View Full Version : [CbT]Petition to KK

29-08-05, 14:24
I have setup a petition for all the community to read over and sign, maybe KK will get the hint.

If you sign this, please support it by putting a link in your signature. Thanks.


29-08-05, 14:33
Isnt this just the same as you posting that in this thread, some people agreeing and KK not backing down? O_o

29-08-05, 14:57
All we need is the old faction system.

Original monk
29-08-05, 15:02
and all copbots and guards gone in the entire PP area

(first thing i can think of :) )

29-08-05, 15:14
Sorry I'm not going to sign.

Why? One reason is because I don't recall half of the ideas in the petition being discussed around on these forums.

Also anyone can sign that poll regardless whether they play Neocron or not, where as you can't post here, unless you are a paying customer.

29-08-05, 15:40
There is two problems with this. One- for KK to change the trader zones back to in there respective citys, that its a players choice and KK would have to advertise and bring many players back.
2. if BD/TS where Neutral to everyone except TG, why the hell would they be living in the same city as the only person they are not allied to?

29-08-05, 15:45
There is two problems with this. One- for KK to change the trader zones back to in there respective citys, that its a players choice and KK would have to advertise and bring many players back.
2. if BD/TS where Neutral to everyone except TG, why the hell would they be living in the same city as the only person they are not allied to?

Because under my plan, BD and TS would be back in Pepper Park and TG back in the canyon. Simple.

Dribble Joy
29-08-05, 15:57
While the old faction system at the time made sense, it does not follow that it still would given the addition of DoY.

Besides a more clear cut one side vs another system was needed, while the old one was interesting, people showed that they could not opperate within it and it was just too messy.

Not to say I like the current sytem.

29-08-05, 15:59
Thing is about the faction system now though, there may aswell be 2 factions, simply names Pro and Anti.

Dribble Joy
29-08-05, 16:00
I more dynamic, interesting system that maintains an overall NC vs DoY conflict is what we need.

I would post my proposal for a new system, but... meh.. I'm sure many wouldn't like it.

29-08-05, 16:02
Id like to hear the idea for the faction systems.

29-08-05, 16:10
thats a load of things packed in 1 petition maybe i want a few but not all so i aint gonna sign.

29-08-05, 16:11
I would post my proposal for a new system, but... meh.. I'm sure many wouldn't like it.

Thats no reason not to post it. Ideas need criticsing and examing, deconstructing and rebuilding into something that can work. So post.

Original monk
29-08-05, 16:22
Thats no reason not to post it. Ideas need criticsing and examing, deconstructing and rebuilding into something that can work. So post.

plus the fact that you always gonna have people here on the forum that aint gonna like what you post so you better post it anyways and dont care about what all the rest of the world thinks :) (within reason ffcourse :) )

29-08-05, 16:31
Thats no reason not to post it. Ideas need criticsing and examing, deconstructing and rebuilding into something that can work. So post.

Yeah...Post your ideas here...Surely we'll all be able to come to a compromise...Yes KK, this includes you as well.

30-08-05, 01:01
major changes id love;
-NC/DOY restored to tradign zones (w/ PP/TH as used to be/etc etc)
-faction relations fixed or redone (not neccessarily NC1's, but a more complex system like it)

Asurmen Spec Op
30-08-05, 01:41
I think your ideas are bullshit and I wont sign it.
If DJ put his big fix into a petition Id sign it, but otherwise your Faction changes have little RP base AT ALL

30-08-05, 02:04
I think your ideas are bullshit and I wont sign it.
If DJ put his big fix into a petition Id sign it, but otherwise your Faction changes have little RP base AT ALL

Calm down, he wasnt forcing you.

Asurmen Spec Op
30-08-05, 02:18
Calm down, he wasnt forcing you.
Im in an angry mood today so sue me, its a stupid idea and thats what I think.

30-08-05, 02:23
i may have signed it out of desperation for NC1 to come back.... (yeh i know its still there but thats even more dead) but i must say it is what i want.

Scanner Darkly
30-08-05, 02:26
We definitely need a faction relation reorganisation, however, I don't think this idea would work very well.

Asurmen Spec Op
30-08-05, 02:30
I think DJs bix fix thingy would do well with the factions and doy tbh

30-08-05, 02:59
Sorry I'm not going to sign.

Why? One reason is because I don't recall half of the ideas in the petition being discussed around on these forums.

Also anyone can sign that poll regardless whether they play Neocron or not, where as you can't post here, unless you are a paying customer.
What he said. You have to run "community desired changes" by the community before you declare a petition :p

30-08-05, 03:20
I am tired of this " bring back NC1...bring the game to the way it was" it's over now... move people... NC1 is gone if you spent as much time bitching about wanting NC1 back instead of playing NC2 we would probably a good game. I like it, the why it is I don't have any problems, and if you think that changing it back will bring back the old timers... you wrong, I think Some of them will come back once they experience other games and then realize that this is a better game because no other game out there gives you the freedom as does Neocron 2. Just play the game show everyone how to play y and have and make some fun for the new people...remember you where new to this game too and I'm sure others show you how to enjoy the game or you made you own fun in the beginning.

I they get NC1 Classic up...well there you go everything will be ok. ;)

30-08-05, 03:33
I am tired of this " bring back NC1...bring the game to the way it was" it's over now... move people... NC1 is gone if you spent as much time bitching about wanting NC1 back instead of playing NC2 we would probably a good game. I like it, the why it is I don't have any problems, and if you think that changing it back will bring back the old timers... you wrong, I think Some of them will come back once they experience other games and then realize that this is a better game because no other game out there gives you the freedom as does Neocron 2. Just play the game show everyone how to play y and have and make some fun for the new people...remember you where new to this game too and I'm sure others show you how to enjoy the game or you made you own fun in the beginning.

I they get NC1 Classic up...well there you go everything will be ok. ;)
i dont care about bringing back old timers (although if nc2 never happened many would still be here) i care about them making changes and in some cases reverting to things that were better in NC1 to improve the game.

i actually really like most of the changes in this petition; just not sure about the specifics of the faction relations mentioned.

30-08-05, 03:38
Yeah, I agree with the views of a lot of you. Should have gathered ideas from the community before hand.

Atleast it's a start, everyone throwing ideas around to see what they would like to see brought back, removed, added, tweaked, etc..

30-08-05, 04:04
i dont wont sign ur bogus petition, for one, i do not agree with all of your ideas, lol i like the old faction system and what not, i do believe that tech heaven belongs to FA, but....other than that....yea....

30-08-05, 04:23
i suggest closing this thread...making a new thread on ideas that the community wants. thenmake a poll and then we could draft a more accurate petition or what not.

30-08-05, 04:35
I don't think bringing back the old system or parts of it would bring back that many runners...it's things like the Netcode,Synchdays and the all-famous fatal that keep people away,not the faction system.

btw i think many people just left because they played NC long enough and needed a break...there surely IS some old staff coming back the last few weeks :)

30-08-05, 04:40
i rarely play due to lack of easy access to PvP now. if i had a place like PP3 again...or just PP3 back i'd be playing alot more and prob be keeping my accounts active.

30-08-05, 05:01
i suggest closing this thread...making a new thread on ideas that the community wants. thenmake a poll and then we could draft a more accurate petition or what not.

Yes I agree.

Mods, close this thread.

Would someelse like to do the honors of starting a new thread about what was suggested by Transformer?

30-08-05, 06:58