View Full Version : Tsunami Rifle

03-10-05, 18:29
i think the only reason the tsunami is overpowered atm, is *drumroll* EVERYONES TO PUSSY TO USE A RARE! if half of the people on the server used rares the TSU wouldnt be so overpowered anymore.

03-10-05, 18:43
Dude, if rares actually dropped in acceptable numbers, people would mind them dropping.

03-10-05, 20:24
good point >.> GMs why does Neptunes droprate suck more than terras? :(

04-10-05, 13:12
good point >.> GMs why does Neptunes droprate suck more than terras? :(

It's hard to say if it's that much worse. One thing that annoys the hell out of me is the way the Grim Persecutor loot pool is bugged. I mainly hunt fire mobs in my reveller (no hack) and it annoys me soo much when there is a Grim Persecutor standing by a load of tech part dropping mobs, it's difficult to ignore a 110/110 mob and such an unrewarding waste of time killing it.

Original monk
04-10-05, 14:05
indeed, the grimbug annoys me alot :/ witouth it i would of had a cab maybe more techs allready lol, tough its still good xp i still prefer it dropping again surely because before the bug i got most techs out of .. a grim ! :P

04-10-05, 15:16
I got 6 rares in 1 hour last night just hunting WB.

04-10-05, 15:31
Aint this a funny Thing ..... If we had rares dropping like rain drops, everyone would use them, but then everyone would not care because they are dime a dozen ......

Makes me think a bit though ....
Should I LOM my droner to Rifle (I always enjoyed playing snipe on Terra) or keep him as a dronner (Murdoch PPU was also leathal)......

One great thing about a dronner, is u can use rares, be cool and still get away with dropping rares .... I remeber as a Droner I would make 2 cabs of ION 3 drones and 2 cabs of raptors ..... Man they kicked ass... and I didn;t really care about dying ... cuse the worst I would loose was a PA2 + 1 drone ..... Not too bad and easily replaced .....

Isuppose the dronner has other issues to worry about too ..... I kill joo, I must go get your belt ..... someone else can pick it up (Neptune) before I do .....

How about all you terra's people, do you think the Epic rifle is over powered ... I bet it don't feel that way when its the last choice gun ......

04-10-05, 15:37
I use rares still :rolleyes:

04-10-05, 22:19
1 out of emm 200??? :lol:

Asurmen Spec Op
04-10-05, 22:47
make all items drop, so that TSU PEs have to grow some balls or leave the server.

I have yet to hear a reason that doesnt equate to"I want to get items from people, but Im to scared to loose mine"

zip zero

05-10-05, 19:38
i hope everyone has seen Jack Silver around the server =) he uses a rare and i havnt seen him die once.

(he is a stealthwhore though) :P

05-10-05, 20:09
i hope everyone has seen Jack Silver around the server =) he uses a rare and i havnt seen him die once.

(he is a stealthwhore though) :P
Sorry if I burst your bubble....

A few weeks old screenies

Dead even with PPU butt-plug


Don't think I met him outside a warzone, maybe that's why he use a rare? :rolleyes:

05-10-05, 20:27
do you keep a screenie of everyone that you kill?

and also why does a tsu PE need to drug? :p

E. Cryton
05-10-05, 20:55
speed ? hp ? haz 1 ?
drugging up my tank, spy, apu as well ...

and once i met jack silver in p2, but he died very fast to my tpc :> ... i love it to kill pe's while they are stealthed ..

05-10-05, 21:02
do you keep a screenie of everyone that you kill?
Yes, want those I have of you?

and also why does a tsu PE need to drug? :p
Because he can?

05-10-05, 21:47
nice sl there sarge, can i kil u with out any resistance ????? :D Please! I whatched your ncbdevent movie :eek:

05-10-05, 21:55
Yes, want those I have of you?
yeh i do

06-10-05, 06:53
Seeing how damage you can take on that pe, I'm so stealing that and using a Psi-Shield.

06-10-05, 07:43
yeh i do
Then supply me with the names of your chars....I'm not a mindreader you know

Seeing how damage you can take on that pe, I'm so stealing that and using a Psi-Shield.
Damn that was my best kept secret :lol:

Original monk
06-10-05, 10:10
Seeing how damage you can take on that pe, I'm so stealing that and using a Psi-Shield.

fear non-cookiecutter !

06-10-05, 10:38
Its not the TL10 Heal from the preacher mission, honsest.
Using pis shield on a PE would be interesting, altgough I suspect useless. Healing through psi boosters and mdekits, yay!

06-10-05, 12:43
Its not the TL10 Heal from the preacher mission, honsest.
Using pis shield on a PE would be interesting, altgough I suspect useless. Healing through psi boosters and mdekits, yay!
Yes, he does have a foreign tl 10 heal on him. Why, I've got no clue, seeing as the enemy PE had a ppu with him and all.

