View Full Version : My opinion on KK

awkward silence
02-10-05, 17:40
Well, I saw about 2 or 3 PE's trying to fight off spy. I also see loads of dead people. Obviously theres a fight going on. Then i tell those PE's that theyre pathetic because they got 2 ppus and they cant even kill one spy. When the spy stealths i get corrected. Its was the spy with 2 ppus and obviously a long stealth. Apparently this is that the fighting is today... even worse than it was in nc1. Well i expected that since kk has done shit about balancing pvp.

Ok lets leve that and go on to the stability things...

I played WOW (confession). The game was crap. The graphics were awesome but i prefer KK's way since it should increase performance if the graphics are not cutting edge. Well i got only 512 ram among other things and my comp aint the best anymore (it was when i bought it :p ). I think my comp crashed once while i played WOW. Theres something fishy here. Well the support is good except tech@neocron... it takes them weeks to answer and sometimes after ive waited 2-3 weeks i ruffle some feathers and they thankfully get on it. Performance has become substantially better especially since saturn or early nc2 but i would still nominate this the second buggiest non beta ive played. I mean KK has a good campain but all they come up with is no more elves. WOW has like (3?) million players. Clearly the campain is against them but its a shame KK cant go with arguments as well like better gameplay or balanced combat experience or best STABILITY! WOW as a game is shite but atleast they seems professional. NC as a game would top all but is imbalanced and seemingly unprofessional. Oh and ive never had trouble paying for WOW or anything else but NC

Whats bad?

1. PPU problem (there are swings of opinions both way but look at op wars or pvp in general) Something missing? Well, mostly 3 other classes. TBH you do see the occasional tank or spy but rarely. The sure thing is you see too much blue from half to double than anything else.

2. Stability (see above)

3. Getting a smart mouth as Niddy to argue with an angry community with good arguments but ignoring the community making it even more angry and frustrated. The forums may not be a majority but honestly we should be listened or atleast given some respect. Most (like me) would be long gone but im too addicted. Many have gone and it really seems many got their ass slammed on their way out and those aint cominng back.

4. Hacknet (like it but its needs a BIG gameplay rework) Good atmosphere there tho and i like the design.

5. Playershops and itemtracking. Right their absence. Or am i wrong and is tracking up yet?

6. The main payment system is so perversed i wont even go further. I use PBC now. A bit more expensive but it works.

7. Theres more but ill move along.

8. WOC a timesink too hard, annoying and frustrating (getting a disk without a ppu is impossible).

9. Broken, late or badly implemented other promises.

Good things

1. Stability HAS increased though theres still alot more to do.

2. THEY OPENED THE TG CANYON !!!! :) coolness

Dribble Joy
02-10-05, 17:44
PBC is no more expensive, it's just that they include the service charge in the prices afaik, where C2P don't but it will appear on your statement.

WoC unfortunately seems to be going in the direction I feared, Ie. a necessity for viability. As for Collecting the disks, if PPUs are ever 'fixed', then normal team/soloing of the caves should be possible. The lvling needed for WoC isn't too high if the benefits are no more than something nice to have.

02-10-05, 17:54
My opinion on KK :

The feeling I get when I "finally" recieve a reply from Helpdesk or a GM, is almost exact to the feeling of lifting up my foot and seeing I've stepped in a massive dog turd.

02-10-05, 18:29
Hmm... its a two sided coin tbh.

I had more CTDs in WoW in three month then i did with NC in almost 2 years O_o
I've never had a problem with C2P infact my recent dealings with them went really well (http://forum.neocron.com/showthread.php?t=128684) however everytime my monthly subscription needed to be drawn for WoW i couldnbt play for 2 or three days and after my free month at the start of my subscription i and alot of my clan mates couldnt get in game for upto 4 days O_o

KK are getting better but seem to be quiet at the moment, i assume they're all on the test server prepping 2.1

Once last dig at wow, Ģ9 a month to wait in a queue to get in game to wait in a longer queue (battle grounds) is fucking ridiculous.

02-10-05, 18:44
Whats bad?

1. PPU problem (there are swings of opinions both way but look at op wars or pvp in general) Something missing? Well, mostly 3 other classes. TBH you do see the occasional tank or spy but rarely. The sure thing is you see too much blue from half to double than anything else.

I must protest, in the last couple of days Iīve been doing a fair amount of OP wars, and seen lots of non monks in battle, of course there is always a fight or two, where the majority is monks, but in basic, Iīve seen a majority of randomly put together war-teams.

3. Getting a smart mouth as Niddy to argue with an angry community with good arguments but ignoring the community making it even more angry and frustrated. The forums may not be a majority but honestly we should be listened or atleast given some respect. Most (like me) would be long gone but im too addicted. Many have gone and it really seems many got their ass slammed on their way out and those aint cominng back.

