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Sunny Rosalind
17-06-05, 03:30
Hi :)

I thought it might be interesting if everyone posted their interpretation of their character, and how they would look if they weren't limited to Neocron's current engine! :)

So use any art medium you're comfortable with, pencil and paper, artPad (http://artpad.art.com/artpad/painter/), 3DS Max, MS Paint, whatever floats your boat, and show the world exactly how you interpret your character!!

I'll go first!

This is my character, a Tsunami dudette!

This is a generic psi monk... I'm not too happy about how it came out :( I went a bit overboard with the shading, and the hair kind of looks weird... There are also a few way too subtle Crahn symbols in there... I think its got this mysterious shtick though, which is nice!

Now it's your turn :)

17-06-05, 03:55
wish u had have asked that a month ago when i had a pc, i had a 3d character of me with power amour as a chest but teh legs and head normal,

it was animated any everything, he sliped the body over his head and fastened it in =]

as of now i have no software on my pc and its uber nees 1.2 gig hdd means i aint gona get any more, maby i should less my live8 tickets after all

17-06-05, 08:31
1.2 gig hddl

is that even enough for windows and nc together? o_O

17-06-05, 10:26
is that even enough for windows and nc together? o_O

no im currently running neocron of a 4gig usb memory stick till u scrape the cash together to get a new hdd

Original monk
17-06-05, 12:37
hello ! my interpretation :)


17-06-05, 13:50
my fat, unemployable melee tank


17-06-05, 17:04
Whoa.. COOL thread. I got to say, Sunny, your pieces look fantastic! I like the PSI Monkette.. she looks indimidating and scheming.. hee hee. Man.. how do you get these fantastic illumination effects?

Original Monk.. fucking amazing! How do you do it that way?

Here's the one I did of Heavyporker a while ago. Of course, I shall do more! This is simply fun!


17-06-05, 17:36
This is my pistol spy.

Clive tombstone
17-06-05, 18:07
Well, I havnt done posting in a long while, and IM glad to see one of these threads back (cracks knuckles) I guess Ill try some things, I dont have photoshop right now, so dont expect much :D

17-06-05, 18:45
Heh, I'll give it a shot too. :lol:

17-06-05, 18:52
When I get some free time :)

17-06-05, 19:38
Not sure how long I care to admit I spent drawing this mi=proportioned piece of crap - then realised after I zoomed in for the deatails, the thing was really small - no way you'll ever spot the TT sticker slapper over the Crahn logo on the gaya glove...
[edit] ak, its CMuster, my PPU btw - but I guess the blue cloak gave that away.

Dribble Joy
17-06-05, 19:52
Right, here's a very quick doodle I did a while ago.

Dribble Joy
17-06-05, 20:04
Another one.
Did it just now, kinda crap, looked better on paper.

17-06-05, 20:10


17-06-05, 21:03
Here's what I came up with.

Pencil Image (http://img152.echo.cx/img152/5136/originbw5vb.jpg)
Full Colour Image (with TH background) (http://img197.echo.cx/img197/4201/origin9ie.jpg)

17-06-05, 21:36
Lucky I dont have a scanner, otherwise you may all be stunned at my artistic skillz :lol:

17-06-05, 23:37

Sunny Rosalind
18-06-05, 05:23
Cool, this thread sure did get a lot of responses! :)

It's really interesting seeing at all of the different ideas that everyone has! So far I guess it's only me whose interpretations don't look anything like NC's current idealogy... but whatever!

This is supposed to be the clan leader of the Red Headed Stepchildren, the Infamous Brad... :) It ended up as a bad-ass businessperson who looks too bad-ass to be business savy, and too clean to be bad-ass, so they sort of cancel each other out... :(

But I'm still impressed that so many people drew their intepretation, that blows me away! Don't stop at one doodle per person, though... :)

Clive tombstone
18-06-05, 07:08
F*** I need to buy a tablet so Freakin bad, :D Anywho, Ill have a few sketches up in the morning, been cleaning out my room all day (found a messload of old CD's that Ive lost (woot mindless self indulgence!)

PEace out

18-06-05, 09:09
F*** I need to buy a tablet so Freakin bad, :D Anywho, Ill have a few sketches up in the morning, been cleaning out my room all day (found a messload of old CD's that Ive lost (woot mindless self indulgence!)

PEace out
sorry i dont think you can do parenthesis inside parenthesis or if your going to please remember to close both!!

18-06-05, 10:39

18-06-05, 11:36


18-06-05, 11:43

18-06-05, 12:07

the fact that you dream of killing me is rather worrying...

but hey, we all have thingws we wish we could do.

18-06-05, 12:27


Dribble Joy
18-06-05, 15:36
Well that one IS quite amusing :D.

18-06-05, 16:50
Well that one IS quite amusing :D.

he does look like he's driving the Trotters Independant Trading van though :p

18-06-05, 17:34
he does look like he's driving the Trotters Independant Trading van though :p

na mun its a scorpion trike :) there both 3 wheeled

18-06-05, 18:04
na mun its a scorpion trike :) there both 3 wheeled

Who cares? :p

Hmm... I'm bored, baking hot, havin a nico crisis, nothing to do, so I'll make a cartoon :D

18-06-05, 18:31
Hmm... I'm bored, baking hot, havin a nico crisis, nothing to do,
Who cares? :p
hehehehehe :lol:

18-06-05, 20:17
i'm bored and baking hot... so i'm drinkin stellas

18-06-05, 22:09
Jester you never heard of 'W-A-T-E-R' ?

Fkin Beer gut dude...

18-06-05, 22:34
Not long before you can log back in now mint :D

19-06-05, 00:11
Jester you never heard of 'W-A-T-E-R' ?

Fkin Beer gut dude...
hes killing 2 birds with 1 stone with the stellas though

Sunny Rosalind
19-06-05, 05:59
Back on topic... :)


This is Sweet Leaf, also in the Red Headed Stepchildren... :) I did it in kind of a rush so it didn't turn out as good as I'd have hoped but it still sort of gets the message across!

19-06-05, 10:25
I'm still wondering what game you're playing... but hey, I guess it is your own interpretation :p

Try drawing a PE with that halfhead of hair and another half robotic or somethin..

Vae Victis
19-06-05, 11:01

19-06-05, 11:07

Vae Victis
19-06-05, 11:15

/edit; this is fun :p

19-06-05, 11:17

/edit; this is fun :p

that one's fucking fresh

Vae Victis
19-06-05, 11:30

Vae Victis
19-06-05, 11:48
muahahaha :D
left one is me, right = my enemies.

