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03-10-05, 04:56
Who wants belt drops in warzones on neptune

They had them on jupiter, and i think they have them on mars now ? Why not on a pvp server ? :O

Also make Epic weapons drop, but make the epics so that they can be redone on that server.
Yes, people will say it will flood the market etc with the TSU rifles etc, but if they drop aswell, why use a TSU rifle over a Paineaser etc ?!

Only reason they are being used is because they dont drop, kinda defies the reason of having NO safeslot and NO need to hack belts ... Why should someone risk their rares fighting someone with stealth/heal/weapon and hell sometimes CA PA that doesent drop ?!

Asurmen Spec Op
03-10-05, 05:13
Who wants belt drops in warzones on neptune

They had them on jupiter, and i think they have them on mars now ? Why not on a pvp server ? :O

Also make Epic weapons drop, but make the epics so that they can be redone on that server.
Yes, people will say it will flood the market etc with the TSU rifles etc, but if they drop aswell, why use a TSU rifle over a Paineaser etc ?!

Only reason they are being used is because they dont drop, kinda defies the reason of having NO safeslot and NO need to hack belts ... Why should someone risk their rares fighting someone with stealth/heal/weapon and hell sometimes CA PA that doesent drop ?!
Fully agree, EPICS NEED TO DROP!
People come to neptune so they can get things from belt, so they pussy foot around.

Or hell, just make it so that if you use an epic weapon you cant open a belt, so you need to take a risk to gain something.

Full agreement, its stupid as is.

03-10-05, 06:11
my char doesnt use a epic, but he cant use rares anyways :P

TPC+DB 4tw.

03-10-05, 07:05
I dont want belts realy.

Actualy I dont think epic weapons should drop unless somthing else is done for them. Like maybe being able to do the epic again or somthing. Dropping a rare isent so bad as dropping your rifle that took you 2 hours do complete the quest and switched factions from.

03-10-05, 07:22
I dont mind epics not dropping (I'm not a Tsunami lame-o PE before you accuse me of it) I just wish they would seriously break down and do some MUCH needed re-balancing in this game. They continue adding things and making minor tweaks, but over the years those minior tweaks and adds have really fubared the balance of this PvP focused game.

just my 2 cents

03-10-05, 08:07
every item needs to drop (all forms of epics) and belts should drop everywhere. or just put the safe slot back in and call it terra. it's already shitty enough already (cough ppus cough).

03-10-05, 10:37
I use tsu rifle but I don't see the problem with it not dropping. Anyone not using rare weapons won't care if they drop it because you can easily build another one and anyone using rare weapons have superior dmg so they should have a chance of dropping. Every advantage should have a disadvantage and imo it's balanced atm. I cannot be bothered to go rare part whoring and just because some people have the patience to do so doesn't mean that my weapon of choice should drop because they feel that they are getting it bad.

03-10-05, 10:48
Id love to use a pain easer.

However its a pvp server and not a PvWB server. I dont wanna spend all my time killing warbots.

03-10-05, 11:58
you know if the epic weapons gonna drop you gonna see the same thing as we saw when epics were just out.. all monks will be crahn all rifle pe's be tsu etc.

lol just bought a crahn glove for 550k and a TH epic chip.. drop that in 1 shot.. hmm like sure but i won't play a second longer then.

pvp server is to erm.. pvp ? sure i wanna pvp, but pvp aint belt gathering thats something else. pvp is player vs player combat. its fighting.. by making people drop all their stuff make them do epics all over again you will kill pvp rather then get pvp since everybody is to busy getting their items back.

E. Cryton
03-10-05, 12:20
if there would be a beltdrop in warzones op-fights will just be a huge zerg. even more as it was on other server, coz with a belt drop its wa more important to win.
without ppu i'd say yes, beltdrop in warzones, but nowadays its senseless. the belt should belong to the side which is more skilled, not which has more ppl/ppus.

Vae Victis
03-10-05, 12:51
remove monks from neptune, keep the ppu spells ingame, THEN make warzones belt drop zones.

not just ppus or hybs, remove apus aswell.

(removing holy spells is useless, since apu spells also have holy ones, IE holy lightning)

03-10-05, 13:29
Not a good idea keep Warzones otherwise Opfights will just be one HUGE Zerg with no one bothering to turn up if they are outnumbered.

As for Epic drops.
You can only do epic once!
(So I gotta re-roll if I can't find the cash for a new one?)

Thats screwed.

Listen UP! THIS IS A PVP server not belt farming for you people who can't be arsed to go out and DO AN EPIC YOURSELF!