But I'm fairly sure that self cast tl 10 heals and the spell in your belt doesn't change image to psi shield when you take a screenie? o_O

06-10-05, 12:56
Yes, he does have a foreign tl 10 heal on him. Why, I've got no clue, seeing as the enemy PE had a ppu with him and all.

But I'm fairly sure that self cast tl 10 heals and the spell in your belt doesn't change image to psi shield when you take a screenie? o_O
Ok you're starting to scare me.....

06-10-05, 13:32
Noipe Sultana. Its to do with what mission you did to get the heal.
Field Medic mission = looks like a heal.
Preacher mission = looks like a psi shield.

06-10-05, 13:35
Then supply me with the names of your chars....I'm not a mindreader you know

zeltarg and kellogs

Original monk
06-10-05, 13:38
Preacher mission = looks like a psi shield.

offtopic im selling a 5 free slot tl10 heal like the preacher mission one on neptune (noone reads black market anyway and a person has to do sumthing to sell its good witouth NPC playershops :) hint hint KK)

06-10-05, 13:50
Field Medic mission = looks like a heal.
Preacher mission = looks like a psi shield.
Er, i though preachers got an apu spell? Or do they get a choice?

Original monk
06-10-05, 13:55
Er, i though preachers got an apu spell? Or do they get a choice?

i didnt know either cause i yust bought the spell and also wonderd why the hell it looked so nonheallike :) took me some days to adapt but now im used to it :)

cmaster's explenation sounds normal tough altough i also tought the preachers got a tl 10 firespell or sumthing, or was that the inquisitors or sumthing i really dunno :)

KK should fix this lil bug btw, nomatter how you get to the spell :angel:

06-10-05, 13:58
I'm still gonna use psi shield though, and at least pretend it makes me better.

06-10-05, 14:34
zeltarg and kellogs
I'm guessing you're referring to Neptune and sorry to disappoint you but I didn't fight in the city which seems to be the only place I met you (when I was on my nib droner).
One day when you get the balls to go -32 SL you'll know why...

Name your chars on Terra instead, I know I have one of you on your PE, but don't know your other chars

Original monk
06-10-05, 14:42
I'm still gonna use psi shield though, and at least pretend it makes me better.

i gonna try it also .. i used the spell many times on my ppu, mostly to go stand infront of the old superdamagecopbots when the insta-psiboosters where still there :) in fights its useless for monks cause when ya get to much damage you cant heal shit nomore lol .. certainly not with current psiboosters

but i think it can be viable for a PE in some situations, i never tried tbh so its worth it checking out again :)

06-10-05, 18:09
Preachers get a choice of TL10 Heal or TL7 Energy Ball (Crahn Justice). Inqusistors get the TL10 Fire Lance (Cleansing Fire)

06-10-05, 22:12
i gonna try it also .. i used the spell many times on my ppu, mostly to go stand infront of the old superdamagecopbots when the insta-psiboosters where still there :) in fights its useless for monks cause when ya get to much damage you cant heal shit nomore lol .. certainly not with current psiboosters

but i think it can be viable for a PE in some situations, i never tried tbh so its worth it checking out again :)

I think indeed it could be viable for a PE provided they buff befor the fight but they would have to pump psi boosters like crazy to substain the effect. Question what actully happens when you get shot at with this psi shield running, Does it take resists into account of does it just destroy you mana pool ?

06-10-05, 23:01
I think indeed it could be viable for a PE provided they buff befor the fight but they would have to pump psi boosters like crazy to substain the effect. Question what actully happens when you get shot at with this psi shield running, Does it take resists into account of does it just destroy you mana pool ?
Resist wasn't applied last I checked, does full dmg as if you have 0 resist and no shields

06-10-05, 23:28
Resist wasn't applied last I checked, does full dmg as if you have 0 resist and no shields

So for a PE it may give you 1 extra burst or more if you pump them boosters, but then you can't heal unless you hide, cool I see.

07-10-05, 05:58
I'm guessing you're referring to Neptune and sorry to disappoint you but I didn't fight in the city which seems to be the only place I met you (when I was on my nib droner).
One day when you get the balls to go -32 SL you'll know why...

Name your chars on Terra instead, I know I have one of you on your PE, but don't know your other chars
Slow down Darge... Your epenis has grown large once again... take some lom pills lol
Do you want to publish some real cool Spyware UnForgetttable photos, dead on crp? Its very important, since we cant quite find you on spy and on foot :p

07-10-05, 07:56
Slow down Darge... Your epenis has grown large once again... take some lom pills lol
Do you want to publish some real cool Spyware UnForgetttable photos, dead on crp? Its very important, since we cant quite find you on spy and on foot :p
Try and reread your posts before you submit them and consider if they'll make sense to other people than yourself :rolleyes:

07-10-05, 09:56
Mebbe my screen resolution is crap and all, are those all foreign PPU spells on you .... (referes to pics)

None the less, If I recall the reason why psi shield is crap is because it is bugged.... ie it absorbs damage fine, but it does not take into consideration your resists and setup ....
if you were to take 50 damage, the effect is 20 with armour, cons and buffs.... then you loose 20 Hp.
PSI Shield takes the full 50's worth of damage against it, eating you manna quicker ... or was this soreted somewhere along the line

07-10-05, 10:03
Rares are not rare if everyone uses them.

