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View Full Version : Saturn corrupted data?

30-11-05, 18:07
I just got my payment through and mailed support for the character transfers to terra, and i got a reply saying some data on Saturn is corrupted and it's not 100% if retrieving my characters intact would be possible. I would like you to share your experiences and opinions on this. Anyone really had the same problem
or is it just a small fault in the database that has been made a big number around? :confused:
Thank you :)

30-11-05, 18:50
yep affraid so :( , my old nc1 satarn acc had capped PE / Spy had 2 trade skillers on (cst and res) . When i transfered them over to my new nc2 account 3 months ago , they was all monks :( not just the pic on log in screen but when i logged them in 1 by 1 , each of them was a monk cept for my cstr who for some reason wouldnt log in , so after moveing the items i had on them i deleted them all but my resser ( as a monk resser is ok ;p). I was abit gutted but was no biggie , atleast i had some rares and stuff still .

30-11-05, 18:54
Surely KK can enter the correct values into the database manually? Can't be that difficult

30-11-05, 18:59
Bah, that sucks, since i had 4 capped chars on saturn. Hope my implants and quickbelts arent corrupted though. Wish i knew this before i made my new NC2 acc :/

edit: At Morganth, suppose it shouldn't be, but after all, do i really have any proof the characters were what i say?

30-11-05, 19:32
the XP numbers sort of proove it - and the levels.

30-11-05, 20:55
On the good side you'll get some Items and stuff even if chars are corrupted.

This service was meant to end and age ago surprised they still offer to do it, but they do, so you can't go whining if it all go's pear shaped.

Besides it was around 4% corrupted or some such figure iirc. so you may be in with a good chance tbh.

Good luck on the transfer ;)

01-12-05, 15:49
Good news, everything is as they were before! go KK :p :cool:

01-12-05, 16:08
Good news, everything is as they were before! go KK :p :cool:

bah guess i was one of the "4%" ***cries***

01-12-05, 18:15
I hope I don't got the luck to be one of those 4% :(