19-06-05, 15:35
again its still not finished so be nice =]


posted it in teh other topic but this one is more apropriate

19-06-05, 16:13
again its still not finished so be nice =]


posted it in teh other topic but this one is more apropriate

damn man...

very good.

once you work out how to finish the CS it wil be even better

Vae Victis
19-06-05, 16:17
again its still not finished so be nice =]


posted it in teh other topic but this one is more apropriatewow first I was like.. a 3 yr old.. then I was like .. "hey thats a tank"
looks awesome :D:D:D:D:D

Vae Victis
19-06-05, 16:30
another Van Gogh:


19-06-05, 16:36
how many babies does it take to fully paint a wall?

59 by my count


:edit: bugger missed a bit on the top left...

19-06-05, 16:48
damn man...

very good.

once you work out how to finish the CS it wil be even better

lol ye cant remember what it looks like at a angle, that picture is burned into my head, it was old on the fourms ill see if i can find it, if i do i can add mroe detail,

EDIT-=- found it http://neocron.jafc.de/showthread.php?t=124062

i still rememberd that image from ages ago, not bad recall no :D

although theres lots of bits that aint right =[

19-06-05, 17:06
Talent baby... Talent..

19-06-05, 17:10
wow first I was like.. a 3 yr old.. then I was like .. "hey thats a tank"
looks awesome :D:D:D:D:D

What he said. :lol:

19-06-05, 17:23
lol ye cant remember what it looks like at a angle, that picture is burned into my head, it was old on the fourms ill see if i can find it, if i do i can add mroe detail,

EDIT-=- found it http://neocron.jafc.de/showthread.php?t=124062

i still rememberd that image from ages ago, not bad recall no :D

although theres lots of bits that aint right =[

And still I continue my campaign for faction colours and PA!!!

C'mon KK DOOO EEET!!!!

19-06-05, 17:39
And still I continue my campaign for faction colours and PA!!!

C'mon KK DOOO EEET!!!!

and Clan Insignia's on characters

19-06-05, 17:46
and Clan Insignia's on characters

Yeah - that'd be a bit of a pisser - cos streaming them onto models would be shite - so you'd have to patch it into everyones client everytime someone formed a new clan :P and it would have to be done everytime someone on ANY server did it - in case you wanted to go on a diff server at some point :P

19-06-05, 17:51
jeez, sunny.... I swear, you're a professional artist, judging from these images. jeez.

19-06-05, 18:06
jeez, sunny.... I swear, you're a professional artist, judging from these images. jeez.


I'm a decent artist when I can be arsed... But I'm more of a musician ...

and unemployed :P - till tommorow :D

19-06-05, 18:25

I'm a decent artist when I can be arsed... But I'm more of a musician ...

and unemployed :P - till tommorow :D

i belive that was to Sunny Rosalind, not u spermy, u suk =D


19-06-05, 18:40
i belive that was to Sunny Rosalind, not u spermy, u suk =D


OO err :P

I thought he was saying "sonny" :p

Edit and yeah - bloody good stuff :P - what are ya doing that in?

Sunny Rosalind
19-06-05, 19:00
Thanks guys, I'm really glad you like it, that means so much to me :)

I doodle them in pencil, scan them in, and color them in in photoshop :) I don't really have the time or the patience to ink them by hand, so I'm pretty much waiting until I can afford a pretty nice drawing tablet... :)

If it would be used, I'd be more than happy to try to make a tutorial detailing the steps I take on making a doodle! :)

I know that the outfits in my doodles aren't really bad-ass and stereotypical cyberpunk, but in my eyes cyberpunk is very 80s... I'm trying to redefine the term fashion-wise :)

I eventually plan to make an NC-themed comic if I can ever manage to keep my inspiration after I do a single panel... :)

Vae Victis
19-06-05, 19:03
Thanks guys, I'm really glad you like it, that means so much to me :)

I doodle them in pencil, scan them in, and color them in in photoshop :) I don't really have the time or the patience to ink them by hand, so I'm pretty much waiting until I can afford a pretty nice drawing tablet... :)

If it would be used, I'd be more than happy to try to make a tutorial detailing the steps I take on making a doodle! :)

I know that the outfits in my doodles aren't really bad-ass and stereotypical cyberpunk, but in my eyes cyberpunk is very 80s... I'm trying to redefine the term fashion-wise :)

I eventually plan to make an NC-themed comic if I can ever manage to keep my inspiration after I do a single panel... :)All I can say is have fun and good luck! you're really talented.
I like your work

19-06-05, 19:10
I eventually plan to make an NC-themed comic if I can ever manage to keep my inspiration after I do a single panel... :)

Heh - I tried that once - posted up some characters n stuff and got slammed down by a few certain ... ingrates =/

Much frownage. But G'luck with it :)

19-06-05, 19:30
please do, Sunny! I'd love to see more about how you get your inspirations.

And the neocron comic idea sounds superb. Been racking my brains for a few simple scripts for comics, but none that even approaches the old "Spud and Felix" comics. *sigh* Now these were classics.

19-06-05, 20:11
"Spud and Felix" comics. *sigh* Now these were classics.

ahh now that sir is taste :p

20-06-05, 13:11
=[ whish my scannere worked my 80's rocker in a leather jacket and long permed hair with stubble i did as a charkhole drawing would realy suit the topic, especialy since he had a guitar in one hand a a uzi in the other

Original monk
20-06-05, 17:18
heavyporker, i made my perception of a monk in about a minute :)

hardest part is finding a nice picture that suits youre basic idea, the monkpicture i found of an old shaolinmonk infront of he's monastery was ideal !

then all i did was load it in photoshop ... Image/Mode > Grayscale ... and ... Filter/Artistic > Cutout ... Tadaa !!

computers make artists out of people who arent ! like me !

i also like mintfear's drawings, he's style really reflects he's thinkingpatern and place on the evolutionary timeline ... he forgot to paint the zoneline tough ...

20-06-05, 19:06
sunny if you make a tutorial ill certainly have a go (Having a go being the important words their I cant draw for shite!) hehehe. But they look good peeps, certainly a different take on the nc world!

Although, someone had to do the ms paint :P


21-06-05, 00:28
sunny if you make a tutorial ill certainly have a go

Heh, I was gonna say that.

I'm right in the middle of drawing my interpretation of what the leader (or high-ranking member) of Black Dragon would look like...so I'll put it up here when I'm done :)

Vae Victis
21-06-05, 00:30

apu vs ppu :p

21-06-05, 03:38
Anti buff, the killer of all.

