for us all when I say thanks to all you guys for delivering this on time! And I just cant wait to load it all up!

01-12-05, 17:17
i mean even tho i patched to 149 , yet on launcher says my client is 146 , so does this mean i have to download again or it will reconise my client is 149 when servers go live ? (sorry rly am a newb at this crap -.-)

01-12-05, 17:17
whee the new website is actually online now :D

01-12-05, 17:18
Patches 147-149 are now available on the regular patch ftp server, too.

Patch 150 will be available on the FTP/Launcher as soon as our final tests are completed.
Yay! :D

01-12-05, 17:19
patchnotes are not on website anymore ?? :S

good thing I have my own.. but I still need the notes for the new patches..

01-12-05, 17:20
Anyone else getting loads of 'TYPO3' Database connection errors on the new website?

01-12-05, 17:20
Anyone else getting loads of 'TYPO3' Database connection errors on the new website?

yes, but they vary from time to time on what menu you go into, so they are working on it at the moment.

01-12-05, 17:21
Anyone else getting loads of 'TYPO3' Database connection errors on the new website?

yes, but they go away when I refresh the page

01-12-05, 17:24
Patch 150 will be available on the FTP/Launcher as soon as our final tests are completed.

Final tests at this stage? I sure hope you guys stocked with battery today....

01-12-05, 17:26
i mean even tho i patched to 149 , yet on launcher says my client is 146 , so does this mean i have to download again or it will reconise my client is 149 when servers go live ? (sorry rly am a newb at this crap -.-)

No, you don't need to download them again. It will work as soon as we make the last patch available.

01-12-05, 17:26
i mean even tho i patched to 149 , yet on launcher says my client is 146 , so does this mean i have to download again or it will reconise my client is 149 when servers go live ? (sorry rly am a newb at this crap -.-)

It will update it self....your fine....

First Patch Day, aye?



pwned by Codi.... :o

Dr J Zoidberg
01-12-05, 17:27
I'm in biology right now... and i;m so hyperactive im about to burst !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dont let me down KK :P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P


01-12-05, 17:28
.... if i cud upload this file to my FTP fast u cud get it from me skusty

01-12-05, 17:29
Bah, 1hour 55mins till the client downloads full... better start brewing some tea then? Geeze I hope i dont go over my limit down loading this thing...

01-12-05, 17:29
.... if i cud upload this file to my FTP fast u cud get it from me skusty
Nah, i found out that it was not corrupted, it just finished on 2 -3 seconds lol :lol:

01-12-05, 17:30
thank you , now i can sit back and watch Doom ;)

The Ottoman
01-12-05, 17:30
I'm in biology right now... and i;m so hyperactive im about to burst !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dont let me down KK :P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P


Muahahahaha!!! ;)

I downloaded mine in 5 min at a average speed of 419kb. :cool:

01-12-05, 17:33
Muahahahaha!!! ;)

I downloaded mine in 5 min at a average speed of 419kb. :cool:

Someone in Phoenix downloaed the patch at 1 meg/sec from the THN!

Bah my 512k ADSL 30 mins to download....

01-12-05, 17:35
Muahahahaha!!! ;)

I downloaded mine in 5 min at a average speed of 419kb. :cool:
Now it's time for me to own you, i took it down on 1minute and 30seconds on 880Kb second. ( I got 10mbit fiber btw )

01-12-05, 17:42
yop there it is.

01-12-05, 17:45
155mbit mirror in finland


01-12-05, 17:45
Going to ftp://ftp.neocron.com/nc2retail/ and clicking on patches 147 to 149 and saving them directly in /Neocron2/patches - folder, works nicely.
(In case anyone is having problems with the server mirrors, on page 1 in this thread).

Got the files as fast as my 1M DSL could take them (around 115 Kb/s). So far, so good :lol:

01-12-05, 18:01
Anyone got any idea when 150 will be avail for dl?? :confused: I am all confuddled now... O_o

01-12-05, 18:02
I get this error patch 150 not founfd on ftp?

01-12-05, 18:02
i think it will be just small patch. They made it that (i think) so people wont hammer the loging server too much at the same time.

01-12-05, 18:03
Going to ftp://ftp.neocron.com/nc2retail/ and clicking on patches 147 to 149 and saving them directly in /Neocron2/patches - folder, works nicely.

