View Full Version : Heavy Combat PE

24-11-05, 10:36
Can anyone help me out with how much weap lore and HC ill need to cap the tl78 Plasma cannon (if thats right, the one below the TPC).


24-11-05, 10:45
Why not the TPC? Hurts a lot with a db. And still quite easy to cap. I got a 4 slot on el fugitivo, with beast and xstrong he caps that one and his paw of tiger. Log onto terra later and i'll tell you how much h-c m-c he got.

Bugs Gunny
24-11-05, 10:52
TPC+db = CS.
If i wasn't so sick of leveling i might make another hc pe.
I used to love hacking belts, driving and repairing the combat trike.
Oh.... damn, why did i delete my lowtech rifle pe....

24-11-05, 16:50
i dont really wanna rely on 2 STR drugs.

24-11-05, 17:36
Go zerk2/zerk3/moveon/marine/str3, that's 86 with beast but rather crappy cause of the missing ppr chip.

Actually, i'm gonna see if the highest TL plasma wave is any good, that one can be used with beast only.

I wish herc had lower reqs, it would give that 1 str the zerk3/marine/moveon/ppr/str3 beast setup is missing. :(

24-11-05, 17:41
This is my HC-PE setup, using one Beast, you're able to cap a 4 slots TL 84 TPC, poke TL115 (with nightspider+glove+spy1), drive and gun a rhino (without any drug there, of course), repair, and recycle rhino's ammo (tl 45) on your own using glove+cst1.

Note that he's wearing medium deflector belt, which allows you to save one slot in your QB (trust me you'll get the same resist as if you were using blessed deflector). Please also note that you may optimise its Psi setup, but I wanted to give him nice Mana pool for dmg boosting mobs (with that one you get 576 per hit using rhino gunner on a 3x dmg boosted grim chaser, 29 per min on your DB, and 375% / 25 per min on your shelter)

I recommand not to use both Mc and Hc, I used to play it when I had easy access to Tiger Blood on Pandore, but I lomed to pure hc since you'll severely be in lack of transport (not very suitable for such Pvm oriented char). Mc/Hc Hyb has to be a privilege for gentanks imho. Then, TPC is way better than a Pot in most pvp situations (especially with lag issues).

You may wish to replace duranit armorvest 4 with Cityadmin epic PA, which brings you to 200 Frc/Prc and 127 energy resist.

Max Skill: 60
Current: 55 -5
Skill: Hacking = 0 0
Skill: Barter = 0 -13
Skill: PSI Use = 77 0
Skill: Weapon Lore = 77 10
Skill: Construction = 0 0
Skill: Research = 0 0
Skill: Implant = 80 0
Skill: Willpower = 0 0

Max Skill: 60
Current: 86 26
Skill: Melee Combat = 34 34
Skill: Heavy Combat = 174 59
Skill: Transport = 44 19
Skill: Resist Force = 83 33

Max Skill: 65
Current: 68 3
Skill: Athletics = 23 8
Skill: Body Health = 111 38
Skill: Endurance = 23 8
Skill: Resist Fire = 32 0
Skill: Resist Energy = 57 0
Skill: Resist X-Ray = 61 10
Skill: Resist Poison = 76 30

Max Skill: 80
Current: 77 -3
Skill: Pistol Combat = 0 0
Skill: Rifle Combat = 0 -10
Skill: HighTech Combat = 76 0
Skill: Vehicle Use = 62 0
Skill: Agility = 125 23
Skill: Repair = 62 0
Skill: Recycle = 27 0
Skill: Remote Control = 0 0

Max Skill: 35
Current: 35 0
Skill: Passive PSI Use = 74 0
Skill: Agressive PSI Use = 0 0
Skill: Mental Steadiness = 36 0
Skill: PSI Power = 38 0
Skill: Resist PSI = 0 0

-------Character Inventory-------
Slot: Helmet - Inquisition Helmet 4
Influences: FIR: 43 PRC: 18 FOR: 16

Slot: Vest - Duranit Armorvest 4
Influences: PRC: 26 FOR: 25 ENR: 23

Slot: Belt - Medium Deflector Belt
Influences: DEFL: 30 FOR: 24 PRC: 10 ENR: 10 XRR: 9

Slot: Trousers - Inquisition Trousers 4
Influences: FOR: 16 PRC: 18 FIR: 42

Slot: Boots - Heavy Duranium Boots
Influences: FOR: 23 PRC: 28 ENR: 30

Slot: Brain Chip - Marine's CPU

Influences: STR: 5 CON: 5 M-C: 5 H-C: 5 TRA: 5 FOR: 10 HLT: 15

Slot: Brain Chip - BioTech (M.O.V.E.O.N) CPU
Influences: STR: 3 CON: 3 M-C: 6 H-C: 6 TRA: 6 FOR: 8 HLT: 18

Slot: Brain Chip - Berserk Chip 2
Influences: M-C: 10 STR: 3 INT: -2 BRT: -5

Slot: Brain Chip - Berserk Chip 3
Influences: M-C: 15 STR: 5 INT: -3 BRT: -8

Slot: Eye - Heavy CombatEye 3
Influences: H-C: 15 WEP: 10 M-C: -10 R-C: -10

Slot: Heart - Filter Heart 2
Influences: POR: 15 XRR: 10 CON: -5

Slot: Glove - Crahn Power Gauntlet

Slot: Spine - Harden Backbone 3
Influences: H-C: 8 TRA: 8 STR: 5 DEX: -3 AGL: -10

Slot: Headbone - Biotech AntiGamma Headbone
Influences: XRR: 17 PRC: 10

Slot: Chest - Biotech AntiGamma Chest Enforcement
Influences: XRR: 10 END: 8

Slot: Arm - Biotech AntiGamma Arm Enforcement
Influences: M-C: 8 XRR: 9

Slot: Leg - Biotech AntiGamma Leg Enforcement
Influences: XRR: 10 ATL: 8

Slot: Foot - Biotech AntiGamma Foot Enforcement
Influences: AGL: 8 XRR: 4

Slot: Shelter - Foreign Shelter
Influences: SHEL: 27

Slot: Resist - Basic Resist Booster 2
Influences: FOR: 15 HLT: 15 POR: 15

Slot: Drug - Beast
Influences: STR: 5 H-C: 25 AGL: 25 HLT: -10

Health : 449 (474 undrugged)
Stamina : 122
Mana : 122
Max load : 122
For/Prc : 185
Fire/Xray/Nrg : 114
Por : 45%
Runspeed : 79 (69 undrugged, a little slow but it's enough for PVM)

24-11-05, 18:14
Im gonna wear CA PA tbh.

24-11-05, 18:37
TL81 Plasma wave is pretty awful.
Either go with the 81 st from imps setup, and use TPC/Speedy, or go lowtech HC PE and just use speedy (and NCPD Cleansing flamethrower) and have a PPR over the marine.

24-11-05, 20:37
I wish herc had lower reqs, it would give that 1 str the zerk3/marine/moveon/ppr/str3 beast setup is missing. :(

Thats why i want MC5 reqs removed.

More possibilities on setups. Although in that case, possible overpowering.