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11-09-05, 18:51
just want to know from a Admin or someone whos been active since the beggining, or actually knows.

if a file within ur game directory is invalid, corrupted. where does the Launcher get them from.

Because ive just installed the game as theres no World files(.Bsp's) at all. so my launcher is downloading them.

is there some FTP. or domain, or are they downloaded from the server itself.

cos this launcher is downloading 4 times slower than i could actually download.
im able to dowload 900 mb in under 1hr.

ive had my Launcher download these files from 12Am - to current time 5:55pm GMT UK time. and its still going.

i tried downloading the client the files weren't there, game cd's dont work their brand new not a scratch.

11-09-05, 19:14

Try there.

11-09-05, 19:23
nope only Patch files.

i checked there 1st cos ive had to problem back in the day wid NC1 once or twice.

thanks anyways :(

11-09-05, 19:23
Delete this Post it wont let me delete it even thou u have a edit/delete button

11-09-05, 19:40
Broken files are downloaded individually through the launcher through a special link - there is no access to the source of those files. Patches are served through the FTP site separately. If you have a really messed up installation then it will be quicker to backup the patch files, download and re-install a fresh installation, and re-apply the patch files.

Finally, please edit your posts rather than double posting new information. Thanks.


11-09-05, 19:48
yeh didnt know u emplyd this new rule. to the rules list.

and blantantly forgot about the other post.

yeh i know about patchs only being through the FTP's

If you have a really messed up installation

and to that Admin Carnage has replied to my problem thread.

i bought a brand new BDOY cd yesterday from Pcworld fully sealed , no scratchs dints or anything, but i tried installing and it said there was an corrupted a file(s) on the CD's infact about 3 .

1 on each cd was Fuxord. it got the client down. then i thought if files werent there the launcher would download them. which is usually as it does sometimes. but it wudnt let me run the client lol kept asking for Game Cd , tried all 3 cds nothing worked .

Carnage Sorted me out told me to copy a few files from the cd , i was able to get those from nc1 cd. terrain.pak terriancd. somert. after that the client loads but has to download everything the game installation didnt have .

tried download client put me in same position sept for the cds error

Asurmen Spec Op
11-09-05, 20:52
If you have a fast net Id advise you DL NC off of dome-of-york.com
I think that was the link.

that will be ALOT faster

11-09-05, 21:17
I'm glad Carnage has been able to help you. If you require additional support then please feel free to email helpdesk@neocron.com.

Regarding the rules, I've asked you nicely to use the edit feature rather than double posting and that should be enough. I'm confident I won't have to ask you again.

Thread closed.