Try that?

01-12-05, 18:03

01-12-05, 18:04


yeah was my mistake I miss read it was 150 :P looks like down till servers up?

01-12-05, 18:13
dled it from plasmastorm, 56.3MBit/sec, 100mbit dumps ftw

01-12-05, 18:16
my link is uploading around 1000-1900kb/s at the moment.

seems that my line aint gonna end soon :)

01-12-05, 18:25
From the THN at 120kbps first time ive maxed my connection, lol

Bah cant patch without 150 i wanted to read the patchlog! :p

Any chance of some patch notes? lol

01-12-05, 18:44
has mirror 2 got a working version yet or am i wasting my time on it?

01-12-05, 18:57
has mirror 2 got a working version yet or am i wasting my time on it?
Mirror two works yes.

OMG, Downloading 150!!

01-12-05, 19:00
Patch 150 is on the FTP.

01-12-05, 19:05
Got it, lets PLAY!!! :D

01-12-05, 19:17
Right, since plasmastorm.info is offline.
Anyone got another link to download the whole package from?

01-12-05, 19:23
Right, since plasmastorm.info is offline.
Anyone got another link to download the whole package from?

Yeah, another mirror for the whole client.

Vae Victis
01-12-05, 19:31
lol downloading 360 kb/sec, love it

01-12-05, 19:33
Evo 2.1 is sexy!

01-12-05, 19:56
Do i really have to dl the old Neocron 2 client and patch it up to Evol 2.1?

Add working mirrors for the Evol 2.1 client...

02-12-05, 01:30
Can someone host those files on a bittorrent server please?

The file I just got was corrupted and I'd rather not download through http/ftp again. Torrent would eliminate corruption problems, reduce strain on web servers and possibly provide better download speeds. Smaller bandwidth bills too.

02-12-05, 01:58
Can someone host those files on a bittorrent server please?

The file I just got was corrupted and I'd rather not download through http/ftp again. Torrent would eliminate corruption problems, reduce strain on web servers and possibly provide better download speeds. Smaller bandwidth bills too.

Torrent caused so much flak last time I doubt that will happen again.

02-12-05, 03:12
I'm going to redownload from official ftp server as separate patches so I won't end up with 3 broken files because couple bytes got corrupted.

The 2.1 is relatively small but imagine telling someone that he has to redownload the updated client on his slow connection again.. If bittorrent is out of question for political/pr/whatever reasons then maybe providing the full client alternatively as multiple smaller rar files would be possible.

02-12-05, 05:23

ultimate-hq.info #1 (http://evo21.ultimate-hq.info) - Quickdownload ("Services Unavailable" -> Server is Full)

ultimate-hq.info #2 (http://www.ultimate-hq.info/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=16&mode=&order=0&thold=0) - U need a registration but the server speed is > 10Megs / s

02-12-05, 13:06
For all the Bittorent'z0rs:

ulTiMaTe-HQ Torrent Tracker (http://ultimate-hq.info:6969/)


03-12-05, 03:36
For all the Bittorent'z0rs:

ulTiMaTe-HQ Torrent Tracker (http://ultimate-hq.info:6969/)


Nice throughput (at least for the nc21upgrade).

04-12-05, 12:24
the client download at 4players.de has corrupt files and im not paying filefront to download it there >_<

04-12-05, 18:33
so far ive downloaded 4 clients from links foudn here (2 official) and all are corrupted, lol if its this much trouble to the game no wonder so few ppl play it

04-12-05, 18:46
Sounds to me like your RAM is busted.

Asurmen Spec Op
04-12-05, 19:02
so far ive downloaded 4 clients from links foudn here (2 official) and all are corrupted, lol if its this much trouble to the game no wonder so few ppl play it

Ofcorse, it must happen on everyone else too right?

04-12-05, 19:02
so far ive downloaded 4 clients from links foudn here (2 official) and all are corrupted, lol if its this much trouble to the game no wonder so few ppl play it
Did you stop to think that maybe if you've got the same problem from 4 independent sources that the problem might be at your end? Please post the names of these sources then we can see if anyone else has managed to install ok from there.


04-12-05, 22:52
Thanks to Scabby - the ultimate-hq.info download installs nicly :)

04-12-05, 23:04
2.2KB/s 237 heures, à l'année prochaine.