View Full Version : theam week/year/forever

25-06-05, 19:00
no im not bitching bout theamweeks, just wondering what kk are considering to theam week next, once a suitable answer is posted feel free to close this as per thread starters request =]

and for thouse than havent got the answer, what would u LIKE to see as next theam week, im hoping for vhc's

25-06-05, 19:13
vehicles would be nice, but most of all id prefer to have a soul-light/sympathy theme week/month/year/decade

25-06-05, 19:18
WOC or content.

Add 2 or 3 new mobs somewhere that do something, do up gaya (the place is fucking kewl jsut pointless to lvl in, use one of a sexy new areas for the nooby missions as a dungoen or something.
How kewl would the outskirts be with 70/70 thugs in and a boss in the room that he is in for the preacher mission that drops a rare boneimplant or something. YOu already have the models made for the nooy mission, how hard could it be to make :).

Just something new :)

25-06-05, 19:21
ppu balancing (cough nerfing) theme week..

leave soul light how it is until you provide something entertaining to do beside killing allies....

25-06-05, 19:29
vehicles would be nice, but most of all id prefer to have a soul-light/sympathy theme week/month/year/decade


But yeah, SL and symp week would be nice, sort out some allied killz0rs.

25-06-05, 20:04
Theme Years are more like it.

26-06-05, 12:37
This is what i would prefer...

1. PPU balancing themeweek... it is already a 2+ years due. (if ppus are nefred we also need a APU/Hyb themeweek and a a PVM themeweek, if not included in the PPU themeweek itself.

2. Vechicle themeweek. IE i cant use dx9 at all if im rhinoing.

3. NC themeweek. IE GR's to abandonned sectors (like we got IND A and
Pepper 3 to rep to and no guards in em cept for zonelines to prevent zonewhoring. Gr back to escaldor...like we have PR near nc etc.

4. Symp SL... ( I think its fine but a lot of people want it fixed and they got good reasons so why not.)

5. DOY APT + Style themeweek. IE i like doy cuz its all fucked etc but make it look like its a bit patched. Like holes in HQ roofs and not being able to clear ruble from ur apt is just stupid...ffs people live there and while they might not make the city all polished they should clear ruble, patch roofs and open jammed doors.


27-06-05, 00:38
6. WOC themeweek, IE lack of items and the totally crappy situation of pe's trying to woc it. (IMHO)

perhaps this should be third on my list :)

27-06-05, 01:02
5. DOY APT + Style themeweek. IE i like doy cuz its all fucked etc but make it look like its a bit patched. Like holes in HQ roofs and not being able to clear ruble from ur apt is just stupid...ffs people live there and while they might not make the city all polished they should clear ruble, patch roofs and open jammed doors.
I hate the conept, OK DOY might of been nuked but that doesn't mean the occupance are untidy. Why do i have a chair knocked over in my DOY apt, why do i only have wooden boxes and rats everywhere. :S

27-06-05, 01:10
i have to say... how long would it take for them to make the place look nice, i rebuild half a derelic house in 3 months =] and im one bloke and my brother, they have the entier desposial fo the advanced FA technology at there desposal

Capt. Rik
27-06-05, 10:17
From the planfile:


After a successful start of the theme weeks with the drone overhaul there were delays with the Hacknet weeks, partially exacerbated by the build-up to the international release. Even though there were a lot of improvements and additions to the Hacknet, not all of the created content is completely available yet, preventing these theme weeks from being successfully completed.

This definitely does not correspond to the fundamental idea of the theme weeks.

It also became clear that not all topics can be handled with this format so we will be using the theme week model in a more flexible way in the future whilst retaining the focus on specific areas. The theme week forum will be closed in between the individual theme weeks to show a clear division.

Other development plans that may not suit the theme weeks format will be published on an “In Development” page on the Neocron Homepage. Our intention is to make what we do more visible to you in future.

But no time estimates :(