*note, this is how bad they teach 8th year art at school :D :D*


Vae Victis
21-06-05, 03:43
lol that one is brilliant :p

Sunny Rosalind
21-06-05, 21:15
Hi :)

It's more of a step-by-step commentary of a recent doodle than a tutorial... But hopefully if you're interested you'll learn a few things from it :)

I hope I'm not including too many pictures!! :(

1) Scan in the doodle
I scanned mine in at 500 DPI, so I can get nice and close to the action :) If you'll notice, it's really sketchy, but drawn in relatively dark. Don't remove the background, or do anything directly to that layer. We'll discuss why later :)

2) Duplicate the Layer
The reason for this is because the doodle is currently set as the background - we want it to be the layer on top.

3) Set the new layer's render mode to Multiply
This makes the white in the duplicated layer turn invisible - Basically removing the background for us without too much of a fuss :)

4) Make two layers (one for shadows, the other for the highlights) below the duplicated layer
I prefer to have everything on seperate layers... :) It's just how I am! One layer will be used for the shadows on the clothing, the other will be used for the light on the clothing. I also deleted the original layer (the one that we duplicated) because we won't be needing it anymore, you can keep it if you want though :)

5) Get a nice brush to begin shading/highlighting with
The size of the brush depends on the size of the picture, but it should be a fuzzy brush like the one I have highlighted so everything blends together more :) I also have the opacity of the brush set to 10%, that way the shadows won't be just one color, which is nice :)

6) Begin shading!
It's time to start shading :) There's no set rule for shading, because the light source will always be changing... But the easiest thing to do is just to shade along the edges of the clothing, like I did above! Make sure that when you just start shading that you do everything in one go - or else the shadow will get darker (because the opacity is at 10%)... You'll see what I mean in the next step!

7) Continue shading!
Parts of the shadow is darker in this picture, because I went over the shading we did in part 6 again :) When you have two transparent things and you put them on top of each other, it'll appear slightly more opaque... remember that!

8) Keep on going... :)
This is the third pass of the shading :) Each time I go over the shading, I go slightly further back until I don't have any more space to shade. All of the shading so far has been on the same layer!

9) More shading!!
Do the entire picture's shading the same way we did before :) Because we used a fuzzy, gentle brush, the shading sort of blends together. You can sort of see where you applied the brush, but we'll go back and fix that up later.

10) Finish shading
Hurrah, we finished shading :) Now, underneath all of the layers we have so far, we're going to add a gray layer, of 175R 175G 175B. This will help us see what we're doing with the highlights :)

11) Begin and finish highlighting!
Argh I forgot to take a screenshot of this while I was doing this... It's pretty much the same thing as shading, but the general rule is: highlight wherever there's not a shadow. That means the further away from a shadow you'll get, the whiter the picture will be. The gray background will help you see everything :) For me, highlighting takes much less time than shading does!

12) Begin coloring!
To color things (I started with the shrit), I make a new layer with the article of clothing's name on it, and outline the area to be colored with the polygonal lasso tool. It's alright if you end up filling up too much like me, we can go back later and edit that out :)

[/B]13) Finish coloring![/B]
Do the same thing for all of the other articles of clothing :) I made a different layer for each color, basically. If you notice that you didn't do such a good job shading in an area, you can go back to the shadow or highlight layer and fix up the mistake :)

[/B]14) Begin editing out some mistakes.[/B]
To edit out mistakes, we'll be using the clone stamp tool :) It's a very handy thing! To use it properly, make sure that you have the duplicated layer selected (it should be the very top layer, called background copy by default), hold alt (you'll get a targeting recticle thing), select an area of clean paper, and let go of alt. When you left click, it will replace the area that you just left clicked with the area that you alt-clicked before, with the targeting recticle! You should make sure that the brush for the clone tool is fuzzy like the brush we used for shading and highlighting. That will make everything blend together again :)

15) Continue editing out mistakes.
I decided that I didn't like that weird face-tattoo thing, so I used the clone stamp tool to remove it :) If you have a drawing tablet, it might be easier and look better if you retrace the background layer, so it doesn't look like it was made out of crayons like mine :)

16) Finishing editing out mistakes.
I finished editing most of the minor things that I didn't like in this step. The final steps that we'll do will make everything look a little bit cleaner, so don't bother trying to make it look perfect right now :)

17) Change the contrast.
To do this the easy way, just go into Image > Mode > Auto Levels. It'll turn the grey graphite into black. You might see a couple of new lines that you didn't see before. If you want to, you can edit them out :)

18) Forgot to fix the hair, whoops.
I do the hair with a special brush pack made specifically for hair :) I can't remember the URL for this specific set off the top of my head but I'm sure if you google 'photoshop hair brushes' you'll find something similar to this! I don't use the paintbrush tool for the hair - instead, I use the dodge/burn tools. In the above picture, I'm using the dodge tool on the hair layer to make things a little bit lighter.

19) Finished the hair.
I finished the hair now. Using the dodge tool with that kind of brush made it seem as if every strand of hair was done individually, which is nice because the hair's not just one solid color anymore.

20) The cool glowy effect
The glowy effect hides most of the smaller mistakes that you did, it's really cool :) To do it, select everything, then copy merged (like in the picture). Paste it onto a new layer, above the background copy (it's the layer that we duplicated, remember? :))

21) Set the new layer's rendering mode to Overlay
Overlay, according to photoshop, "Multiplies or screens the colors, depending on the base color. Patterns or colors overlay the existing pixels while preserving the highlights and shadows of the base color", and also gives it this really funky glow.

22) Begin to apply a Gaussian Blur to the new layer
Making the overlay'd layer blurry will make it look even more glowy, and will totally rock your socks :)

23) Apply it
Here are the settings that I used for my picture, but depending on the size of the picture, the radius size of the blur will change.

24) Think of a background for the picture
Make a new layer, and put it below every other layer :) You can go ingame and take a screenshot by pressing F12, then open it up in photoshop. It should be in the neocron2/shots folder, I think. You could also use another image or a solid color... :) The only reason I prefer to use NC2 shots as backgrounds is because if I didn't, my doodles would hardly be related to NC :P

25) Do the whole duplicate/overlay/gaussian blur thing to the background picture
This way it matches the foreground :)

26) You're finished, congrats!
All done! :)


I hope you learn something from this tutorial! :)

21-06-05, 23:55
ohhh nice tutorial

(pitty the ppl on the board have to beable to draw to use it )

who said that :p :D

Clive tombstone
22-06-05, 00:19
Whooray! my computer is working! Brilliant coloring tutorial! :D
PEace out

22-06-05, 00:51
problem #1: i cant draw for shit.

problem #2: i dont have a scanner.


damn good tutorial though

Clive tombstone
22-06-05, 01:55
Well, Im too tired from work to draw a new clive tombstone, so I took an older pic, and used your method of coloring, THIS is honestly my first time doing photoshop to color a picture (I usually have my friend do it for my,the few times that he did). So anywho, thanks for the new method, ill start drawing a new tombstone, and or at least his current build (HC PE DRIVER)

Oh thats right I gotta photoshop my old armor designs and vehicles too :D
ANYWHO heres the pic, its crap and 20 mins of work (im gonna get a soda)

PEace out

Original monk
22-06-05, 14:47
very intresting tutorial darn 8|

good job !

and clive: nice work :)

22-06-05, 21:16
Great tutorial there, Sunny! My pic now looks a hell of a lot better :)


22-06-05, 21:31
Heh - some old chars from the comic/flash thing I wanted to do.