So if they're not rare they do not need that spinning soulcluster shit on them, do they?
If they're not rare they don't need their own unique names, do they? - they all made by Archer & Wesson or HEW or whatever...
If they're not rare, why are they still called rare? :rolleyes:

07-10-05, 10:15
Rares are not rare if everyone uses them.

So if they're not rare they do not need that spinning soulcluster shit on them, do they?
If they're not rare they don't need their own unique names, do they? - they all made by Archer & Wesson or HEW or whatever...
If they're not rare, why are they still called rare? :rolleyes:

It's just an expression. :rolleyes:

07-10-05, 12:23
Try and reread your posts before you submit them and consider if they'll make sense to other people than yourself :rolleyes:
ok. Translation for the Not so clever:
Cool down, because we do have some unforgettable memories of you, lying titsup in crp/cyc with your Spy and Tank. They are very rare to me at least, simply because you usually riding your car for fast escapes, or clip around cyc Grs ;)

As far as running with -32 SL its not just braveness as you believe, but also stupidity

07-10-05, 12:45
Name your chars on Terra instead, I know I have one of you on your PE, but don't know your other chars my terra chars: zeltarg, paw of cow, giga, jiga, the foreigner.

Bugs Gunny
07-10-05, 13:11
Jini, i've seen the cycrow raids from both sides of the mirror now, and we both know what happens to a lone tank that comes into crp on foot....

It's not that the dome runners want to zerg, it's just so unbelievably boring that when someone does come to raid, that people are tripping over each other to get a shot in.
And off course the ppus want to do their share too, and unfortunately some still believe in the necessity of parashock for pvp.

07-10-05, 13:14
my terra chars: zeltarg, paw of cow, giga, jiga, the foreigner.
Don't think I've ever met you on giga/jiga I remember the foreigner from somewhere though...here's the screens I have of zelt/poc was sure I had more but I lost some when I reformated half year ago



Also here's a few of jini just so he can feel special too...




Btw, I'd love to see some screenies of me dead, could be fun to see how filled the local list was :lol:

07-10-05, 13:36
lol @ snot eyes dm in the 1st pic :lol:

07-10-05, 13:41
lol @ snot eyes dm in the 1st pic :lol:
He always had some sort of excuse when he died....was one of the funniest people to kill because you knew he'd go balistic :lol:

Bugs Gunny
07-10-05, 13:42
Dargeshaad, you are like a stampcollector, aren't you?

I love the screenies, but mostly for the stuff said in the chatwindow :-)

07-10-05, 17:16
Jini, i've seen the cycrow raids from both sides of the mirror now, and we both know what happens to a lone tank that comes into crp on foot....

It's not that the dome runners want to zerg, it's just so unbelievably boring that when someone does come to raid, that people are tripping over each other to get a shot in.
And off course the ppus want to do their share too, and unfortunately some still believe in the necessity of parashock for pvp.
Usually what happens and you know it as well is, that when we do meet a character that cant stealth and we kill him, I usually ask a nearby ppu to rezz, if nearby.
Dargeshaad, in both situations died from overconfidence due to his huge Ego. Unfortunatelly there is no other way one can explain why someone bothers keeping all this hard evidence in his hard disk? All I keep is some 12-13 pics of some funny incidents that I happened to witness and no tags at all. I dont need them simply because after 3+ years of play, I ve lived and witnessed a lot of funny moments that live in my mind.
Just for the fun of it, Dargeshaad died on his tank from my spy (which I rarely use for pvp) and another tank which I now forget. His car was ofc parked If i remember correctly just 100 meters away (a Reveler if I recall). Usually what happens is, that if poor Dargeshaad finds it hard all he does is run to the vehicle and then puts Warp4.
In his spy he also did a mistake and to be franc u arent allowed to die that easy with the godmode switch. He underestimated the situation once again. If i remember there was a ppu but didnt intervene a lot. Both unforgettable moments :lol:

As you can see, darge, there is really not that much need of playing the director/photographer. Other than that you too, add to the fun this game is about, but please dont come here preaching us about bravery and balls.

