View Full Version : Secret to transfering?

12-11-05, 15:48
I've played from wat? NC1 release in UK... never had many problems with transfering in my apts.

So my little FUCKING story: :mad: :mad:

Post a thread on in-game auctions about trading all my HC stuff + Spy stuff for MC stuff and mini pprs and apu stuff..
Drop the keys to my tg and bd epic apt inside the bd apt (all my spy stuff inside cabs). Log my tank, he picks them up. (making sure im no where near the midnight bug)
Notice that most the imps and my tanks imps and my armor are < 40% cond, drop them in same place as before and log my repper, again dropping everything so its nowhere near the midnight bug, about 16-18 ingame time.
Takes me about 5 mins to get to my apt. Go inside everything is gone, Herc , SA , x2 moveon, x2 ppr , x2 of bones, x3 sets of armor lucky i didn't want to rep my rare guns or pa but thats still not pleasing at the least.
1 hour later still no response from my ticket or PM to nid, log on and buy some loms on my spy for my tank, drop them in the same place just to test. Wait 5 mins just to see, log my tank and pick up my loms...

SO apart from whinning and screaming coz im REALLLY PISSED and probably gona to leave, (oh wow right before evo 2.1)
any1 wana throw me a bone and say why this happened?
Coz of evo, im know going to have to trade my DS + everything i didn't want repped for what i wanted in the first place :(

so yea, instead of loming one alt and stripping one, i've stripped two and going to strip another just to suit out my main... wonderful.

and before any1 says get some1 to hold it... like hell i'd give any1 two mc5's and 4 epics.

:mad: :( :mad: :( :mad: :( :mad: :( :mad: :( :mad: :( :mad: :( :mad: :( :mad: :( :mad: :(

12-11-05, 15:52
I actually know people I'd trust with that stuff, and I have been trusted with similar items myself. But why did that stuff get cleared away that time? Who can say. I'd never drop THAT much valuable stuff on the floor at once though.

12-11-05, 15:52
You clearly knew the risk involved when doing appartment drops.

So dont do it.

12-11-05, 16:19
We have all lost stuff so most of us have learned not to dump too much valuable stuff in one place at one time :(

And yes we need a better transfer system

12-11-05, 16:23
and before any1 says get some1 to hold it... like hell i'd give any1 two mc5's and 4 epics.

use boxes in the various cellars or OZ/ WL sectors ?! o_O

And yes we need a better transfer system

no, please not as easy as WoW....

12-11-05, 16:33
dont ever ever drop stuff on the floor use a box or better yet another player

btw i dont think boxes ever reset i know we have had shit in cycrow boxes for liek a couple of weeks now

12-11-05, 16:46
It's possible someone may have sync'ed into your apt hallway and picked them up...

I ended up in someone elses apartment hallway a couple days ago(returning to ground floor), that person had just zoned up to their apt and was standing right there in thier hallway(it seems to happen alot in Via Rossa apt's)...

It seems this bug gets worse, as server pops go up...

Also, 5 minutes seems like a long time to be away, I usually have both alt's logged off in the same hallway before I drop...

12-11-05, 18:03
After so much time in here mystic, theres gotta be someone u can trust. So many valuable things all in a single trasnfer? If you still can't trust anyone and you cant double log, then transfer them one at a time to minimize the risks.
You know there is a timer of things dropped on the ground before cleared from the server. I have never lost anything in my 3+ years of playing and allways transfered like the way you do, but i m taking care of logging all my chars not in the apt hall but downstairs, near the lift. Doing this im secured than even if i step into a sync or anything i wont lose anything and so far I havent lost a single item
Saying all that though you are right, we need a way of storing stuff, a bit more secure than what we got now. I feel sorry about your loss, I want to see now the overadvertized item tracking if it works....