Granted - the tank looks like lucas out of CTRL _ ALT _ DEL... But thats only cos u fuckers asked me to change his hairdo.




And before...


Heh - anyhow - those 2 pics are utter shite compared to what I'm able to do - I'll plug me scanner in this week and fix some stuff up :)

Probably after the weekend - as I'm busy this week - and one of my bands has a gig on saturday night.

22-06-05, 22:02
flicked through the wonderful web last night... i'll attempt it when i get photoshop again (damn reformat... damn me losing the cd's ... :angel: )


ok... so maybe it's a little complex for a first try, but should be a laugh ;)

Clive tombstone
22-06-05, 23:52
Little confused, is that yours jester? Pretty damned good if it is, and if it is'nt, still pretty damned good, even though it is from Ragnarok online :D

23-06-05, 01:32
Little confused, is that yours jester? Pretty damned good if it is, and if it is'nt, still pretty damned good, even though it is from Ragnarok online :D

i wish :p

nah found it on the net and thought i'd give it a bash when i got photoshop back installed.

i cant draw for shit and have no scanner :p

Clive tombstone
23-06-05, 01:47
still pretty sweet looking, give it a shot man!

23-06-05, 01:49
i'll find my photoshop cd after work tomorrow.

i'm unsure on black with dark red trim or black with dark green trim... i'm thinkin dark dark green though.

:edit: yellow trim would stand out really well against the black...

i wonder if theres a way to alter the colour after its done to make a few versions.

i'll fiddle tomoz :p

:edit: ok so it was only done in paint and isnt amazing quality... but the green on black will prolly be what i go for (pic to show what i mean)


Clive tombstone
23-06-05, 02:47
Heheh, cool, anywho, Im trying to make some new characters to draw, anywho, if anyone has one they wanna see done, ill try drawing him/her, since I cant seem to get out of my artist block right now. Ill try phot shoping it later afterwards. :D

Sunny Rosalind
23-06-05, 03:28
Cool, lots of new things :)

I'm glad some people are finding my tutorial is helpful. I hope I was clear and concise enough to get all of the points across :)

I'm anxiously awaiting everyone else's finished work (Tidus's high ranking BD dude and Clive's new HC PE build), I'm sure they'll be really awesome :)

Jester - They have a special thingy in Photoshop that will really help you out with that! Just make sure that the colors you may want to change later are in their own seperate layers... (if you didn't already know this :))
Click the special effects button (above) on the bottom left hand corner of the layers window, it looks like a fancypants 'f' in a black circle :)

You can change the color of everything that layer at once by clicking that small color box, which is really nice if you keep the different colors on the same layer like I did in this picture :)

That's a BD druggie girl, which will hopefully compliment Tidus's important BD person well! :)

23-06-05, 03:42
Some time ago, I did this. I didn't do it by myself though, I suck at drawing... And I miss nc1 models :(


(original pic here : http://www.nuclearvision.de/_download/wallpaper/04_biggun.jpg)

23-06-05, 06:25
Heh, ok, I'll bite, not much talent involved, but I like it, death from above in an assault glider, everyone's missing the sweetness of these babies.

Clive tombstone
23-06-05, 08:28
Love that picture, of the goth chick hehe

too bad pyscotoxic sucked as a game, great female character though^^

nice phot shop sam, I like it :D

23-06-05, 16:28
Heh - some old chars from the comic/flash thing I wanted to do.

Granted - the tank looks like lucas out of CTRL _ ALT _ DEL... But thats only cos u fuckers asked me to change his hairdo.

Rofl, that tank does look like Lucas!

and ctrl+alt+del RULES! :lol:


For those of you who don't know who lucas is, he's down there.



23-06-05, 19:44

work in progress.

head area is messy as i was gonna use it as a practice try, but i decided to keep goin.

i'll tidy the head up later

oh and i didnt bother with highlightin either :p

23-06-05, 20:13
Rofl, that tank does look like Lucas!

*Beats tidus with the internet*

Heh - Started a PE sketch - will have it up monday/tuesdayish.

23-06-05, 22:08

i found this sketch more interesting...

priorities shifted :p

24-06-05, 16:03

i found this sketch more interesting...

priorities shifted :p

Mmm.. Blood Angel assault marines. <3 You have good taste!

But that variation of power armor hasn't been used in.. 20 years.

24-06-05, 18:08
Not happy with it, but for 10mins work it will do.
Actually, only thing I like on it is the Cursed Soul (without swirly).



24-06-05, 18:30
I finally got it done!

Here's the high-ranking Black Dragon operative (complete with twin handguns) I was planning to do.


Sunny Rosalind
24-06-05, 19:02
Cool Tidus, that came out really nice (love the dragon thing :))

I drew another generic psi monk, after finally finding a relatively easy way of making the doodles look less sketched :)


24-06-05, 19:10
Sorry to add a little criticism but I noticed something about your drawings which I had to comment on.

Don't get me wrong your pictures are really good but I think the hips swing out too much on alot of them, giving them a john wayne type stance, it's mainly only on the female characters and I know you may want to give them flowing hips but I'd pull in their thighs a little on the next picture which I'm eagerly waiting to see.

I may draw another if I get some spare time, as my weekend is going to be busy and I can't draw (not that i've really tried) while drunk... hmm.. a new idea actually. :p


Sunny Rosalind
24-06-05, 21:28
Thanks for the advice Scarus! :)

I guess it comes from my futile attempts to make the poses more badass!! You know how badasses always stick their hips out like that!

I'll try to make them slightly less cowboyish in the future, or failing that I'll cover the hips in dresses so noone can tell :)

I cleaned up two of my older doodles (if anyone really cares :P)

http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y173/mawee03/newnewrosalind.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y173/mawee03/newdruggie.jpg

24-06-05, 21:39
Dunno - I didn't comment bcause I simply percieved it as your "style" but your female drawings end up with riduclously narrow waists (or in fact, lower rib cages, which I why I think it seems really off) and the HUGE hips.

