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View Full Version : Extra lags tonight. Anyone else?

paolo escobar
11-11-05, 01:11
Anyone else experiencing more lags than usual?

For me, each time the console/chat has to update with new messages it seems to lag.

Hopefully it'll be all fine tomozza cos it just some extra lags from the servers or my connection, but if it isnt then its my comp and thats wank cos i'll end up pissing about with it this wkend when i should be getting drunk.

11-11-05, 09:18
was laggy for me, not the console/chat thing you're getting, but down in el farid tonite, ppl and mobs were disappearing, couldnt heal/buffs them, couldnt get added to team. does it maybe have something to do with all the doy bots moving around, and the freaking assload of arachnids that seem to have replaced where the doy bots used to be. Lagging the whole server?

11-11-05, 10:48
was laggy for me, not the console/chat thing you're getting, but down in el farid tonite, ppl and mobs were disappearing, couldnt heal/buffs them, couldnt get added to team. does it maybe have something to do with all the doy bots moving around, and the freaking assload of arachnids that seem to have replaced where the doy bots used to be. Lagging the whole server?

Woo I'm not the only one, I made a thread yesterday, but it's been like this for
me for a couple of weeks now, anyway, i'll just paste what I wrote yesterday
because i'm to lazy to rewrite.

[edit] Yeah and also about the buffs not sticking, get that aswell.


Hmm ok, in the last 2 or 3 weeks my connection has got real bad. I haven't changed
ISP, no hardware, no new apps installed. If I stand still my ping is 50-70 but as
soon as i'm moving around and others are too my ping goes to 300+ and it happends
often that people/mobs/vehicles just dissapere for 2 seconds and I cant see
anybody, then everybody reappears in new locations and I take like 300 dmg at

I never used to get this, and when I do a ping on the servers, I have no loss in
the connection, all seems fine. I've tried to reinstall but it didnt help, I tried playing
without the router (internet directly into my pc) didn't make any difference.
I sent an email to my ISP asking if any changes were made and they calim they
havent touched anything =/ I really don't know what to do, but right now the
game is almost unplayable =/.

I remember a similar thing going on back in the laggy saturn days, but everybody
else had the same problems back then so I knew it wasnt on my side, but now
it seems like i'm the only one getting this so it's up to me =/.

Has anybody else experienced this and how did you solve it?


13-11-05, 14:49
it's really laggy and i can't zone :(

reboot servers or something

Dribble Joy
13-11-05, 14:56
Zoning is a nightmare atm, 400-500 ping and I can't pull out any item.

13-11-05, 17:09
Mercurys pretty bad aswell, 2 zones and youre perma synched.

13-11-05, 18:05
seems to be ok again

Asurmen Spec Op
13-11-05, 18:43
Ive ben getting horrible lag.

13-11-05, 19:08
Mine is as usual i guess, the jump from sweden to germany is where it gets laggy
but it's always been like this and worked well.


Asurmen Spec Op
13-11-05, 19:10
now that I look at mine thats acually a bit better then normal, my normal ping is 210

Dribble Joy
13-11-05, 19:28
Getting pings of 600+, though I think it's my connection...

13-11-05, 19:38
i'm getting 39 from the UK

Dribble Joy
13-11-05, 20:13

Here's mine, many big numbers, what doe sit all mean?

Bozz-Von Mel
13-11-05, 20:23
Maybe those servers in Paris are having RL problems. ;)

13-11-05, 20:42
Yeh, can barely play atm. :(

13-11-05, 20:45
well, i wasnt having much problem last night..has it gotten worse?

Mr Kot
13-11-05, 20:47

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=56ms TTL=118
Reply from bytes=32 time=65ms TTL=118
Reply from bytes=32 time=49ms TTL=118
Reply from bytes=32 time=57ms TTL=118

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 49ms, Maximum = 65ms, Average = 56ms

Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops

1 22 ms 23 ms 35 ms man-0-dsl.as9105.net []
2 21 ms 23 ms 23 ms
3 35 ms 35 ms 35 ms pos1-0.ho-bham1.as9105.net []
4 27 ms 35 ms 35 ms ge2-0.ho-bham0.as9105.net []
5 37 ms 35 ms 35 ms pos12-0.rtr-0.xxx.milt.as9105.net []
6 35 ms 23 ms 35 ms pos3-0.lon10.as9105.net []
7 34 ms 35 ms 35 ms so-1-0-0.lon12.ip.tiscali.net []
8 36 ms 35 ms 35 ms so-1-0-0.lon22.ip.tiscali.net []
9 34 ms 35 ms 35 ms ge-7-1.core2.London1.Level3.net []
10 40 ms 35 ms 35 ms ae-0-56.bbr2.London1.Level3.net []
11 55 ms 59 ms 59 ms so-1-0-0.mp2.Hamburg1.Level3.net []
12 60 ms 59 ms 59 ms ge-4-2.hsa2.Hamburg1.Level3.net []
13 60 ms 59 ms 59 ms ge-2-0.edge1.ham1.de.inetbone.net []

14 66 ms 59 ms 59 ms
15 55 ms 59 ms 59 ms

Trace complete.

Seems fine to me. Seems only certain people who connect through certain ISPs that take certain routes to the NC servers are affected.

/edit: @ DJ, you are getting a couple of medium size lags at London and Hamburg, but it's the asterisks and "request timed out" that are cause for concern. It looks to be at your ISP end too. When i get that, i phone my ISP and they sometimes tell me a local server is down or some issue with BT and to "wait until morning.. our engineers are onto it".

paolo escobar
13-11-05, 21:33
dunno whats happening but for 10mins today i couldnt zone into plaza 3. I tried on 2 different chars and each time it would perma sync, then when i relogged i would be at the reset point of the zone i was coming from (vr 1 or p1). Very strange indeed.

My lagging console/chat prob has cleared up but i'm still gettin hit by some bigger lags than normal.
I have given my isp a nudge and asked them wtf. But i'm with NTL so i'll prolly get a reply to the mail i sent click2pay 4 months ago before i hear from my isp :(

13-11-05, 22:40
Well today has been around 33% chance of disconnecting when zoning, the two
messages i get the most are

"Connection to nethost failed" and "Request for new world failed"... or something
like that.

Asurmen Spec Op
13-11-05, 22:41
I think its prolly something along the way to NC servers that some of us use.