Niddy is here to make contacting the right people easier, so you donīt have to get a hold of one person, to be told to get hold of another, who might be so busy he asks you to talk to a third.

I donīt see Nidhogg as riot control. Heīs here to make sure that if thereīs something important from the community, that the right people get informed about it.

5. Playershops and itemtracking. Right their absence. Or am i wrong
and is tracking up yet?

I thought Item tracking was in, for some items.

Playershops, weīve already gotten an update on, that it has been postponed, however much a shame it is :(

I pretty much agree with you on the posts I didnīt quote.

02-10-05, 18:57
KK have been 'quiet' for 3 years.

[ edited ]

02-10-05, 19:47
Item tacking isn't on. Expect to hear all about it when it is (I'm expecting never). Nid does some good work, but he also just throws around put downs or edits things as "spam" when its a problem he/higher up in KK doesnt want to talk about. Whats more, is KK managment seem to reliably arrange a disaster outof things. I'm sure everyone works very hard, but lets be honest - we aren't really seeing the results. Even the neocronicle is silent these days. That said, I anm more inclined to pseudo-accept KK excuses about "its your ISP" these days. I've moved from home back to Uni. Suddenly synch errors are a big problem for me. So clearly ISP is importnant. That said - I can still play any other online game of my choosing flawlessly.

Asurmen Spec Op
02-10-05, 20:22
KK have been 'quiet' for 3 years.

[ edited ]
quiet eh? Im sure:rolleyes:

I <3 KK, I know they have some problems, PPUs are a stack of shit, HN needs work, but if I remember Dirus is doing it so itll be fine :).

I love KK, after all, they made NC

02-10-05, 20:31
KK have been 'quiet' for 3 years.

[ edited ]

So i take it you only class apocalyptic scale events as something happening then? :rolleyes:

Asurmen Spec Op
02-10-05, 20:49
lmao, I thought loders edit on mine said conspiricy

02-10-05, 21:42
lmao, I thought loders edit on mine said conspiricy

Getting paranoid on our later years are we? :p

TBH, I was a mouse click away from saying something not so nice to that dude, for his comment, but decided to avoid upsetting anyone for once.

But he deserved to be edited.

02-10-05, 21:46
I dont have any problem with the game.

Just the people who ive gotta pay to play my account.

03-10-05, 00:05
Well, I saw about 2 or 3 PE's trying to fight off spy. I also see loads of dead people. Obviously theres a fight going on. Then i tell those PE's that theyre pathetic because they got 2 ppus and they cant even kill one spy. When the spy stealths i get corrected. Its was the spy with 2 ppus and obviously a long stealth.

You didn't think that me and bloodbath needed 2 ppus for all those people did you? I'm almost insulted

I don't see how anyone can have a good time playing ppu

Asurmen Spec Op
03-10-05, 00:15
You didn't think that me and bloodbath needed 2 ppus for all those people did you? I'm almost insulted

I don't see how anyone can have a good time playing ppu

i almost thought you said bloodsoaked (who used a ppu to kill me a few times).

Fuck I gotta make sure I dont mix the two in game

03-10-05, 04:34
Keep it in game you 2

Asurmen Spec Op
03-10-05, 04:47
Keep it in game you 2
I was just commenting that the two close names are going to be trouble for me.

and owing to the fact I hate one and like one, itll be odd....

03-10-05, 08:33
I played WOW (confession). The game was crap.

While I wanted to be of this opinion, I have to disagree. I barely have time to play nowadays, but I spend my time there and not in Neocron. Besides being extremely much more stable, graphically sophisticated, maintained and simply working, it's also much more fun in every way.

Leveling is definitely not: "camp something, camp aggies, camp el farid if you're a monk or launchers if you're not, camp some cave until you cap or puke from boredom.". Leveling is varied with quests and lots of different mobs, stuff, stories, etc. The world is large. My main problem is that there is so much variety that I think I'm leveling too fast sometimes because every new quest moves me into new different places when I'm not even done exploring the last place.

PVP is viable even at low levels, and high level characters usually don't attack low level characters (they can if they want to, but they are discouraged from doing that in an efficient way).

PVP actually works, it's not a dumb point and click that I feared it would be, it's almost as much work as in Neocron, which is good.

PVP is almost balanced. Sure, there are some classes that have overpowered features, but nothing extreme. I regularly kill all classes and get killed by all classes.

And primarily why I choose to be in WoW more than in Neocron right now - PVP actually happens. I got tired running around for hours on Neptune just to try to find a fight. There are no people on the server and those who are there are not fighting.

03-10-05, 08:46
Ya pvp happens in wow, but in the end it just dousent do it for me. My adrenaline dousent flow or anything. That and i didnt get much satisfaction from killing people.