24-06-05, 21:53

Sunny Rosalind id love to meet u in game, non of ur peeps got amour :D one hit from a speed gat and down joo go :D:D:D

=] nice pics mind, im gessin the proportions are just ur style, and i cant realy say much cos my GF irl has thouse proportions :S ye mun my gf is basicaly a anime doll =] wuvs her soooo much ^_^

24-06-05, 22:26
Damn sunny those drawings rock!! done a few in the past but i suck at
drawing....just need to get round to getting photoshop again, havent done
anything in ages :mad:

SiL ..:..

24-06-05, 22:54
wow first I was like.. a 3 yr old.. then I was like .. "hey thats a tank"
looks awesome :D:D:D:D:D

What he said.. when that thing ZoVoS made started i was like ok i can do that to :p then he actually did something thought it was a face first.. then he made the belt/ belly bit and then some outlines then i saw it was a tank :p looks ownage tho.. you finished it yet m8 ?

25-06-05, 00:31
I love the smoke in your second picture sunny, very Tim Burton esque though it looks like you spent more time on the first as it's smoother (noticable on the 2nd ones breasts).. sorry, I'm being very critical lately.



Okay not just the breasts but you know what I mean.. I hope.

25-06-05, 01:07
KILLER']What he said.. when that thing ZoVoS made started i was like ok i can do that to :p then he actually did something thought it was a face first.. then he made the belt/ belly bit and then some outlines then i saw it was a tank :p looks ownage tho.. you finished it yet m8 ?

nopes i been buisy with recoding asm on a erm other game *cough* gunz*cough*

but as u mention it i have some free time now, ill finish him =]

-= edit =- art pad is laggin to much, ill finish it of in :( microsoft paint

this any better for the cs ?

25-06-05, 04:38
The CS looks nicer with the greater detail on it, shame ArtPad was lagging so much, but atleast mspaint never let you down. :p

I did another sketch, took about 15mins, if people like the sketch then I may think about doing it again adding more detail, taking more care and remembering not to draw on lined paper.


It's abit big to go on the forums me thinks, so it's linked instead.

If some kind person fancies adding to it, redoing it or colouring it then feel free and criticism, as always, is welcome.


27-06-05, 15:03
http://img253.echo.cx/img253/4092/untitled8re.jpgjust a little update... spent all weekend camping so not much progress.

and i know i'm not doing the correct colour scheme for the blood angels, i'm just banging it on as i see fit :p

:edit: i quite like the way the muzzle flashes came out

27-06-05, 15:25

Red and black... I feel so violated now, Jester. :mad:

27-06-05, 15:26
i'm not liking that green actually... it may yet tuen back into a blood angel :p

27-06-05, 16:56
You need to seperate the Background into it's own layer - or when you come to do the sky, the muzzle flashes are gonna stay a washed out yellow with the white of the sky behind them.

Me likey though - and have been a complete lazy-ass and not even touched mine - I got the makings of a cel-shaded PE based on the real model, just haven't touched it!

In my defence tho, I've been a tad busy getting lost in manchester and stuff... the uni campus is HUGE!

EDIT - A quick snap of what I had on friday... the last time I touched it - still LOADS of stuff to do - It's a fullbody pic, and I'm STILL on the base layers :S


Have to detail and shade - get rid of those lines - do the BG... essentially it should come out looking like sunny's just my method of doing it... which is in all honesty the RIGHT way to do it! But old habits die hard, so I'm sticking with mine :p

27-06-05, 17:05
might leave the background a kind of washed out colour... or do a dirty brown overlay over the lot and see how that looks.

but i'm leanin towards that "arty in the front and kinda sketchy in the back" kinda concept art look :p

:edit: like this


27-06-05, 17:39
Alright - I did like 2 mins work on it :P - I roughed out some shades - prolly gonna be the red mirror kind...



Although it does bring the face together a bit more...

Christ on a bike, this is gonna take forever at this rate :p

27-06-05, 18:13
EDIT: Removed due to suckidity.

Dribble Joy
28-06-05, 03:11
If I hadn't just got back from a booze, supernoodle and hash fueled bender at glasto, and wasn't insanely busy in the next few days, and wasn't going on camp on friday, I'd do some more...

Incidentaly, when I colour, I use something more like Ian's (http://www.machall.com), which can be found here (http://www.machall.com/indexcontent.php?doshow=info_art).

28-06-05, 12:30
Thats Pretty much the way I do it... Although... kind of get a bit carried away and tend to add/remove things in the process - WHICH IS A NO NO! It plays merry hell with actually trying to make PROGRESS! :lol:

Clive tombstone
28-06-05, 16:41
.. god Im so unhappy with how Im drawing my character Clive Tombstone. I was originally intending on making a few short webcomics featuring him, but I'm just having a hard time making an HC PE look good, I guess Ill need a day more to work on him a little bit.

In the mean time, I like what everyone is doing so far. :D

28-06-05, 17:53

I think ive excelled myself.

Clive tombstone
28-06-05, 18:13
I think something died inside me, just now :D

PEace out

Vae Victis
29-06-05, 02:09
lol roger, that one's quality mate :lol:

29-06-05, 02:26

I think ive excelled myself.
rofl thats great

thats actually what he does too

29-06-05, 03:04
u all bully steb, hes ok mun, just a bit trigger happy

Vae Victis
29-06-05, 14:58
rofl thats great

thats actually what he does toolol, he can't even kill newbs... ?

29-06-05, 17:11
i know venom isnt the only clan steb begged to join ;)

:edit: just cos i'm an "evil pkor" doesnt mean i dont know people in other clans. i got my sources.

29-06-05, 18:31
I got asked to join Soldierz today :p

29-06-05, 21:09
arent you FA? :wtf:

:edit: btw i gotta ask... who is that in your avatar? :wtf:

29-06-05, 21:52
arent you FA? :wtf:

:edit: btw i gotta ask... who is that in your avatar? :wtf:

Heh - tis me lady :) we share an account :)

And yes we are FA :P

10-07-05, 10:35
In town for the weekend to tend to some details. Too bad I won't be able to get much Neocroning in. :(

wonderful tutoria, Sunny! I'll see if I can use Gimp to that effect. Been practicing my drawing a LOT more at work breaks and I just re-downloaded the Neocron Manual for the history bits. Let's see if I can't get inspired!

Sunny Rosalind
12-07-05, 16:03
Sorry for the lack of pictures! I haven't been able to doodle as much as I'd have liked for the past couple of weeks :(

I did manage to almost finish a more elegant PPU PA with bits of tacholytium hanging from it. It's very majestic and grand, but too simple and boring in my eyes... I think in the future I'll put some embroidery on the empty spots.