And since we are saying all these, I've allways enjoyed dueling yr PEs bugs & casaad, you never came with cars, or I allways liked Rex's condos attacks, or tollet tanks ones, Mike strikes, cmaster regardless if I won or died

Edit: I forget a lot, and I know how hard it is for one to come and attack someitmes many, but these runners do give me hope that this game deserves to stay alive

07-10-05, 17:19
He always had some sort of excuse when he died....was one of the funniest people to kill because you knew he'd go balistic :lol:

lol, almost as good as that time he was in NF

07-10-05, 18:50
haha so much bitterness from jini :lol:

Darges you noob using a reveller to get away from teh zerg ! How could you !

Original monk
07-10-05, 20:50
yeah now you surely proved yourself dargeshaad :rolleyes:

Asurmen Spec Op
07-10-05, 21:13
got any screenies of me dead?

Its kinky

07-10-05, 21:24
got any screenies of me dead?

Its kinky
He sure does, as he stores his precious pics alphabetically :lol:
If I knew then what I know now, I would have named jini: zini

haha so much bitterness from jini :lol:

Darges you noob using a reveller to get away from teh zerg ! How could you !
Hardly can call 2 runners a zerg, but if you would, go ahead. Also where is the zerg in those photos? I wonder

07-10-05, 21:31
@jini: talking out of your ass again, full of bullshit and nothing to back it up with, funny how detailed your memories are of fighting me, yet when i try to remember killing you i never can and you know why....because you're just another prick in the wall

@original: not to proove myself...i know i'm that damn good. Yes I have a big ego, it's cold at the top and my ego is the only thing i have to keep me warm. Btw, giga asked for screenies of him dead and jini asked for it too just in another matter of speaking all they proove is how much jini sucks

got any screenies of me dead?

Its kinky
Maybe, but they would be filed under the "parental advisory" department...you'll just have to settle with this:


07-10-05, 22:14
@original: not to proove myself...i know i'm that damn good. Yes I have a big ego, it's cold at the top and my ego is the only thing i have to keep me warm.

Poor you. :(

07-10-05, 22:22
Spyware, can you send me those things that make me invisible?


Asurmen Spec Op
08-10-05, 01:03


08-10-05, 06:51
@jini: talking out of your ass again, full of bullshit and nothing to back it up with, funny how detailed your memories are of fighting me, yet when i try to remember killing you i never can and you know why....because you're just another prick in the wall

@original: not to proove myself...i know i'm that damn good. Yes I have a big ego, it's cold at the top and my ego is the only thing i have to keep me warm. Btw, giga asked for screenies of him dead and jini asked for it too just in another matter of speaking all they proove is how much jini sucks

Then, that sorts it. It's your big Ego's fault. There's nothing we can do about it.
As for the rest, I'm sharing with you two of the most unforgetable memories of mine, in neocron. I'm not having more its just these two, all the others are of you riding a reveler most of the times, or, when hurt bad, giving the ball of death around cycrow GR. Aside this, Im in cycrow for most of the time nowadays. Ill fight spyware or crashalot, but not morbid. If I see you, running away or starting the ball of death again i'll just stealth away, refusing dueling you again.
As for the pricks, if all that you see in neocron are just pricks, you should start concidering the possibility of you being the prick rather, than the rest.
In the end its just a game darges and nothing else, you should have understood it by now, i certainly hope you will eventually. As for now, I advise you to keep feeding your ego with your precious photos/movies and when you gow wiser/cleverer I'm sure you will find your way.
Thats all bro,no hard feelings, I only wish you gave me the fun all the others give, like for instance smurfens yesterday's battle :D

08-10-05, 08:10
Then, that sorts it. It's your big Ego's fault. There's nothing we can do about it.
As for the rest, I'm sharing with you two of the most unforgetable memories of mine, in neocron. I'm not having more its just these two, all the others are of you riding a reveler most of the times, or, when hurt bad, giving the ball of death around cycrow GR. Aside this, Im in cycrow for most of the time nowadays. Ill fight spyware or crashalot, but not morbid. If I see you, running away or starting the ball of death again i'll just stealth away, refusing dueling you again.
As for the pricks, if all that you see in neocron are just pricks, you should start concidering the possibility of you being the prick rather, than the rest.
In the end its just a game darges and nothing else, you should have understood it by now, i certainly hope you will eventually. As for now, I advise you to keep feeding your ego with your precious photos/movies and when you gow wiser/cleverer I'm sure you will find your way.
Thats all bro,no hard feelings, I only wish you gave me the fun all the others give, like for instance smurfens yesterday's battle :D
Yes you're right it's all about my ego, and you're also right in there's nothing you can do about it, because there's just not anyone in NC good enough to pull me down from the top...especially not you
I'm glad I give you unforgetable memories, too bad those memories got nothing to do with reality....living in jini world sure must be fun
And why would i want to grow wiser just to turn into a looser like you...no thanks i like the view i have from where i'm standing
Btw, in regards to my pics not showing a zerg, well maybe you should use your brain for once and consider how clever it would be to stand still for a few seconds to take a screenie while being blasted by para/hl/whatever

08-10-05, 08:42
There's just not anyone in NC good enough to pull me down from the top...
Maybe... but i doubt it.

