View Full Version : c2p are geting on my nerves

13-08-05, 10:37
cp2 is fucked up i've payed for a 6! month! subscription and it says my account has expired i mean wtf is up with that eaither they get sorted or ill perma quit because this is gay.
Please sort this out

Neocron2 Subscription - 6 Month Billing
Start: Thursday, June 23, 2005
every 6 months
bis Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Cancel Notif.:
7 days

Ended ?!?!! wtf

13-08-05, 10:40
here's a generic KK answer:

"hello, its your problem not ours, contact c2p and sort it out, deal with it or fuck off! ah, and forum isnt the right place for this. closed"

not trying to offend anyone, just stating the facts...

13-08-05, 20:46
here's a generic KK answer:

"hello, its your problem not ours, contact c2p and sort it out, deal with it or fuck off! ah, and forum isnt the right place for this. closed"

not trying to offend anyone, just stating the facts...

To have the facts you'd have to have a clue about them. So far 60% of these cases I've seen are simply the fact that people have aquired a new card since their old one expired and haven't updated that fact with C2P and they end up trying to bill an expired card.

Again folks use account@neocron.com. Coming to the forums and complaining about the company when the majority of the cases are user error isn't going to be tolerated.