I wasn't able to put the finishing touches on it just yet, but I'm sure you can get the general idea from what's already there :)


Clive tombstone
13-07-05, 15:33
I really like It sunny. Although my HC-PE isnt ready I did a request from a friend of mine in NC, I wont say though.
The art style isnt exactly what I like, since we're forced to learn new styles down here at the art institute, but yah, Ill try eperimenting with it.

PS- sunny is that last work INKED or is that a photoshop trick? Im really crappy with inking due to tremors I have in my hands so I usually F*** up inking(my hands shake, its a wierd family thing, not my diet or lack of sleep/and or exercise) , anyways thats all Im asking.

PPS-once again, really cool looking PPU.

PEace out

Sunny Rosalind
14-07-05, 00:25
I have the same problem as you, I can't ink anything by hand! It's all done in Photoshop :)

I'm short on time, so I can't post a tutorial with pictures just yet (probably later in the week if you're still having trouble with it)... I use the pen tool - I pick a nice brush, make a new layer above the pencil drawing, re-draw the lines' shapes with the pen tool, rightclick and select 'stroke path'... In the new window, I make sure that 'simulate pressure' is checked, and the tool in the pull-down menu is set to 'paintbrush'. After the path is stroked, I delete it by right clicking, and clicking on 'delete path'.

Simulate pressure gives the path a dynamic pointwidth, where the path first starts the brush size is really small, in the center it's large, and at the end it's very small again. You can see exactly where I drew my paths on the PPU doodle I did, just follow a line starting where it's really tiny, then to where it's thick, and back to where it's thin again!

Hope it helped, but I'll write up a tutorial anyway later this week in the hopes of resurrecting this thread... :)

Clive tombstone
14-07-05, 02:04
Thanks, I really like this thread. I hope to get some more insight from this thread as well. Man I wish I had a tablet.

I think since I cant seem to draw a PE with any HC weapons (drawing those shoulder cannons is pretty tough) I think Ill go with some Assualt trike action or something.

PEace out.

Sunny Rosalind
14-07-05, 04:34
This is a doodle I just whipped up in the past 45 mins, it's not finished, but I sort of like the way it is now... I hope I won't get in trouble for posting this, it's kind of edgy...


And here's an older thing that I did a couple of weeks ago. It came out horribly (I messed up the depth on the arms), but I might as well post it now before I take it off of my photobucket space :)


If everything goes my way tommorow, I'll have enough time to do the inking tutorial :)

Clive tombstone
14-07-05, 05:38
Thanks Sunny, your a goddess (or god, hehe, not sure) Great work you got there!

Sunny Rosalind
14-07-05, 21:48
Goddess, Clive :)

Here's how I do my inking!!

1) Scan the drawing into Photoshop

Here's mine :)

2) Change the color of the drawing to something lighter

Go into Image > Adjustments > Levels...


In the pull-down menu to the right of Channel, select Blue, and enter the Input Levels that I have. You can slide the sliders above Output Levels all the way to the left instead, if you want... It might be more fun :)

The reason for this is because the inking will be done in black, and it's easier to distinguish between the two layers if their colors are different :)

3) Prepare to use the Pen tool!



Here's the pen tool, I think the settings that I have are the default but I'm not sure, so copy the settings that I have if they don't match yours! :) Make sure that you feel comfortable drawing lines with the pen tool before you move on! Holding the left mouse button will change the curvy-factor of the line, etc etc :) Experiment with it!

4) Pick your inking brush!

I prefer to use slightly slanted brushes for inking, because depending on the direction of the brush, the size seems to change. Of course, feel free to experiment and see what kind of brushes rock your socks! :) Here's my favorite brush to use, I think it's in the default brush pack!


5) Begin inking!


Pick a line that you like, and try to draw over it with the pen tool. In this picture it's kind of hard to see... If you're having a lot of difficulty seeing where it is, start down near the bottom-right corner, and follow it up :)

6) Stroke the path!!

Right click the path while you have the pen tool activated, and click on 'Stroke Path' :) You'll see this menu!


Simulate pressure may or may not float your boat! Here's an example of the stroked path with and without simulated pressure :)

With simulated pressure

Without simulated pressure

As you can see from all of my other inked drawings, I really like simulated pressure. It suits my drawing style and the brushes I like!

7) Finish inking!

It'll take a while, but it looks much cleaner than if you didn't ink it at all!!


And from there, you can just follow the steps from the other tutorial (http://forum.neocron.com/showpost.php?p=1829889&postcount=71) if it helped you, making sure to replace the hand-drawn part with the inked thing :)

Since the outfit was really simple, I decided to try a different set of brushes for coloring it in! It didn't come out as nice as I'd have liked :(


Hope this tutorial helped!! :)

14-07-05, 22:14
Really liking that style! I'm getting all involved in photoshop again - which I really shouldn't - I'll juts end up palming off my psych degree for an arts one, again.


14-07-05, 23:53
after i finsih power reading harry potter (should take me a day or so) ill get started on some photoshop stuf (should have a new hdd by saturday)

15-07-05, 01:58
power reading

Haha quality, i shall also be power reading the new HP book this weekend, hopefully my end of term hangover wont slow down my progress, hehe i might try and do some sort of character art but i cant draw for toffee but i can still try :)

Really cool thread btw and that inked picture looks amazing, before and after colouring.

Clive tombstone
15-07-05, 04:33
Thank you very much for the tutorial Goddess sunny!

Il try these out at once! By the way, do you use a tablet or not? I forget reading wether you did or didn't. Im saving up for one now.

PS-Im doing requests right now for characters, if anyone is interested. I need the practice right now.

PEace out

15-07-05, 12:10
again i say tabs suck, u cant see where ur line was complicating things

15-07-05, 17:00
Great tutorial Sunny, my 'simulate pressure' wont work for some reason, but something I will just probably have to play around with as I'm using CS2 so it may be different.


15-07-05, 19:02
Great tutorial Sunny, my 'simulate pressure' wont work for some reason, but something I will just probably have to play around with as I'm using CS2 so it may be different.


Fuck me, i love your sig. Fear the spork.

Sunny Rosalind
18-07-05, 00:33
Clive, I don't use a tablet! I have absolutely no experience using one, and money's kind of tight right now so I don't think it's worth it... :)

Scarus, try changing the brush! I think this happened to me once or twice, it started working again after I changed the brush (no idea why, though)

I'm really not happy with the way this came out, it looks much better on paper... the shirt just doesn't feel right, and the feathery scarf doesn't look very feathery!

I know this isn't a character doodle, but I wanted to share it with you guys anyway :) It's a vertical panorama of the DoY-1 surface gravlift, my favorite place in DoY!! It took about 5-6 pictures to put that together!

