View Full Version : Isn't it about time.....

26-06-05, 12:34
.....We had a full up high qaulity reward event.
Im thinking something spread over an entire weekend complex enough to require a small team and that will take you to strange and under used places in the world of NC.

Rewards could include things like,
Zarg Belt (Yes we need another one or two of these in the server).
As for other rewards im kinda scratching my head theres nothing as rare for monks, pe's or spys

26-06-05, 13:30
Was working on a "quest" stlye event that would take you a few hours to complete, but I guess ti would be nice if there was a GM run event, rather than player-run, GM backed one.

28-06-05, 22:27
Gone for 2 days and only 1 reply O_O I just suggested an event with a zarg belt people or have people forgot what a zarg belt is these days?