12-11-05, 18:05
an evil hacker stealthed in behind u. stole ur things and ran away :angel:

:P or teh items just got swaped out of server memory. droptrading is a mugs game, try using boxes like i do

or trust ppl

12-11-05, 18:59
bah trusting people is for n00bs, boxes 4tw!

12-11-05, 19:07
if you drop stuff on the floor then it's at your own risk. i do it, altho i usually prefer boxes but i give valuable stuff to other people to transfer

Scanner Darkly
12-11-05, 19:18
All I can say is one word: karma.

if you drop stuff on the floor then it's at your own risk. i do it, altho i usually prefer boxes but i give valuable stuff to other people to transfer

friends, clan cabs, but having 2 accounts removes any hassles.

12-11-05, 19:23
:confused: O_o o_O DO NOT DROP ITEMS ON THE FLOOR! :wtf:
What if the servers go down after you've dropped items?

Also, when my characters used to litter in Plaza 1 outside Typherra Memorial, there was a limit to how much junk I could throw on the ground before other items disappeared from the zone. Dropping important items is far too risky.

That being said, sorry for your loss.

12-11-05, 19:44
mystic, i believe what happened to you is the same as what happened to me...probably dropped too much stuff and server decided to clean house.

but im probably wrong

12-11-05, 22:05
the thing is after you drop a certain ammount of junk on the floor the first pieces droped start to dispear if youve been around since nc1 (and i know you have) you should know the reason for this is due to an event which may have been an exploit so i will not mention it or nidhog may turn up bend me over and insert his hammer up my rear sideways

but meh we learn from our mistakes

12-11-05, 23:30
Ive trusted random people ive never met (usaly high tradeskillers with a rep) millions of nc and multiple epic items to help me transfer, and i have yet to not get anything back.

Never transfered stuff by dropping it though..... Just dousent seem safe for some reason.

12-11-05, 23:45
its always wierd.. ive come back literally after a week and found stuff (ammo usually) still on the ground not even remembering i dropped it. I've also had stuff remain on the ground after the server went down and came back up. But then I've had stuff disapear after 2 minutes just relogging.

The way I do it now is; I bought a plaza lvl1 apt and i store the stuff in the cabs; then drop the key in the hallway. register the key on an alt and go in to get the stuff. i havent ever had to test this theory, but i think if the key disapears the old char will still have access to the apartment... i also always put both chars in the hallway before I do it.

theres only a couple people I trust with valuable stuff and if they aren't around I'm too impatient to wait.

12-11-05, 23:52
Sorry to here about that M-C I 've done that to, but not with stuff like that. Come on Man your smarter than that. All the people you know. I said once before it would be nice to have a Bank with a system, where you go in to it with one character set up an account with a pin number and be able to put money and other stuff in there so you can retrieve the stuff with other characters but only you have the pin number.

13-11-05, 00:50
Too bad you didn't kill yourself in the process, because if you did, I'd give you an Darwin award.

Transferring stuff like that is very risky, I do it all the time as well, but not for items of high value, and especially not for shitload of such items at a time.

13-11-05, 01:40
Yes its very risky and we need a proper transfer system, maybe a cab which people can put stuff into but only the appy owner can take stuff out. Or apartments you can share between other characters, this would be much better and for those people saying no it should not be that easy ... Why the FUCK not ? :rolleyes: its our stuff we put RL time into getting..

13-11-05, 08:30
This is how I clasify the safest transfer method, begining from the most safest:

1. double account logging
2. drops on the floor (provided your apt is PRIVATE ie. never shown to strangers)
3. transfers through others
4. using random boxes

From my personal experience, items tendency to dissapear is all time based and not max number. The system is next to fullproof to me, I have never lost a single item, but I do follow my rules like I previously said.
That being said we do need a Bank account to store and give access to others of choice, items and cash

paolo escobar
13-11-05, 13:19
Hey man i for one am gutted for you. the worst thing is u prolly wont get an decent answer as to why. which is really stupid because neocron is a game, its based on rules and conditions, so there really shouldnt be that much of a random factor for such things as objects despawning. so does that mean kk dont know how their own game works? (lets face it, i dont think anyone has had a definiative answer on this matter otherwise we wouldnt see threads like this from ppl who have lost thier stuff, Or simply ppl would not risk this method of transfer)

Anyways u have been around for a very very long time and to leave now would be a shame.