(the weird blueish splotches on it are the textures of the glass, I couldn't get rid of them :()

(hope I don't get in trouble for posting something so tall)

If I can ever do more than a single panel of a webcomic without losing inspiration, I want to do a small series about several people and their families before DoY was nuked :)

BTW - you guys can post something too, it won't kill you :P

18-07-05, 01:46
Scarus, try changing the brush! I think this happened to me once or twice, it started working again after I changed the brush (no idea why, though)

Cheers for the advice but it wasn't the brush, more the brush properties, I had changed them while using my graphics tablet and forgot to change them back.
Nice shot of the surface gravlift, it's a shame some of it doesn't align very well but looks cool anyway.

I may post something else up if I get the time/effort.


Clive tombstone
18-07-05, 02:01
hehe I dont have a tablet ether (I think I stated that a few times actually, but I forget) Anywho, Im working on some different pieces right now, sadly not on that photoshop contest with the picture sources and whatnot, I have art school projects right now. I post some of my new-er stuff soon.

PS I personally like the Blond chick you drew, yes the lines are a "little" heavy but nothing serious.

PPS-I'd also love to do a webcomic, but as for writting a script, I'm totally at a loss. maybe if someone wants to collaberate, maybe we could get something done. who knows :D

PEace out.

Sunny Rosalind
19-07-05, 04:12
I've been trying to deviate away from the boring supermodel poses and head into the wide world of action packed shots :)

I realize the blood looks really weird, but I think it conveys the message of total smackdown! :)


I'm really looking forward to seeing both of your stuff, I can't wait! :)

Clive tombstone
19-07-05, 04:35
wonderfully dark, reminds me of an anime named GANTZ, you should check it out. Anywho, I scrapped my character pics I just did (up and ripped them up, really pissed right now) so I guess some vehicle pics will have to do. Ill have them up in a few hours, or at least one by then.

PEace out

Clive tombstone
19-07-05, 06:03
I am totally not happy with this picture. It started out as a sketch during principles of 3d and 2d animation, and ended in the break room, now I did a rushed ink and color job (thanks for the inking tutorial, but I think I did some things wrong this time) and Im totally bushed, Due to Emotional issues I think Ill try and draw some more soon (Me and GF had to split up, totally sucks, going to bed now)

anywho, PEace out

PS-Its a trike :p

Dribble Joy
19-07-05, 19:47
Bashed these two scetches out last night in front of the telly.
A bit shit.

19-07-05, 22:20
(better hurry on this library computer)

Stop, people, STOP!

YOu're all blowing me away!

(Sunny - panorama ROCKS - make sure that stays up -I want to download that. That's positively gorgeous).

Yeah, that stripper getting shredded is a bit of a deviation from your supermodel drawings, heh. Very nice, though. Excellent skill there. And, sunny.. what is it with you and redheads? :P Don't get me wrong, redheads are hawt.

And clive - nice new mechsican sig :D That trike looks good - very good. The gunnery turret looks MUCH more realistic.

Keep on trucking, guys!

edit - (sunny.. that psi monk gal is FUCKIN' GORGEOUS! IT does seem very... majestic. That's the best way I can describe it.)

Clive tombstone
20-07-05, 05:38
Great stuff, I guess Ill keep working.

PS-I semi take back what I said about GantZ, the conclusion episodes and ending totally sucked. I feel Soo ripped off.

PEace out

Dribble Joy
20-07-05, 17:09
Great stuff, I guess Ill keep working.

PS-I semi take back what I said about GantZ, the conclusion episodes and ending totally sucked. I feel Soo ripped off.

PEace out
The GantZ manga is far better.

Clive tombstone
20-07-05, 17:23
Well, since I already posted I heard that using Adobi streamline is good for turning sketches into vector images, which you can then transport into Macromedia flash to smooth out and make them look all.. well, smooth-like :D


PEace out

Dribble Joy
20-07-05, 19:05
Some of you may remember a few pictures I did of DJ ages ago in a sort of combat cat suit, I was doodling yesterday and though I intended to put a t-shirt onn her as with the others, the physique turned out a bit better than usual, so here we are again.

I must be a bit of a perv.

20-07-05, 19:06

21-07-05, 15:47
now we'Re talking the same language :>

TBH: sry, no picture of my tanky or pe... i'Re loosing my creativity somewhere from brain to my fingers.

Dribble Joy
23-07-05, 13:19
Another, not as good now I look at it on the comp.

23-07-05, 13:39
I guess the boobs in that one are...ok

But not great :(

Mr Kot
23-07-05, 15:13
What's that growing out of her ear?

Clive tombstone
23-07-05, 16:31
good news, I got some preview "sketchs" from hell'z neocron strip me and him are working on. Since it is (checks watch) 7:20 in the morning (*why the f*** did I wake up at 7:20 in the morning on a saturday anywho?*) Im gonna go back to sleep. But Ill have the sketchs up by the afternoon.

PEace out

23-07-05, 16:39

oh boy thats the closest thing to an orgasm I've had all week! :D

Dribble Joy
23-07-05, 16:57
What's that growing out of her ear?
It's supposed to be some sort of psi discharge, but as I said, it didn't work well at all.

23-07-05, 18:24

oh boy thats the closest thing to an orgasm I've had all week! :D

Step away from the sex ref's...

Put them DOWN!

23-07-05, 20:57
Its ok Spermy I'm ok

I had a wank its out of my system :p


Asurmen Spec Op
23-07-05, 22:31
not at all

23-07-05, 23:42

My shock tactics no longer work :(

Hurry up Clive!

Asurmen Spec Op
24-07-05, 00:12

My shock tactics no longer work :(

Hurry up Clive!
Nothing works on me :(
Cept your stories wich are Giztastically funny

edit: and right now Im having a wank to your Tentacle charecter

24-07-05, 00:52
:eek: :eek: :eek:

oh my god!

I've been bested by a perv!


Asurmen Spec Op
24-07-05, 01:02
:eek: :eek: :eek:

oh my god!

I've been bested by a perv!

You cant beat me mortal, I have traveled the wastes sexing things from a little bugger too three grims.
Your tenticles are just the begining of a wank fest the likes of wich will Scar your mind for EVER

Clive tombstone
24-07-05, 04:54
OK, these are just three for now, Nothing Im really proud of, but there concepts (poor ones at that) for three of 6 strips that we're working on. Ill let hell explain if he wants too hehe. anywho, here they are (*cringes* I hate submitting unfinished free hand work)




(edit) ahh Shazbot, there a little big arnt they? Freakin heck, ahh well.
PS-sorry hell, for not having more. I've been rocking out with some buddies at a bon fire last night and kinda into the morning today. Ill have more finished later.