Also becouse im wondering, and im fairly sure you do, but could you post some pics of fireproof dead?

Im sure you have a few. I usaly dont stop fighting until im dead or ppu's start to show up.

Also becouse im a bit slow, are you spyware?

08-10-05, 08:48
Maybe... but i doubt it.

Also becouse im wondering, and im fairly sure you do, but could you post some pics of fireproof dead?

Im sure you have a few. I usaly dont stop fighting until im dead or ppu's start to show up.

Also becouse im a bit slow, are you spyware?
I don't have any of you dead, I'm pro-city and I don't pk other pro-city. Only times I've fought you were in NF on Carpe Diem I believe....and yes I'm spyware

E. Cryton
08-10-05, 08:52
there's just not anyone in NC good enough to pull me down from the top...
didnt u lose the 1on1 vs rev ?

08-10-05, 09:00
Ah, been pro city all along? Becouse i remember chasing a pistol spy named spyware down with my drone many times :D.

Meh, maybe im just getting names mixed up. Wouldent be the first time.

Asurmen Spec Op
08-10-05, 09:10
I can pull you down from the top sexually <.<



08-10-05, 10:09
Yes you're right it's all about my ego, and you're also right in there's nothing you can do about it, because there's just not anyone in NC good enough to pull me down from the top...especially not you
I'm glad I give you unforgetable memories, too bad those memories got nothing to do with reality....living in jini world sure must be fun
And why would i want to grow wiser just to turn into a looser like you...no thanks i like the view i have from where i'm standing
Btw, in regards to my pics not showing a zerg, well maybe you should use your brain for once and consider how clever it would be to stand still for a few seconds to take a screenie while being blasted by para/hl/whatever
Which top are you reffering to Darges?? The one YOU built?

I don't have any of you dead, I'm pro-city and I don't pk other pro-city. Only times I've fought you were in NF on Carpe Diem I believe....and yes I'm spyware
You admit, that you have never fought Pros, while you have only fought me 5 times, 2 of which Ive seen you bite the dust and another 2 of me in stealth refusing to fight exploiters. I also remember one of crash kiling my spy in cyc. So, which top is this?
Yes your greatest problem IS your Ego. Now that you have admited something go get some real medical attention, it might do you good
After 4 years of neocron play almost ALL vets are pros darges. One is good in this the the other is good in that. It's not like how we used to be 2-3 years back when we didnt know where we were standing, and some good names in pvp popped up. It doesnt take a genius to understand this simple fact right? In any case you got a huge idea for yr self, while not deserving it. jini out

08-10-05, 10:09
i remember that screenie of paw of cow because i remember thinking "omfg how am i dying so quickly"
and lol at the DMs you get
EDIT: i want 90fps, whats in your PC?

08-10-05, 10:18
Who's Dargeshead? Never seen him ingame, only a few times on the forums. :confused:

08-10-05, 10:51
jini <3

I agree with all you say

08-10-05, 10:54
didnt u lose the 1on1 vs rev ?
What does "the" mean? We've fought several times and I think all in all we're pretty even in terms of score, feel free to ask him yourself. But yes, he's probably the only person I'd refer to as being able to beat me in a fair 1on1.

Ah, been pro city all along? Becouse i remember chasing a pistol spy named spyware down with my drone many times :D.

Meh, maybe im just getting names mixed up. Wouldent be the first time.
My spy has never been pistols, so yes you're mixing up names :p

I can pull you down from the top sexually <.<


I was afraid you'd say that *shivers*

i remember that screenie of paw of cow because i remember thinking "omfg how am i dying so quickly"
and lol at the DMs you get
EDIT: i want 90fps, whats in your PC?
A tweaked AMD64 2.5Ghz, 1GB ram, OC'ed ati x800xl and a WD raptor74D....nothing top of the line, even when i bought it :D

Who's Dargeshead? Never seen him ingame, only a few times on the forums. :confused:

I've posted my char names plenty of times: Spyware/Sir Crashalot/Carpe Diem/Morbid Angel

@jini: I said i didn't pk pro-city, i've fought almost every pro that was worth fighting in NF. And again you go on rambling about killing me and that i'm exploiting (which usually goes to say more about the guy yelling EXPLOITZ than the guy actually yelled at), funny thing is i got no recollection of that happening. Seems you're the only person that actually believe you'd manage to kill me....again keep on dreaming because it never has and never will happen

08-10-05, 11:02
Dagersad or wathever, take this.

Dagerthing clothing (http://www.abused-clothing.com/wear.php?s=h&z=1 )

08-10-05, 11:04
Dagersad or wathever, take this.

