View Full Version : no 'run-cast' in hacknet? why not?

28-06-05, 23:34
my pure hacknet spy has about 145 hack and 125 tc. since in PvM i'm usually standing still the ability to run-cast hacknet defence and regen software wasn't an issue. but recently i've been engaging in PvP and so i tested my ability to run-cast and found that i couldn't (and my hacker doesn't even run that fast to start with).

presumably my inability to run-cast is because i have no Psi-Use. however, Psi-Use should have no bearing on your ability to run-cast inside hacknet. instead the ability to run-cast in hacknet should be tied to hack. it's only logical. moreover, the requirement to run-cast should be high, so that pure hacknet spies are able to perform better than part-time hacknet spies.

28-06-05, 23:45
You cannot run-cast any defensive-software, it's the same with psi-modules.

28-06-05, 23:51
See being able to runcast as a circle around the position from where you used your weapon/spell. Dmg% ( cap being 576%/648% respectively for PPU/APU spells) adds to the radius of that circle, if you exit the circle you'll fizzle, if you run around in the circle, but not exiting it you'll successfully cast/shoot. Obviously the higher rof of the weapon/spell, the faster it casts/shoots aka the lower the chance of you exiting the circle. However, the faster your movement speed, the bigger a chance of exiting the circle (if you run in a straight line, which seems to be the only thing to do in hacknet)

At least this is how I understand runcast to work, maybe it's different in hacknet :confused:

29-06-05, 05:41
I don't know what's wrong with your spells, then. You must have a crappy constructor. The best is a 3 Slotted Software with all mods installed. I can runcast A, S and D. I can actually FULL runcast (aka running in a straight line) all my spells.

29-06-05, 07:09
i can run cast on my hacknet spy and my ppu... in a straight line... you guys need to get your shit rebuilt or something

29-06-05, 10:46
I'm pretty sure I could runcast 0.2 software, when I was capping it. Don't think I can runcast 0.3, as I don't cap it. I'll give it a try tonight.