View Full Version : PS2 - Zone of the Enders

Vae Victis
22-10-05, 18:37
anyone have this game?
Bought it for like €5... took me 5 hours on "hard" to finish it.
waste of money :p

What I wonder is - why don't you get to play on Jehuty when he's going to Mars?
basically you finished a couple of missions, then fight the uber boss called Anubis, you get killed, but just before he finishes you off, you manage to escape (automatically) and you get a story, end of game...
why don't you get to kill the boss? Sucky game tbh.

paolo escobar
22-10-05, 18:47
u realise there are ppl in ethiopa who dont even have PS2's

22-10-05, 19:36
2 was better but also short, finishes up the story though.

Vae Victis
23-10-05, 11:55
2 was better but also short, finishes up the story though.Ahhhhhh that explains alot.
called "The 2nd Runner" right?

23-10-05, 12:55
u realise there are ppl in ethiopa who dont even have PS2's

no ps2s? wtf is this world coming to...

paolo escobar
23-10-05, 16:45
nimble..... luv ur sig links man, D&B arena is heroic. Been a regular visitor there for time.
Thank godd there is someone here who likes good music and not this trash errr.... i mean thrash metal shit :lol:

23-10-05, 17:37
Ahhhhhh that explains alot.
called "The 2nd Runner" right?

Yeah you play a different pilot but the mech is still jehuty, and it still ties in with the plot left over from the first one. I liked the second one alot more, gameplay is all around improved and the story also. If you don't want to buy it you can easily beat it during a rental.