Dagerthing clothing (http://www.abused-clothing.com/wear.php?s=h&z=1 )
Bitter that i owned your sorry excuse of a tank too?

08-10-05, 11:12
The lack of presence from Nid is certainly showing itself nowdays :)

08-10-05, 11:16
Bitter that i owned your sorry excuse of a tank too?

Oh, you killed Crazyball (lvl 59 tank with rank 60 with a CS) with your hyb near the cycrow GR ONCE, and now you got the keys of the forums ? J00 R d4 m4st3r, 4bs0lu7 pwn4g3333
You already posted the screen.
It's really hilarious to read you talking about you. But I'll teach you something : Other people have to say that you'r good, if you say that, it has no value because everyone can think he is good.

(hilarious how you make an opinion on someone after a 20 sec bad started fight :) )
And yeah, Speedball is a noob, everyone knows that.

as I said before : Poor you :(

Ps : Those t-shirt just summarize what's it's going on in you'r head.

08-10-05, 11:28
Can we keep this thread on-topic please?


08-10-05, 11:29
Can we keep this thread on-topic please?


Ask Dagerthing, he is the master here.

Bugs Gunny
08-10-05, 12:43
Di you guys know that fluoride in toohpaste makes people docile and that's how the government controls us?

08-10-05, 12:48
Who's Dargeshead? Never seen him ingame, only a few times on the forums. :confused:
Dargeshaad is: morbid angel (an overpowered hybrid blessed or prolly apu i forget) sir crash-a-lot a tank and spyware a HL(sick) spy. His tank&hybrid uses cars for fast in fast out passes thru cyc. You will hardly see him raiding on feet, simply because hes got "the balls" when in danger you will see him circling thru an object (usually cyc GR or UG) and at the same time rebuffing whatever he uses to buff with.
His T-shirt of choice as speedball pointed us is #2 :"FRAG ME I'M FAMOUS" :lol:

08-10-05, 12:59
Im sorry, but when i had an anti city spy i loved watching crash-alot ride around in his reveler mowing people down :D

And isnt "circling through an object" while rebuffing just taking cover?

08-10-05, 13:03
taking cover and taking advantages of the lag ;)

Bugs Gunny
08-10-05, 14:21
I've seen loads of people run around the pillars at crp and in the cycrow hackroom.
And honestly, a lone tank raiding crp..... How long do you think it will be before he gets paraspammed and hl'ed to death?

08-10-05, 15:42
cmon bugs you know very well what i am talkng about
and it was not his tank
it was his hybrid
and he isn't alone he has his reveler in standby
and now that you ask this i never remembered you, doing the same, losing or gaining a battle, so why you excuse him?
Besides, we are hijacking this post lol which is all about the TSU rifle, and not about filling someones egoism

08-10-05, 15:58
Besides, we are hijacking this post lol which is all about the TSU rifle, and not about filling someones egoism
The threads quality entertainment jini :lol:

I'm also loving those t-shirts. :D

Asurmen Spec Op
08-10-05, 18:31
Oh, you killed Crazyball (lvl 59 tank with rank 60 with a CS) with your hyb near the cycrow GR ONCE, and now you got the keys of the forums ? J00 R d4 m4st3r, 4bs0lu7 pwn4g3333
You already posted the screen.
It's really hilarious to read you talking about you. But I'll teach you something : Other people have to say that you'r good, if you say that, it has no value because everyone can think he is good.

(hilarious how you make an opinion on someone after a 20 sec bad started fight :) )
And yeah, Speedball is a noob, everyone knows that.

as I said before : Poor you :(

Ps : Those t-shirt just summarize what's it's going on in you'r head.
Honestly, Darg has earned the ability to say he is godlike, because, to be perfectly fucking honest, I havent seen him die ever(I havent seen him fight alot, but Ive seen him to CRAZY fucking things)

08-10-05, 18:35
i have to say.. i dont think it's ego if you can back it up. dargeshaad can...

it's worse to be unable to accept anyone is better then you.

Bugs Gunny
08-10-05, 19:47
Jini, you know how hard it is to raid cycrow. It takes exactly 1 minute for a bunch of people with a ppu to show up.
There's the rare few that go against a raider solo.

08-10-05, 19:59
Honestly, Darg has earned the ability to say he is godlike, because, to be perfectly fucking honest, I havent seen him die ever(I havent seen him fight alot, but Ive seen him to CRAZY fucking things)

Ooooh yeah you play on terra/mars, i know why you think the first guy who fights alone is godlike. Intsteed of laughing about venus/pandore maybe you could see what it had for good solo players.

08-10-05, 20:12
Ooooh yeah you play on terra/mars, i know why you think the first guy who fights alone is godlike. Intsteed of laughing about venus/pandore maybe you could see what it had for good solo players.
unless it's you that beat him you dont have room to insult. if i'd ever seen one of these super french players i'd be more inclined to agree.

