View Full Version : Please nuke canyon

09-11-05, 04:01
I really miss the old canyon with hundereds of raptors and black scorps =[ it was by far the most interesting leveling spot, constant action, perfect for the hours when no one is doing anything. Now it's just deserted and i doubt anyone ever goes there apart from the canyon challenge (FF cpu) :/

It'll never happen but we can still dream.....

09-11-05, 06:57
I agree, I capped my first tank in that canyon. And if it stays TG, then move them there...or else whats next? FA will take back TH? and make it just as uninhabited as the canyon?

09-11-05, 07:01
Dont think any TG want anything more than to be moved back to canyon. Its our home and we miss it dearly.

09-11-05, 09:44
Sure we do ^^

09-11-05, 09:56
TG for the old Canyon!!!

09-11-05, 10:23
I really miss the old canyon with hundereds of raptors and black scorps =[ it was by far the most interesting leveling spot, constant action, perfect for the hours when no one is doing anything.

safespots for teh win eh? :rolleyes:

Now it's just deserted and i doubt anyone ever goes there apart from the canyon challenge (FF cpu) :/

I have my main appts there and I hang out in the canyon unless I'm somwhere else for action or hunting... I like the new Canyon Facility and I couldnt be arsed to switch back to TH or Doy CC!

I didnt like the initial nc2 version of it too much tho' as everyone was just soloing their chars in safety - the patch that brought the mighty raptor-spam fucked it up completely for me ..and honestly.. most of the times I went there, people were standing nearby the apps and doing AoE ...yay challanging :p

09-11-05, 14:23
Move the TG HQ back to the Canyon!

09-11-05, 14:56
When you nuke it make sure those dam boards get blown off so we can get in there the old way! I hate that dam tunnel entrance :cool:

09-11-05, 16:04
When you nuke it make sure those dam boards get blown off so we can get in there the old way! I hate that dam tunnel entrance :cool:

Its already been reopned, dude.
I liked being able to go there as pro, and Raptor missions did truly rock. These days, its simply the world's best shopping cetre, provided you arenet enemy to TG.

Bugs Gunny
09-11-05, 16:31
Heh, i used to go shopping there on my CA pe with a 10s stealth.
You can buy everything you want if you take some care.
I evne synched down into the TG hq, but that place is a "tad" risky to go into.

awkward silence
09-11-05, 16:49
nope nope nope!

I live there and if you nuke my home again that will devastate me way too much

09-11-05, 18:59
Its my home as well. Dont nuke it. Just make is a bit more dirty. Its too clean with the gimickly yellow square for fighting. I don't mind Terror Raptors flying around though.

09-11-05, 19:46
Its my home as well. Dont nuke it. Just make is a bit more dirty. Its too clean with the gimickly yellow square for fighting. I don't mind Terror Raptors flying around though.

THe guards would mind. Hell, the guards don't even tolerate vultures.

10-11-05, 00:00
safespots for teh win eh? :rolleyes: hmm call my a nib but i never found any safe spots and never saw anyone safe spotting

most of the times I went there, people were standing nearby the apps and doing AoE ...yay challanging :pI only capped my melee tank there and it was great =p

10-11-05, 01:10
I miss the Old canyon too and I miss the Raptor filled one. I think it would be cool to set up some areas of Tech Haven, in the way TG canyon was with the raptor's. But different mobs in the areas almost like a ZOO almost and fight there.