STOP thinking about what you can get from it and just PvP, HELL if all you want is PVP against skilled equipped players then remove ALL DROPS! :rolleyes:

03-10-05, 14:35
Not a good idea keep Warzones otherwise Opfights will just be one HUGE Zerg with no one bothering to turn up if they are outnumbered.

As for Epic drops.
You can only do epic once!
(So I gotta re-roll if I can't find the cash for a new one?)

Thats screwed.

Listen UP! THIS IS A PVP server not belt farming for you people who can't be arsed to go out and DO AN EPIC YOURSELF!

STOP thinking about what you can get from it and just PvP, HELL if all you want is PVP against skilled equipped players then remove ALL DROPS! :rolleyes:

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I Played on jupiter, belt drops in warzones were there, and I have to say the oipfights on there were fantastic.

Zerg's rarely happened
You didnt get showboating PPUs running around for 15 minutes just being a cock after their sides lost and they cant rez
Clans did not keep coming back and back and back untill the defenders just plain gave up outta boredom

If I just wanted 1 on 1 PVP I would have stayed on terra and lived in neofrag.
Neptune isnt just a PVP server, its a hardcore server
Why would they remove the safeslot, and remove the need to hack belts if gathering a prize from your victories wasnt intended ?
Its just pussying out using a epic weapon

All my chars are using rares
tank uses pob's, ive got a droner using rares, PE using termi/PE, melee PE using PoT, monk using HL/nc1-HAB.
Now, there really isnt much damage difference between the PE and a tsunami rifle, not enough to justify the PE being a techpart rare, and the TSU Rifle auto being artifact and not dropping, and being 18 TL's lower

If the TSU rifle does damage like that, why doesent the TT rifle ? the TT rifle is utter shite as is the cannon. Dont say the TT rifle has range, the range is bugged in NC because of the clipping range and thats NO advantage because 99.9% of pvp is in eachothers face in NC

03-10-05, 14:38
Remove neptune instead :rolleyes:

03-10-05, 14:48
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As for rares i don't care if they drop, the fact is that the epic drop is not well thought out because you can only do it once. If you want it to drop so badly then let the run be completed more than once or don't let them drop.

03-10-05, 20:25
Im going to condense all my arguments, flaming grumbles into one short post.
Strip everything from neptune, you have a earned skill fps, which is the place that will attract alot of people that cannot play fps's and win because they lack skills and simply treadmill grind to overwhelm people.... these are ur common green grass griefer, Now we've never really had a problem with griefers in nc, but we have had a few peeps like this from time to time. So I say to all these people wanting to strip down Neptune to just a pure fps core.... Go Play CS.

04-10-05, 00:33
Im going to condense all my arguments, flaming grumbles into one short post.
Strip everything from neptune, you have a earned skill fps, which is the place that will attract alot of people that cannot play fps's and win because they lack skills and simply treadmill grind to overwhelm people.... these are ur common green grass griefer, Now we've never really had a problem with griefers in nc, but we have had a few peeps like this from time to time. So I say to all these people wanting to strip down Neptune to just a pure fps core.... Go Play CS.

Are you playing on neptune

If yes, why ?

if no, why comment on neptune threads ?

by no means do i want it as a shooter server, just 100% pvp, but fuck me if i want some kind of reward back for risking my own ass in pvp, dont you ?

Currently Neptune is a waterd dwn version of what it was promised to be and what alot of us have reactivated our accounts for

04-10-05, 00:43
Currently Neptune is a waterd dwn version of what it was promised to be

to me Neptunes rules seems to be exactly what was promised.

04-10-05, 00:50
I don't want epics to be droppable, because I don't want to spend eons doing them again.

04-10-05, 01:00
to me Neptunes rules seems to be exactly what was promised.

Although, I'm sure the initial idea for neptune was for it to be a no LE server (a long time ago).

I don't want epics to be droppable, because I don't want to spend eons doing them again.

I agree. It makes absolutely no RP sense to redo epics anyway. I know I'm about to be told it's a PvP server and RP shouldn't come into it, but if that was really the case, why bother with all these quests on the server?

Asurmen Spec Op
04-10-05, 01:48
Remove the RP argument, its the DUMBEST fucking thing, if you want RP, you drop everything when you die, so dont pull the RP to reason your carebear shit.

"I dont want to do them over" waaahh go back to terra, its a pvp server

I have an idea

what would this do?
you a:
get safe kills, but cant loot belts
b: get some balls and fight like a man

04-10-05, 07:26
Ok Ok lol asur... What if you got your balls in place, fight well and then bam... you crash and die, and lose your precious gun epenieaser?
this game is not exactly crash proof.

