View Full Version : Neocron music is great

30-07-05, 16:55
So what are other peoples thoughts on this. This is one area that I think neocron really kicks serious ---. It seems like they spent a lot of effort getting the sound effects and the ambient music perfect. It's so well tuned to the game. All of the music. Don't know who Steve Roach or Max Corbacho are but man the designers of Neocron definitely knew how to pick their music. The music makes the game so much more vivid. Anyways...How about just posting what you like best about Neocron. In spite of the bad things that are hanging around in Neocron and it's design there is so much that makes this game great.

30-07-05, 17:01
Which NC, 1 or 2?

Mr Kot
30-07-05, 17:04
Agree 100%

Even back in NC1, when the most appropriate music played was that in the desert, i found it set the mood perfectly.

Since NC2, the first different music i noticed - that totally rocked my socks - was the HQ music. (NC HQs).

The MB music is pretty kick ass too, and seems to fit in the "Erotic experience" area quite well. Trouble is, once the thing has looped a few times, it starts to do my head in. Club jailhouse music fits the bill nicely too.

Best music overall has to be in the FA HQ. It's just so fitting for a faction of tech freaks :)

If i want to chill and do some tradeskilling anytime, i just sit in my viarosso apartment listening to the ocean's waves and the "spacious" themed music that plays. Totally relaxing.

30-07-05, 17:57
I preferred the music as it was in NC1 to be honest. The main problem with NC2 music is the fact you hear it over and over again and get totally sick of it (the music in NC1 was far more ambient). The music in TH drives me nuts if I'm there for any long period of time. This is also the same with MB.

My first nc2 char was a PP runner, I remember running recycle missions in the HQ. Within a couple of minutes my headphones would be around my shoulders so I didnt have to hear the music.

Is there a command you can type to set music volume in game, so I can mute it when I want?

30-07-05, 18:08
Can't stand any of the "music" except the Intro one. The evelator music in NC HQs / TH is the worst. However, I do like the ambinet wastes stuff.

and its /set ctrl_musicvolume x where x is 0,1 or anywhere in between. Is there a list of NC commands anywhere, cos I just guessed this one one day and got it right...

30-07-05, 18:11
I agree with the music being cool. Even now, Ceremonial Sky brings back memories of my first few days in NC. :D

30-07-05, 18:13
you can probally find them all in the .ini files

30-07-05, 18:19
found them in control.ini


// All of the commands below can be used in the chat window, too.
// You have to prefix the command with "/", though.

//enables chatwindow system messages (for testing/debugging only)
set sys_messages 0

//enable global chat
set ctrl_globalchat 1

//mouse control factor (mouse sensitivity)
set ctrl_mousefac 1.0

//invert mouse Y axis (0=default, 1=invert)
set ctrl_mouseinvert 0

//enable this if you experience mouse "lag" at high framerates (at a slight fps cost)
set ctrl_mouselock 0

//0 - first person view / 1 - external view
set ctrl_externalcam 0

//external camera distance
set ctrl_externaldist 100.0

//external camera horizontal angle
set ctrl_externalangle 90.0

//RPOS color scheme (0=default) (see rposcolor.ini for further infos)
set gfx_hudcolor 0

//crosshair type (1-xx, 0=off) (currently only 0/1 supported)
set gfx_crosshair 1

//chat messages in 3D view (0=off, 1=on)
set gfx_chatmessages 1

//supress RPOS rendering
set ctrl_renderhud 1

//allow forward/back/strafe movement in RPOS mode
//disable this if you move with WASD or similar keys
set ctrl_hudallowmove 0

//default "bobbing" (0=off)
set ctrl_bob 1.0

//default music set (\ini\bgmusic.ini)
set ctrl_musicdefaultset 1

30-07-05, 18:23
Can't stand any of the "music" except the Intro one. The evelator music in NC HQs / TH is the worst. However, I do like the ambinet wastes stuff.

and its /set ctrl_musicvolume x where x is 0,1 or anywhere in between. Is there a list of NC commands anywhere, cos I just guessed this one one day and got it right...

/set ctrl_sfxvolume 0-255
/set ctrl_musicvolume 0-255
/set ctrl_renderhud 0-1
/set ctrl_bob 0-1
/set reset_position 1
/set kill_self 1
/set ctrl_externalangle 0-359
/set ctrl_externaldist 0-1000(iirc)
/set ctrl_externalcam 0-1
/set ctrl_mouseinvert 0-1

30-07-05, 18:44
I was not the only one just hanging around in FA HQ to listen to the funky music :) And I listen to the other tracks of NC now and then, too. Actually I do think the music is a nice contrast to the worldwide killing in NC, good to relax and chill :)

31-07-05, 01:06
I love Neocrons music, although turn it off when im at events or big fights as my PC doesnt like the extra work and gives me some stability grief, however the music is really cool in Neocron, i too really like the FA HQ music and get to sit in it quite frequently being an Angel and all :) MB music is sweet and im also fond of the lift music in the NC HQs and TH however my favorite piece of Neocron music at the moment is the new track for Electric Vibes :D That owns.

Also both the NC1 and NC2 menu tracks really do kick ass :D, i loved the trailer for NC2 with all that schweet music.

Dribble Joy
31-07-05, 01:11
You can of course turn it off in the pre-login option menu.

31-07-05, 01:17
Lol! Ebil Lupus slipped in the "kill_self" command for the newbs going down the list trying them out. ;)


Dribble Joy
31-07-05, 01:20
Frankly, if someone doesn't realise what the kill_self command means, they deserve to die :p.

31-07-05, 02:01
I've been looking at those ini files. Is it considered acceptable to alter the bgmusic.ini ?

Asurmen Spec Op
31-07-05, 02:01
I've been looking at those ini files. Is it considered acceptable to alter the bgmusic.ini ?
doubt it

Scanner Darkly
31-07-05, 14:39
I never get bored of NC music, except when in HQs or TH. Usually have winamp cook something up for me these days tho...

31-07-05, 14:57
I preffered the NC1 music, it was more atmospheric in my opinion.

01-08-05, 11:10
Still love the OZ theme reminds me of the first time I stepped out those BIG DOORS at the OZ Station into the unkonkn :D

Although the Mrs gets a bit pissed at the HQ music when i hang out tradeskilling :P

Maybe the loop is a bit much and some variation would be nice ;)

01-08-05, 15:23
Agreed Riddle. I also loved the OZ music because of the expansive feeling of it. The HQ music does need a little variation because it's more "in your face" and less ambient.

01-08-05, 16:26
I've been looking at those ini files. Is it considered acceptable to alter the bgmusic.ini ?

It's acceptable, since all you're doing is changing the music you want played during the game. Kinda like a Playlist.