View Full Version : Parts from WB's factory

25-06-05, 02:12
what for are parts that drops from 100/100 WB's @ their factory ?? (looks like wep's but have some long names and high tl's like 50 , 75 ,90)

25-06-05, 02:16
Ion crossbow parts.

Mr Kot
26-06-05, 17:05
If you have any spare, keep them. You should get a crapload of money for them as it will save people on the crossbow quest quite a lot of time.

27-06-05, 13:12
well, the gyroscopes at least... my clan has a big pile of spare targeting and whatever the otherone is - but you need 16 of those damn gyros, and their drop rate is pretty much the same as the others.