PVM is fun for a while, mostly leveling with other people in a instance. Eventualy though you realise the entire game is about getting the weapon that glows the brightest, or the armour with the biggest spikes.

PBC is no more expensive, it's just that they include the service charge in the prices afaik
Ya, you know i end up paying $22.50 or somthing like that a month on my bank card with all the services i go through. Once i walked to the bank and home and it took me about an hour n a half to find out i deposited 7 cents or so to little. First time i ever walked into a bank to deposit a quarter.

03-10-05, 09:53
I like the thread, lots of words, and all .... but let be honest here ...... You have said nothing new, not even from a fresh prospective .....

After 4 years of playing on and off ... I came to realise .... You play the game as it stands now ..... waiting for crap that KK promised does not seem to cut it ...... you will die very old ......

Heres my point of view
1) We paid for a free upgrade
2) We played for an incomplete upgrade ... player shops and item tracking was never in the BDOY ideal .... and was promised shortly after .... If Item tracking has gone in its about 3 months old.
3) There will be no char wipe when NC2 is launched, this is partially true .... we kept our chars
3) No more Elves .... Only place I have seen those slogans are, When posted here, and the link KK provided ... .I go look at mre common places like mmorpg.com (Where it would make sense to advertise based on its name) and I see nothing ....any one else
4) Theme weeks, I got a basting over my posts on this ... I supported it but said something like ... it will fall by the way side (What a surprise).
5) Whats that now 3 or 4 plan files in 1 year - it seams it quicker to write a plan file than focus on theme weeks or actualy produce anything within them.
6) New mobs .... the most impressive new mob added to the game was something called an unknown - it looked like a screwup but cool, It hit like jonny 5 bots ... and then we find out that they were just bugs .... man they were cool bugs.... Where is the Hacknet boss ? Pictures look good, but thats different to in game.
7) DOY tunnels - 120/120 war factory ... Really by adding the same mobs over. What we have are the same mobs with different names .... Take the Y Rep ....
Y-Reps are found on the east side in c12 I think (Ceres Lab area), there are 3 levels of them
The excat same model is found at MC5 with three new names and levels
The same models are found in 120/120 undergrounds for wocs ....
The same models are now also found south of gab mines with different names... one day all mobs will look like y reps

Good things though
1) Nid is cool, he does a job well. This can be seen by him being on holiday (other mods are cool to, but seems nid has more time to strike)
2) Noob MC5 experience, this is a lot better than when my first char started in his app. A lot of work done here
3) DOY its cool for a massive open space with empty sectors ..... I only ever found 1 level 8 hunting ground, after looking through 4 or 5 sectors .... and this was camped .....

Take the game as it comes, If you playing for KK's vision, read the reviews .... NC1 was a good start and had a lot of potential..... NC2 is a good start and has the same potential (4 years later).

03-10-05, 10:12
3) No more Elves .... Only place I have seen those slogans are, When posted here, and the link KK provided ... .I go look at mre common places like mmorpg.com (Where it would make sense to advertise based on its name) and I see nothing ....any one else

:D Yes I did see the side banner advertisement on www.mmorpg.com for neocron saying "no more elves" or was it for anarchy online... one of them lol

Ok for the people who hate KK or whine alot about NC and KK.. I think people should stop complaining (like that would happen) the game has bugs, game will always have bugs and I havn't played a game that is bug free and if there is.. I doubt its worth playing! I had fun in beta with the bugs, hell we became billionaires with the stockx even though they rolled back I think it was right before beta was over. BETA WAS ALMOST OVER lol!!! They still rolled it back but hey, everyone exploited, we got punished.

Reakktor is a company that is still here to provide what they can within policy and rules that is set for them. Community leaders and GMs are not to blame for alot of whats going on, come on look what they have to deal with :P the bloodsucking community that expects alot. This is a bussiness beleive it or not, think about your job (if you have one!), sure ur job is strict too. Yeah we pay but if you dont like the game or how you see the company dealing with things, then you should find a new game to play, honestly.

They wont change and problems wont get solved with whining so the bottom line is.... If you dont like it, try helping to fix it not whine and say you hate Reakktor! Thats what the Brainport is for :D

(waits for the flamers to beat me up :( )

03-10-05, 10:29
:They wont change and problems wont get solved with whining so the bottom line is.... If you dont like it, try helping to fix it not whine and say you hate Reakktor! Thats what the Brainport is for :D

(waits for the flamers to beat me up :( )
If we tell KK there is a problem , thats the first step to fixing it, identifying it .....
How could we help ? Its easy to claim .... help your KK , but how .... We not use PPU's .... We write down and track our own items ? We set up our own player shops (Heavyporker did that and it was almost un-maintainable).

We have no ability to help, we have no access to faulty code, or ability to address the issues. I identified several issues, I would be sureprised if you can idetify a way fro 3 of them where we can Help KK. As I say, play the game for the value it offers now. s
I can't tell anyone else about the game, they all have iether played it or still play .....

03-10-05, 10:45
Crest, guess what.. you HELPED! YAY! :) I am sure it takes alot for KK to change code, add things, without breaking the game. Testing is needed too and just becuase Q&A went ok, doesnt mean problems will arrise in the actual server. People shouldn't be so expective about the item track, deal with what we got and hope KK can get it out soon, there is alot they are doing at the moment too and some more important issues. Be patient. Giving ideas, reporting things, that is helping trust me.

I agree, we have to deal with what we got and if people feel your not helping enough, maybe contact them about testing if you have knowledge in programming. All I can really say lol

BTW about the "no elves" ad, heres a screenie I got yay!

03-10-05, 11:45
Yeah we pay but if you dont like the game or how you see the company dealing with things, then you should find a new game to play, honestly.

They wont change and problems wont get solved with whining so the bottom line is.... If you dont like it, try helping to fix it not whine and say you hate Reakktor! Thats what the Brainport is for :D

(waits for the flamers to beat me up :( )
This has already being done, just take a look at the game's population. What is sad is, as most people in here will say, that allthough you have a game with great potential that outperforms competition, trivial things like service and support the game fail misserably. To me, all this looks like unrealised potential that is here just to reminds us what we miss. By staying here we all agree that we will play an unfinished and buggy product, only with great potential...

03-10-05, 11:48
We have our opinions and ofcourse its unfinished and buggy, most mmo's are. Atleast it is still up and running and hasn't shut down from all of the customers complaints lol

03-10-05, 11:58
We have our opinions and ofcourse its unfinished and buggy, most mmo's are. Atleast it is still up and running and hasn't shut down from all of the customers complaints lol

Having something in a live environment that is unfinished .... and expect people to pay .....
Thereis a difference between game core being unfinished and buggy .... and introducing bugs with new content .....

NC has some core bugs ....
When I think of development teams, I imagine that games like WOW have massive of teams, 100 + team all focusing on variouse aspects from new content, graphics and bugs .... When 1 area is a little light wieght, thye use another resources ....

The impression from KK is far from this , 2 in Art, 3 / 4 developers, 2 in marketing , and so forth ..... So when there is a bug, all resources are thrown at it , then something else happnes and all resources go that way ... like a ship on the ocean

03-10-05, 14:01
I like the thread, lots of words, and all .... but let be honest here ...... You have said nothing new, not even from a fresh prospective .....

After 4 years of playing on and off ... I came to realise .... You play the game as it stands now ..... waiting for crap that KK promised does not seem to cut it ...... you will die very old ......

Heres my point of view
1) We paid for a free upgrade
2) We played for an incomplete upgrade ... player shops and item tracking was never in the BDOY ideal .... and was promised shortly after .... If Item tracking has gone in its about 3 months old.
3) There will be no char wipe when NC2 is launched, this is partially true .... we kept our chars
3) No more Elves .... Only place I have seen those slogans are, When posted here, and the link KK provided ... .I go look at mre common places like mmorpg.com (Where it would make sense to advertise based on its name) and I see nothing ....any one else
4) Theme weeks, I got a basting over my posts on this ... I supported it but said something like ... it will fall by the way side (What a surprise).
5) Whats that now 3 or 4 plan files in 1 year - it seams it quicker to write a plan file than focus on theme weeks or actualy produce anything within them.
6) New mobs .... the most impressive new mob added to the game was something called an unknown - it looked like a screwup but cool, It hit like jonny 5 bots ... and then we find out that they were just bugs .... man they were cool bugs.... Where is the Hacknet boss ? Pictures look good, but thats different to in game.
7) DOY tunnels - 120/120 war factory ... Really by adding the same mobs over. What we have are the same mobs with different names .... Take the Y Rep ....
Y-Reps are found on the east side in c12 I think (Ceres Lab area), there are 3 levels of them
The excat same model is found at MC5 with three new names and levels
The same models are found in 120/120 undergrounds for wocs ....
The same models are now also found south of gab mines with different names... one day all mobs will look like y reps

Good things though
1) Nid is cool, he does a job well. This can be seen by him being on holiday (other mods are cool to, but seems nid has more time to strike)
2) Noob MC5 experience, this is a lot better than when my first char started in his app. A lot of work done here
3) DOY its cool for a massive open space with empty sectors ..... I only ever found 1 level 8 hunting ground, after looking through 4 or 5 sectors .... and this was camped .....

Take the game as it comes, If you playing for KK's vision, read the reviews .... NC1 was a good start and had a lot of potential..... NC2 is a good start and has the same potential (4 years later).

I agree completely. Such a shame :(

However i have seen the No more Elves banner myself on MMORPG.com was well shocked! but at least it was there 8|