08-10-05, 20:20
unless it's you that beat him you dont have room to insult. if i'd ever seen one of these super french players i'd be more inclined to agree.

can i try?

08-10-05, 20:23
I think he just quit

08-10-05, 21:31
I think he just quit


"The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 5 characters."

Asurmen Spec Op
08-10-05, 21:48
Ooooh yeah you play on terra/mars, i know why you think the first guy who fights alone is godlike. Intsteed of laughing about venus/pandore maybe you could see what it had for good solo players.
No, I think hes godlike because he will kick anyones ass, thats why.
I dont care about your "pandora" whining, its the same on all the servers, and Id bet that he could beat the best pandora/terra/mars/whatever players.

and speedball, my orriginal point stands that he is godlike, because I dont see you posting pics of you killing him :confused:.
Honestly, you cant, deal with it

08-10-05, 21:50
Ok you got the big terra brain. I whine because i speak.

Funny loly dodly.

Asurmen Spec Op
08-10-05, 21:51
Ok you got the big terra brain. I whine because i speak.

Funny loly dodly.

Ooooh yeah you play on terra/mars, i know why you think the first guy who fights alone is godlike. Intsteed of laughing about venus/pandore maybe you could see what it had for good solo players.
You brought up pandore, I just said hed kick your ass and you somehow pulled that server in to this

08-10-05, 21:52
and speedball, my orriginal point stands that he is godlike, because I dont see you posting pics of you killing him :confused:.

Maybe because :

- i've stoped nc 2 weeks ago
- i only played on terra during 1 or 2 weeks
- i don't take screenshots of all my kills, im not that maniac and i remind the persons i kill, no need to prove anything.

08-10-05, 21:54
You brought up pandore, I just said hed kick your ass and you somehow pulled that server in to this

Do you see the word "whinning" you wrote ? Do you see me whining somewhere ? Ok you got the probleme, now use your brain to solve it :rolleyes:

Asurmen Spec Op
08-10-05, 21:54
Maybe because :

- i've stoped nc 2 weeks ago
- i only played on terra during 1 or 2 weeks
- i don't take screenshots of all my kills, im not that maniac and i remind the persons i kill, no need to prove anything.
Not that youve killed him......

08-10-05, 21:54
Not that youve killed him......

How can i kill him if i don't fight him ?

(and btw its not my problem if you see no skill in you that enable you to kill someone. Don't think its the case of everyone :lol: )

08-10-05, 23:02
Id bet that he could beat the best pandora/terra/mars/whatever players.

Hum... I knew some really good solo fighters on Venus.. a pity a lot of them have cancelled their account.

I dont care about your "pandora" whining, its the same on all the servers
Not really : I saw a lot more solo fighters on Pandore than on Terra. (I never saw a tank heavy raiding Plaza alone on Terra... I don't say they don't exist, just that I never saw them).

Btw, I knew only one person who couldn't die : Plume.

Asurmen Spec Op
08-10-05, 23:08
Hum... I knew some really good solo fighters on Venus.. a pity a lot of them have cancelled their account.
Indeed, is a pity
Not really : I saw a lot more solo fighters on Pandore than on Terra. (I never saw a tank heavy raiding Plaza alone on Terra... I don't say they don't exist, just that I never saw them).
There are the same ammount of solo players on Terra as on pandora, its just that, terra had more pop, so yes, more PPU whores
Btw, I knew only one person who couldn't die : Plume.

Looky in the quote for sex

08-10-05, 23:12
Looky in the quote for sex

Why don't you quote ME :( I'm sad, nothing more to say ? is the Dagersthing worship over ? :(

Asurmen Spec Op
08-10-05, 23:16
Why don't you quote ME :( I'm sad, nothing more to say ? is the Dagersthing worship over ? :(
Mostly because I was acting stupid because I was sleepy, so Ill just pretend it didnt happen

*jedi hand wave*

09-10-05, 01:26
He is top of the pecking order as far as Neocron pvp goes. Considering the size of the community that doesn't say a great deal does it(tiny ponds don't have much room for big fish)?

Getting all angsty about his ego-stroking posts seems a bit of a wasted effort then doesn't it?

edit- leave the Tsu rifle alone and increase the dmg output of other weapons around it's tl(*hint*the TT epic weps would be a good start*hint*).

09-10-05, 01:30
*Looks at thread title*

Any more thread hi-jacking nonsense here and I'll be forced to close this thread. Talk about your Tsunami rifles people! ;)


09-10-05, 01:57
i want the tsu rifle to penetrate stealth....
and i wan more people using rares on Neptune to be a challenge for all those TSU PEs out there

09-10-05, 03:19
They use many rares, but only with LE :rolleyes:

E. Cryton
09-10-05, 13:17
or in warzones ...

10-10-05, 00:09
But then only with PPU Eric :p

10-10-05, 10:17
TSU rifles are fine, let the wannabe PEs use them with their resistchip-based setups.