EDIT> In addition to jini's rule 1, if u have 2 accounts u can dual log using one computer and one install of the client. Just log into the 1st char, then alt-tab to desktop and start the other using a different local port. Depending of how good/crap ur computer is u may need to log off each of the chars u plan to transfer between in the same appartment so u dont have to be going thru sync lines and ur comp dont have to be rendering a plaza 1 full of ppl etc. But i'm sure u already knew that.

13-11-05, 16:16
asked a gm and all he says is he feels for me but can't do anything coz he has to stick to thier 'policy' - they can't reunburst lost items... well ok y? - without item tracking they can't tell if i just handed it to another runner... i can understand that... So i ask y can't they just roll back my account... long pause then we can't in this case... which means they can do it.. but won't...

Well i decided to stay just coz i love this game and evo 2.1 looks sweet, but know i have 1 alt instead of 3...

edit> idea for the transfering:

From the last apt competion i still have the all access thing on my door. Why not change these so the apt owner can enter up to maybe 10-20 names thay allow all access to everything (door/cabs etc) or maybe just specific cabs which can be brought specially for sharing items.
similar have a npc in plaza 1 and doy and mb sec1 that is like the one from Guildwars that opens up a menu that has a inventory, that is the same for every char on ur account... but then again with the bugs in this game i'd trust a npc just as much as i trust a runner.

13-11-05, 16:39
asked a gm and all he says is he feels for me but can't do anything coz he has to stick to thier 'policy' - they can't reunburst lost items... well ok y? - without item tracking they can't tell if i just handed it to another runner... i can understand that... So i ask y can't they just roll back my account... long pause then we can't in this case... which means they can do it.. but won't...
if items stayed on the floor for ever then the servers wouldn't run too well. I don't think u could even call it a bug

Bozz-Von Mel
13-11-05, 20:17
I have always passed items in the hall and I have yet to loose anything. I usually follow these 3 guidelines.

1. I have noticed items vanish when the game clock hits 0:00 try not to schedule your little drop then.

2. If you have 2 accounts dual log and pass it that way.

3. Give your items to a trusted friend.

4. If all else fails see rule 1.

13-11-05, 20:19
made sure i wasn't anywhere near midnight, and it is problem when it disapears too quickly

Asurmen Spec Op
13-11-05, 20:57
Always move your charecter out of the zone while reloging, nothing disapeers when no one is in the zone.
log in outside the app and zone in.

as long as you dont go over the drop limit, it works

Mr Kot
13-11-05, 21:09
So i ask y can't they just roll back my account... long pause then we can't in this case... which means they can do it.. but won't....
That's a silly assumption to make, just because you didn't get the answer you wanted.

You don't even know how game data backups are made. For all you know, they may not back up each character's data seperately. Think about it, that would be a mammoth task. Characters are being created and deleted all the time and backups are made only every so often. It's more likely that everyone's data is all backed up at the same time in one huge file - maybe world data seperately, i dunno. The only way characters could be put back to a former state is to rollback the whole server. Server rollbacks have happened before and we know they work, but what you're asking is either for the whole server to be rolled back just so you can get your stuff back (good luck with that one) or that KK should manually tinker with the database (highly dangerous) and extract your character data so they can manually recreate your character, spawn all items, vehicles, apartments, generep data, skills, stats, faction status etc all manually.

As for that second option, it's stated in the support policies (http://cp.neocron.com/8/suppolicies) that it is possible to recreate character "data" from a backup, such as creating a new char and giving it skills and subskills etc. but nothing in inventory, goguardian etc will be given "to ensure that duplication will not occur" as it is assumed that you could have passed all your stuff to someone else.

