View Full Version : Advanced Assault Glider

-Chess -
22-09-05, 10:20
Lo People...

I was wondering if anyone ever used an Advanced Assault Glider these days? Do they still crash that easy?


22-09-05, 12:05
Its not worth the horrible drugging. Theoreticaly that 20mm cannon should own (same power as carrier/bomber guns, ie more powerful than reveller). However, seeing as you also steer with the mouse, actually holding an aim on anything without plowing into the ground is hard. Also, in the default view, your reticle rests over your passenger - meaning unless you tweak the camera, all yu do is shoot your own bomber... Sitck with the other 3.

22-09-05, 14:00
drug? wtf u talking about? he didnt specifically say he used a PE

(ive never used an advanced assualt)

22-09-05, 14:21
Never flew anywhere :( working on it though ;) will steer clear of that then.

22-09-05, 14:23
drug? wtf u talking about? he didnt specifically say he used a PE

(ive never used an advanced assualt)

You need to drug plenty on a spy, too.

Original monk
22-09-05, 14:26
i think its the one everyone has to drug for .. also spy's .. as it has really weird req's :)

INT=90 STR=60 VHC=96 H-C=91 Gunner: STR=60 H-C=91

thanx to nc.synergyxr.net for the infoz, ffcourse cmaster beat me to it :)

23-09-05, 14:06
ahhhh i see....it has really screwed up reqs...

23-09-05, 14:10
I have used a Assault Glider with my PE ;) (not heavy version) And i can say that this is impossible to gun properly with this VHC. And yes, have one collision with a tree, and bye, bye glider, say welcome to the GR. :D

I find myself, than only the scout glider is interesting. For spy during the OP...^^

23-09-05, 15:40
Yeah, stay away from the advanced gliders, the reqs are formidable. The standard assault glider however.......... is sweetness.

Perch on a hill and rain missles on your unsuspecting victims (note, set_ externaldist is your essential friend, 600 or to taste to fly, -200 to -2000 to shoot.) It'll shoot straight down even though the missle seems to explode in your face, the damage is still dealt to your victim.

If they manage to get in range, skip across to the next hill and continue the assault. Beware drones tho, they have a tendency to sneak up on you.

As for the weak airframe against bushes, cliffs etc, the answer is salvage the old keys and some loot to get the parts and the chems to replace the blown parts. This method makes gliders dirt cheap, almost to the point where its cheaper to blow them up and rebuild from parts then it is to repair them.

True the xp sucks for mob hunting somewhat, but it's the best training for the budding pvp assault glider pilot. As in real life, pilots have to be a dedicated lot.(hmm, I still fear my dream of witnessing the beauty of a coordinated attack of 10 assaults perched on the hill above cycrow, pouring pain and flame into the courtyard, will never come to be..) Way fun though when you get into it.

Learn quickly which zones you have to land to enter, and the places that have the invisible obstacles in the sky. Also, zoning with a grey screen is the worst, heh.

Attacking while in flight is, well, not recommended. Very tuff to maintain a lock, and by the time you launch a couple vollies you've lost so much altitude that you come in range of the enemy, or worse, just screw the pooch.

24-09-05, 01:15
gliders need to be able to stay still and hover

24-09-05, 03:40
Glider (http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=glider)
Not Glider (http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=helicopter)

I'm just guessing here, but I would imagine there was a reason for the name.

Hope I was of some help :angel:

Original monk
24-09-05, 10:40
with other words we need an enhaced DOY assaultcopter

24-09-05, 13:07
hmm, I still fear my dream of witnessing the beauty of a coordinated attack of 10 assaults perched on the hill above cycrow, pouring pain and flame into the courtyard, will never come to be..


Not quite the same, but nvm. With better vehicle zoning, got to try this again. We'll probably still get sniped from insane ranges by firemobs though.

24-09-05, 20:12

I miss piloting. Death From Above kicked all ass.

Anyways, aiming a glider wasn't TOO BAD, *but* with the speed of the groundpounders, you CANNOT maintain lock.

I'd suggest making gliders have insta-aim OR target-tracking (like gentanks with their plasma cannons).

The other big thing would be for vehicle rockets to have AoE! Something like the PSI Blast radius, maybe, but even that tight an AoE sucks - needs to be larger.

Although the latter doesn't help the 20mm gunners up in the air... Maybe just change all 20mm gunnery seats to rocket mounts?

I dunno.

25-09-05, 06:21
i would agree with one thing .... we need helicopter :D. Take out the doy carrier that crap does not work with more then 3 ppl in it ( try it and see what i mean). Reqs will stay the same ... but weapon changes to 3 rocket spray as heavy assault trike - homing and lethal. 2 pasanger seats might be a good idea.Versatility :p


-Chess -
25-09-05, 23:46
Thanks for your answers people.
I think there should be more and better vehicles. For example: why are there gliders, why can't we just have things like helicopters. I mean, in a time where people can Genrep from one place to another, there should be a hell of a lot better vehicle available to fly with. :angel:

Build a plane with guns and rockets just like we do have on a trike. I'm thinking of Planet Side (bad game but nice and FAST vehicles) there you have good and small fighter planes. Isn't it something what can give NC a whole other dimension?