Perrsonally I never understood why someone has to be penalized to death from losing a duel.

Especially if we concider the newly item distribution system, which was based, remember, in player shops.

Solution: Disengage pvp and particularly wining awards from items dropping in belts of he who loses the battle. Make some kind of a flag award or something like a ranking system valid thru the whole server. Make this sytem clever, meaning define rules. A kill of nib char from a vet doesnt quite clasify as a kill. Doing so, people will start hunting again everywhere more freely, and not worrying how to retrieve their lost piece of armor or gun

04-10-05, 08:04
I completely agree with kozmoz here.

my char doesnt use a epic, but he cant use rares anyways :P

TPC+DB 4tw.Hehe, after thinking about it, i changed my plan to be the usual TS rifle PE as everyone.
Instead its either gonna be a fusion pistol or a nice EPR. :)
Just to be different.

04-10-05, 09:48
By the way, I use no epic weapons for pvp on neptune. It just seems like a waste of time going over a dialog over and over again, might be better to have the faction bloke to resell your item once you've completed the epic (400-500k each? an amount that is gainable in the time it would take to complete the epic).

Personally I dont have a problem if I drop a 500k item, there is only a 1in10 chance (is this still correct?) of you dropping it in a fight, so it's not going to happen all the time, it would give me more incentive not to die and to take out my foes first - it will also give rifle pes more incentive to stealth. Guess you'd prefer that?

As someone else said, this may result in an imbalance in factions, which isnt really a great thing either. If the Gaya glove is likely to drop, guess I'll change over to crahn permenantly because that and the TL10 heal are the two things my HC PE really depends upon in battle.

04-10-05, 15:38
I have an idea

what would this do?
you a:
get safe kills, but cant loot belts
b: get some balls and fight like a man

I like it!

Original monk
04-10-05, 19:11
the belt should belong to the side which is more skilled, not which has more ppl/ppus.

numbers > skill apparently ... you know this so it would be pretty unskilled to NOT come over with 50 people half of em being ppu's !!!!

bah who am i kidding ... things i seen on terra like zergs and ppuwhoring i never seen on saturn (ok i seen .. but not to this extend lol) :/ its the first thing i noticed: real fights are gone :( or really rare in any case ... kill 2 people in PP and people wont log another char no ..... expect a force you never seen before with every possible overpowered char you can imagine ... its absurd and rediculous ... you cant have enjoyable fights .. people dont wonna fight anymore ... they wonna WIN !! they wonna PWN also :rolleyes:

the noobs have found a way to win jipie :o zergs and ppuwhoring !! HEELP :/

and a predetermined NFduel isnt what i call a fight ... a fight is walking randomly at known places and bump into an enemy wich you can fight for some time ... only had this once in NC2 :/ a PE fighting my hybrid in industrial 1 ... i rezzed em after cause it was such a great fight, had a good talk after even and a bunch of respect for the guy :)

the rest was all pure nonsense ... zergs, stealthwhoring, apu/pputeams with a fetish for para and DB (not even mentioning was CRP on terra with 6 apu/ppu teams O.O COMMON :( ) and more of that nonsense .. i fought 3 people that hadnt a ppu ... a HCtank to do damage, a melleetank freezing continuously and a PE DBing continuously ... no they didnt had a ppu no .. :rolleyes: )

fights are yust petetic lately TBH, but hey thats probably cause i have bad luck, cause im a noob and cause i try to compare with saturn

i said my thing but hey if people wonna be lame while PVPing i can be lamer to a degree you didnt even know existed MHUAHA

bah i cant, will still look for those enjoyable REAL fights :/

ontopic: make all warzones on all servers drop belts, who invented this carebearrule ?

tsunami-epic: leave it as it is .. completely ... let PE's enjoy emselves

lil edit: i wasnt talking about neptune itself btw, i didnt had the joy of fighting on neptune yet, now my tradechars are settled such as most of my fightchars that finally get some armour and real weapons/chips im pulling some LE's soon, first one being tonight :)

04-10-05, 21:12
Remove the RP argument, its the DUMBEST fucking thing, if you want RP, you drop everything when you die, so dont pull the RP to reason your carebear shit.

"I dont want to do them over" waaahh go back to terra, its a pvp server

I have an idea

what would this do?
you a:
get safe kills, but cant loot belts
b: get some balls and fight like a man

/agree for the RP : Neptune is not a MMORPG server, it's FPS server.
/agree for the "epic = no loot" but for ALL epics ;)