As people have already posted, we feel sorry for you, but you should know that there aren't unlimited server resources to hold infinite items thrown on the floor forever, so throwing anything more than 3 or 4 items is extremely risky. A random box in a remote part of the city or in the wastelands is more secure serverwise, but you risk another runner taking your items while you are changing chars. My personal recommendation is that you choose a box in a remote outzone sector, or in some TechHaven dungeon where hardly anyone goes, and you have BOTH chars logged out right next to your chosen box before you make the drop. Keep a sharp eye on that local player list and as always... do so at your own risk.

and before any1 says get some1 to hold it... like hell i'd give any1 two mc5's and 4 epics.That is why you need some trusted friends in-game. You are right not to ask someone you don't know.. that's even riskier than dropping MC5s on the floor. If i wanted to transfer an MC5, i would either make use of a clan cabinet (providing only trusted people have clanaccess or my other char is logged out nearby to grab the stuff quick) or just hand it to someone i am on clan vent with.

paolo escobar
13-11-05, 21:43
asked a gm and all he says is he feels for me but can't do anything coz he has to stick to thier 'policy' - they can't reunburst lost items... well ok y? - without item tracking they can't tell if i just handed it to another runner...

Err ok so item tracking isnt in?

First its in, then its only partially in and tracking items of "high value", then its out again.

So is it in or is it out. I'd rather it wasnt in at all if its not working as it should, u all remember the fuss kk made about getting the all singing all dancing item tracking feature into the game. I think at some point there was some part of item tracking in the game but have they fucked it off since?
I never expected to start unticking the check list of things we was promised and supposedly delivered.

I ask you all, what was item tracking meant to do?
How was it meant to help us?
What was the point of the promises they made and the work they supposedly did?

13-11-05, 22:51
It was on for a while, since items had tracking IDs on them (usually low lvl ones, MC5s and high slotted rares didnt) then they took it out, and a load of people lost 5 slotted holy rezzes (dont know why that particular spell).

13-11-05, 23:12
Reportedly even when the IDs were in, it wasn't "ON" just preparing to be. There has never been any announcement that item tracking is offically active. I personaklly suspect it was briedlyt, and found to cause all sorts of troubles, so quickly turned off agaain and we are all meant to forget about it.

14-11-05, 00:35
Reportedly even when the IDs were in, it wasn't "ON" just preparing to be. There has never been any announcement that item tracking is offically active. I personaklly suspect it was briedlyt, and found to cause all sorts of troubles, so quickly turned off agaain and we are all meant to forget about it.

i concure =[

14-11-05, 10:47
There are a few ideas I have, some of them already in game and in place
1) Use a friend. If you got no friends and your not on the 1% server then you have a problem
2) Everyone same clan = no problems - I know NC in its current state requires you to spread your runners accross the many factions for access to items based reasons.
3) Have KK check on the item tracking thing - oh sorry it does not exist
4) Go to OZ some where .... find a box, put in a box - make sure you have the other char at the same place, so time to pickup is minimal. Chances of someone finding a ox in the mddle of no where - hmmm ... I do always check at comon places, you know outside TG HQ .... MC5 at gogo ... but never find anything. This is more secure than leaving it on the floor

The one thing that is easy to impliment and could work is. Placing a object like a cab, or trash can outside the dorrs of your app, by the lifts. Anything placed there has app owner rules (IE only owner can place), yet is accessable to everyone. Protected by your lift password of course

Freaky Fryd
14-11-05, 17:46
its always wierd.. ive come back literally after a week and found stuff (ammo usually) still on the ground not even remembering i dropped it. I've also had stuff remain on the ground after the server went down and came back up. But then I've had stuff disapear after 2 minutes just relogging.

Same, except it was almost 4 months of NC1 that I didn't access an apartment (I had 17 apts near the end of NC1) and there was still stuff sitting on the floor :eek: