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View Full Version : Open Beta's?

28-09-05, 00:40
Where can i get a list of beta's on now and coming soon?

Rather that search everywhere there must be some site other than MMORPG.com?

28-09-05, 00:43
betawatcher.com is the site i usually use but its not very updated...i'm sure there are better ones out there.

28-09-05, 02:01
depends on the types of software you want to beta there are quite a number of sites out there dedicated to hooking up beta testers with companies that need testers, games tend to be a little different in how testers are recruited, there are a few sights that list pritty much every game thats known to currently exist in the market and what its current development status is and contact details of how to get into beta's, again there are sites that are dedicated games beta's. But nothing beats simply sitting down with a search engine and going through things Or simply just emailing the big games companys and asking if they have any current beta's and wether they'd put you on a mailing list for future beta's.

28-09-05, 22:12
Only one site :( and advice to surf the net which is what i want to cut down on :)

28-09-05, 22:14
i'm looking forward to darkfall beta but like most games it will probably keep getting delayed