Honestly, Darg has earned the ability to say he is godlike, because, to be perfectly fucking honest, I havent seen him die ever(I havent seen him fight alot, but Ive seen him to CRAZY fucking things)

If its any consolation I've beaten him, but I'd definately rank him as one of the best PvPers around at the mo.

10-10-05, 10:23
finally fought a tsu rifle pe today, on terra ...he wasnt capped but he barely beat me, i was uing a tl63 pwave though so...yea :lol:

fought a pe ...pe later, he kicked my ass because he was capped :p need to get me a new gun

10-10-05, 10:38
Hmm i tried my tank yesterday and realised how different they are from pistol and rifles (aiming wise) and found i sucked on him.

So, im either gonna practise, or make an Anti Rad Suit PE. FTW!

10-10-05, 10:43
i dont have anything against the TAR but it give So much (unskilled) ally PKers they have green sl and Using the TAR??? WTF ok eventually resichips but takes overhand with the PE flood

Bugs Gunny
10-10-05, 10:44
Anti-rad suits.... i wonder how many of those are left.
And do they drop in belts?

10-10-05, 10:48
Anti-rad suits.... i wonder how many of those are left.
And do they drop in belts?

I dont know, thats what im worried about, dropping it :(

10-10-05, 12:31
I was tl83 fusion pistol for about 3 days or so. Did alright 1vs1. But tbh I don't want to wait 5 hours just to get a 1vs1 so I've lommed back to tsu because you bastards always insist on ganging up on me. Even during deathmatch type senarios where everyone is fighting everyone, suddenly everyone just turns on me.

Original monk
10-10-05, 13:45
Anti-rad suits.... i wonder how many of those are left.
And do they drop in belts?

on terra i have some left from NC1 but on neptune i havent got one and they yust drop in belts like any other chestpiece

Asurmen Spec Op
10-10-05, 22:13
TSU rifles are fine, let the wannabe PEs use them with their resistchip-based setups.

If its any consolation I've beaten him, but I'd definately rank him as one of the best PvPers around at the mo.

Well morg Ive only seen you fight once, I killed you but it didnt count because some PPU came up and para/DBed ya.

11-10-05, 00:41
Well morg Ive only seen you fight once, I killed you but it didnt count because some PPU came up and para/DBed ya.

If I actually cared about beating people in NC I'd logon and slap you about in NF, but due to the fact I am taking a break, and because my GFx card causes my PC to lag when I play the simplest of games (Diablo 2 for example :( ) I can't PvP in NC because I get FPS spikes.

Asurmen Spec Op
11-10-05, 02:20
If I actually cared about beating people in NC I'd logon and slap you about in NF, but due to the fact I am taking a break, and because my GFx card causes my PC to lag when I play the simplest of games (Diablo 2 for example :( ) I can't PvP in NC because I get FPS spikes.
Like I said it didnt count.

You got para spammed

11-10-05, 02:25
I didnt even know you needed a videocard for diablo2 :eek:.

11-10-05, 11:47
Hmm i tried my tank yesterday and realised how different they are from pistol and rifles (aiming wise) and found i sucked on him.

So, im either gonna practise, or make an Anti Rad Suit PE. FTW!
Once i'm back i need you to gank with me. <3
I'm gonna make a PE and dunno about the other slot, what do you suggest?

11-10-05, 11:49
Melee HC hybrid spy.

(And how long will it be till you wantme to gank with you? :p )

11-10-05, 11:53
Hah, thats one badass class you're suggesting.

And i still don't know when. Soon i hope.

11-10-05, 11:55
OK, thats it. Gimme your address, im phoning Germany tbh!

11-10-05, 12:04
Haha, i remember the one time you guys called me drunk.
"I found a phone! I'm running around on the street! Ow! Now i'm lying down."
Heh, you were so wasted. I think you even told me you were about to run around naked. :D

(If that was you...or was it ramic? I was drunk myself that night. :lol: )

11-10-05, 14:02
I didnt even know you needed a videocard for diablo2 :eek:.

Apparently you do, I have it set to lowest settings and I get 5-15 FPS when there are too many mobs on the screen, lol

/me needs to buy an x1800 when they are released

11-10-05, 14:24
You can't say that tsu PE is overpowered just because there happens to be some skilled players using it. I've seen some really shit tsu PEs tbh

11-10-05, 16:52
Haha, i remember the one time you guys called me drunk.
"I found a phone! I'm running around on the street! Ow! Now i'm lying down."
Heh, you were so wasted. I think you even told me you were about to run around naked. :D

(If that was you...or was it ramic? I was drunk myself that night. :lol: )

We've both had our moments, lol.