View Full Version : Never Ending story

09-08-05, 14:08
OK...This is how it goes. Each person posts one line to continue the story. Just lead on from what the last person posted. Watch it get twisted:)

So...I was running around This nuclear powerplant for exercise when I saw this smoking hot chick...

Bugs Gunny
09-08-05, 14:11
Apparently she had just been in a meltdown incident as her face was charcoal black and she looked kind of upset.

09-08-05, 14:12
While watching her i triped over a large pipe and tumbled into a vat of nuclear waste below.

hehe :p btw this might get stepped on and slammed with the close hammer me thinks.

09-08-05, 14:15
it stung and burned for a while, but I climbed out, and said "From this day fowrward, i shall be known as radioactive man!" then blacked out.

Asurmen Spec Op
09-08-05, 14:21
When I awoke, I found myself in a gay bar filled with migits, I decided the only thing I could do was...

Bugs Gunny
09-08-05, 14:36
Pull out my banjo, and perform naked lapdances while singing songs by a classical composer named Barry White.

09-08-05, 14:42
All the patrons of that fine bar swooned to my wonderfully mutated vocal cords and flawless blemished face.

Asurmen Spec Op
09-08-05, 14:43
Then I saw in the corner, the most horrifing thing in the world....

09-08-05, 14:46
However, the dingo sitting next to me contradicted my pre-Gaelic philosophy on modern DNA replication that was highligted in the last chorus and...

Asurmen Spec Op
09-08-05, 14:49
I was beaten with a giant rubber testicle

09-08-05, 14:53
I was beaten with a giant rubber testicle


Asurmen Spec Op
09-08-05, 14:53
Then I woke up in my own vomit on a Pirate ship

Bugs Gunny
09-08-05, 14:57
Apparently my lyrics had upset this HUGE gay gentank, who had suffered from a tragic bycicle accident at the age of 4 and tried to compensate for his tiny voice by wearing rather sizeable prosthetic replacements.

Asurmen Spec Op
09-08-05, 14:59
----removed for sense-----

09-08-05, 15:00
So i slapped him in the face, kicked his nuts and went to McDonalds, and finally
when I got my order, to my surprise...

09-08-05, 15:00
He was quickly calmed by bending him over and SEX YOUUUUU but what had i done i ran to ...

Asurmen Spec Op
09-08-05, 15:02
The gay bar for family entertainment

Bugs Gunny
09-08-05, 15:04
When it hit me... i wasn't gay at all.....
So i quickly ran to the bar and ordered the strongest drink they had. Called a "Pink lollypop".

09-08-05, 15:05
The pink lollypop? WTF gimme a beer you ....

Asurmen Spec Op
09-08-05, 15:19
They were all out of beer, I began to get angry when Nidhogg came by and---

Bugs Gunny
09-08-05, 15:26
Went straight for the table where lupus was sitting. They got comfortable..... too comfortable for my liking. Good thing they suddenly got up and went out the frontdoor saying: "your place or my place ?"

At this point the radio played the advertising for Asurmen's Ass and Bugs's Butt.

*"Log in now to Asurmen's Ass and Bugs's Butt, for constant videofeeds of your favorite bondage and buttertainment"*

Asurmen Spec Op
09-08-05, 15:29
Unfortuantly Asurmen was out due to a case of CLickus payus heripius

Bugs Gunny
09-08-05, 16:00
I remembered a friend of mine who had this venerial disease once.
It was caused by tying off your reproductive organ with not properly disinfected barbed wire. Tough mofo that Asurmen...

But not as tough as me. I was radiactive man!!!.... Now, the green stuff oozing out of those ulcers on my hands were something i had to take care of soon. It would definitely hamper my dating attempts.

09-08-05, 16:16
And whilst examining the ulcers, I experienced a sudden blackout, and the words "Sycronizing" burnt across my eyes as if I was staring into a bright light. I woke up to find someone had stolen my belt, and the dingo had just published his thesis on post-Byzantian foetal potery when...

Asurmen Spec Op
09-08-05, 16:52
Then I noticed I was drunk

09-08-05, 17:37
but to my surpise I wasn´t really drunk, but had just wished I was, cuz my ass hurt so much, and it felt like I had candyfloss in my mouth, which of course was a result of the "pink lollypop", which tasted rather salt...

After sitting with an icecube up my ass a while, I decided to go ...

Asurmen Spec Op
09-08-05, 17:42
attempt to do the Iceflash mission

09-08-05, 17:46
but I got lost somewhere in the swamps, aftert this moaning green guy tried to bugger me...

09-08-05, 19:01
so i said , F that and

09-08-05, 19:09
buggered him instead.

09-08-05, 21:47
Then He went Crazy and...

*Not meaning to interupt but this has been done Before.....*


09-08-05, 23:55
shot me with an archer companion rifle, while screaming on clan chat for reinforcements.

10-08-05, 00:12
then i noticed the clan tag above his head which said...

10-08-05, 00:20
So I really wasn't sure what to expect.

10-08-05, 00:22
So I really wasn't sure what to expect.

other than buggery

Dribble Joy
10-08-05, 12:32
So I did a rain dance to prevent...

Bugs Gunny
10-08-05, 12:48
the bastard from shooting my legs out first.

10-08-05, 17:49
The acid rain started to burn the droms eyes out which sent them into an insane eye
socket humpping orgy..i decided to....

SiL ..:..

Original monk
10-08-05, 17:52
start SINGING IN THE RAIN, SINGING IN THE RAIN but suddenly i noticed a weird feeling O_o hey i feel someone staring at me .... i turn around

its its

10-08-05, 17:53
myself, in the mirror thats embedded in a sheet of marshmallow thats been suspended from a four dimensional stick man who is

10-08-05, 18:45
retarded and obviously an introspective reflection of myself