View Full Version : The Neocron Report

05-08-05, 12:47
This may get moved to RP forums... but is actually discussion of game world in a RP context....

*News headlines announcement fanfare*

Tonight on NCR The Neocron Report:

In the past week neocronicle news magazine has reported suprising goings on in the northern reaches of the wastes, just east of the infamous Battle Dome instalation. John Redcloud one of the fearless reports from neocronicle ventured out to investigate reports of an attack on a TG medical convoy only to find hordes of "drug crazed mutants" led by some notorious anarchy breed members savagely attacking the TG Convoy... (not that they didn't deserve it) but neither AntiCity forces or the Mutant and Anarchy Breed could be allowed to hold such supplies and Redcloud and a force rallied under the guide of combat veteran runner Cmuster obliterated both forces with air support by blood, leaving NC runners to enjoy the spoils of war.

This incident raises many questions for our experts and news anaylists to answer... many people have already made connects with this and a similar incident last year where mutants out of regeants legacys that appeared to be rather intelligent using tactics to attack and secure a Tangent Technologies Weapon Convoy for themselves and associated reports that scans of regeants legacy had shown increased activity and possible reports that PP had been providing them with drugs and supplies.. though this was prior to the retreat of most mutants that guarded the road to legacy, into the legacy itself. Now teams that venture into those area's encounter more resistance from the Flora and Fauna than they do from the few remaining mutants guarding what now appears to be a sealed entrance to the Regeants legacy facility.

With the onset of war and DoY alliance forces practically knocking on the front gates of our mighty City convoys from NC havent really been exsposed to this kinda of theat and of course to treat our forces PP's production has been stretched making it unlikely that they could get any supplies to the legacy in large enough quantities so one could assume that Mutants are now looking for other sources of drugs. One been this TG convoy, but this leads to other questions.

1) What was a TG "medical" Convoy doing so far west of well defended DoY territory.

2) Why was this "medical" Convoy, TG controled, as those that follow the current state of affairs know that the Black Dragon clan, former residents of NC's pepper park entertainment zone, Have expanded their meager drug dealer beginings to cover all of DoY's pharmcautical needs.

3) This was also a little far north for mutants as well. There are no major known area's of mutant infestation in the region.

4) How did this involve the Anarchy Breed Gang, they've never shown any association with Mutants prior to this occassion, could the mutants be hiring anarchy breed forces to do their bidding or could the Anarchy Breed gang be using drug dependant mutants as walking cannon fodder.

Either way it is unlikely that this will be revealed anytime soon, we are still awaiting the lab anaylisis of the drugs found within the convoy. In the meantime I hand over to some of our experts in the feilds Cmaster, known associate of the Cmuster at the incident, and Bugs Gunny member of blood forces including those air forces on standby for evac and areial bombardment of the area if things had called for it.

Bugs Gunny
05-08-05, 12:59
My wife, bugs hunny was scouting about the area, shooting her healing light at the TG guards.
An airstrike was called in, but due to the valiant effort of cmaster and his team, which included stalker the fight was over before the bomber actualy reached the zone.

My fear is that the city is going to face some realy realy harsh times ahead of them, and evacuation plans are being prepared in the clan.

One point of criticism however. The info about the convoy was badly comunicated, since most people only realised when the strike was over.

05-08-05, 13:20
Yes certain members have mentioned those evac plans in the bar, and its hard to miss the frequent flights over the city of heavy loaded cargo carriers.
One of your pilots left a scrape on my plaza appartment during a fly by the other day.

As for communication issues, im sure Mr Redcloud did his best but with the current state of affairs in the wastes and multiple TG inteligence gathering points. The number of safely useable uplinks has been dramatically decreased.

Though it is good that the bomber was not needed. Im sure the crew were most disappointed I know how they like to blow things up.

Love to the wife and kids Mr Gunny see you at the clan breifings.

virgil caine
05-08-05, 15:43
I was on the way but I had to run out for PSI Boosters and missed my ride. By the time I got near the location it was announced that the situation was under control.
I have not been to the area for some time but isn't there a TG Post somewhere southwest of Battle dome ?

Bugs Gunny
05-08-05, 15:47

Don't attack them with a rhino. It'll blow up in about 4 seconds :-)

05-08-05, 18:12
Drug Shipment Attacked (http://www.neocronicle.com/?p=102)

Is this about the same thing? You should register over at Neocronicle.com - I think they accept runner-submitted stories... I think.

05-08-05, 19:41
Tis the same thing FN and Im registered, was merely an attempt to pull neocronicle more into the public view and invite a bit more speculation. Neocronicle hasn't really received that much publicity since its switched to the new system. Plus this isn't really a story this is more a discussion about the story not a comment.