PEace out

Asurmen Spec Op
24-07-05, 05:15
nice WB

24-07-05, 10:35

They look good. It's like you crafted pictures from my imagination :eek:

Asurmen Spec Op
24-07-05, 11:01

They look good. It's like you crafted pictures from my imagination :eek:
How does Kilzor drink and have sex anyway...

24-07-05, 12:59
With great difficulty :p

I'm sure its possible why else do warb ots have big silly grins :rolleyes:

Asurmen Spec Op
24-07-05, 13:36
With great difficulty :p

I'm sure its possible why else do warb ots have big silly grins :rolleyes:
I thought it was something like
z0mg 1z g00na 0wn j000

oh and at DJ
Nice titties :)

24-07-05, 22:08
what ever the case may be Killzir can have sex 8|

Asurmen Spec Op
25-07-05, 00:03
what ever the case may be Killzir can have sex 8|
geeze get all disturbed when I start figuring out how your kinky stories work

25-07-05, 01:43

25-07-05, 03:19

I am truely glad you did not draw him with the flu.


26-07-05, 23:22
Clive... fuckingtastic work! The one-armed mutie looks really cool. Odd thing is, when I look at it, I keep thinking about the "Judge Dredd" movie. Mmmm... THe warbot looks... so damn mean.

Keep it up clive!

Oh, and new Harry Potter book is fuckingtastic!

edit - so am I, scarus, so am I.

Clive tombstone
28-07-05, 03:55
Ok, I wont be able to work on the comic this week because I have about 4 projects to do. Ill continue work after the turn in dates.

Dribble Joy
28-07-05, 17:23
Not specifically DJ this time, but a random doodle I did for my next Big Fix thread.
(PEPA variant).

Asurmen Spec Op
29-07-05, 00:55
:( good drawing but no titties

06-08-05, 06:28
Ahhh! Finally I'm here at my proper home for the weekend.

I can't believe how long it takes for me to even get a half-decent sketch fully done up. I must have like spent 2 hours just on this one of the hacker.


Sunny, Clive, how long does it take for your sketches, from start to finish (before you scan them into the comp)?

Possibly may be able to get scanner working right this weekend.

Dribble Joy
07-08-05, 12:40
Right, another doodle.
More kinky combat cat suit perversion.
We've had tits, now some arse.

I'll try to draw something less dodgy in a bit.

07-08-05, 16:05
nice pic drib :) sowwie i stole it

Asurmen Spec Op
07-08-05, 21:04
:eek:must not say anything immautre most not say anything.........


Bugs Gunny
07-08-05, 21:09

Something like that? :angel:

Clive tombstone
07-08-05, 21:45
Really, it takes anywhere between 5mins-20 mins, or an hour, all depending on how Im feeling. From those early character drawings befor, somewhere around 3-7 mins each, for the trike, about 15 mins. Im a slow artist though, Im guessing sunny is much faster^^ her lines need speed to get that kinda volume and value

PEace out

Ps-Ill most likly have something ready by friday (after my midterms are up)

Asurmen Spec Op
07-08-05, 22:21

Something like that? :angel:
no I would never say anything that childish


Sunny Rosalind
07-08-05, 22:50
Hi! :) Did you miss me? :P

I was on vacation down in Florida for the past 2 weeks!

Hell-Demon has also given me a bunch of really cute, funny short comic scripts that I am really looking forward to doing the illustrations for!!

This doodle's crappy and it definately doesn't make up for my absence for the past 14 days, but it's something :)


And Heavyporker - Clive is right! I doodle things really quickly!! When I find that I messed up, I find it easier to start the doodle over as opposed to erasing the mistake and trying to correct it... I lose my 'flow' that way!

There's no such thing as spending too much time on a single doodle!

If I drew a bunch of mannequin-style people and scanned them in for others to use as a basebody, would that help entice some more people into showing everyone how they interpret their character or just help them draw an outfit that they think would look cool in NC?

The few people contributing to the thread now are absolutely amazing and totally rock my socks but the aim of this thread was to have everyone participate! :)

BTW - a lot of you guys are REALLY MESSED UP! :P

Asurmen Spec Op
07-08-05, 22:56
Anyone could tell you Im really messed up.
Infact I even-Hey a tree!

Dribble Joy
08-08-05, 00:14
Wish I could draw.....

Asurmen Spec Op
08-08-05, 00:42
Wish I could draw.....
You draw ALOT better then me, I should learn how to someday to do some cool things, but my friend can fucking make nice shit just using paint.

08-08-05, 01:23
No, Sunny! That girl in green/black is just gorgeous! Love that color combo. And the boots are awesome!

Mine takes so long, even if its supposed to be "quickie" doodles. I think I have latent perfectionistic tendencies that really, really "encourage" me to correct myself all the time (and others :o ) Hard for me to get that nice flow you got, sunny, but still, I have to admit that the detail possible by taking so much time like I do appeals to me. Got to cudgel myself over the next couple weeks, get myself to loosen up.
No luck with the scanner, though, so no piccies for you guys from me just yet :( It's a shame. I like the picture of this spy with the last pill of his day in his hand.

Anyways, Sunny, are you sure you should even get in range of Hell-Demon? You know that he can be a bit... off-kilter?

Anyways, character templates sound like an interesting idea, could help encourage others, yes.

Awright, taking off and going out of town. Take care everyone, and keep on inking!

Clive tombstone
08-08-05, 02:55
Well, I just finished a walk cycle project, and tommorrow ill get it captured. Maybe Ill post a link to it here, later this week. Besides that. HP, dont worry, just post your stuff, and we'll help you out.

Ahh hell is cool (the person, not the purgitory lol) yah, a little *shakes his hands back and forth* ehhhh. :D

Im working on some comics from him as well, ill have the actual pages skected, but Im having a bit of trouble putting them into webcomic format.

Anywho PEace out

08-08-05, 03:10
And Heavyporker - Clive is right! I doodle things really quickly!! When I find that I messed up, I find it easier to start the doodle over as opposed to erasing the mistake and trying to correct it... I lose my 'flow' that way!

ya steves like that. he does amazing and fast pics but if he fucked up he stars again, where as i do slower pictures but if im not happy with a line ill just manipulate it over and over and over untill it looks rite ^_^

Sunny Rosalind
08-08-05, 17:51
Alright! I've done a pretty quick doodle of a person in the hopes that more people will use it to show how they intepret their character in the NC world, or just draw an outfit that they think is cool... :)

Now that I think about it, I probably should have done a more basic pose... But what better way to get introduced to something than to be plunged face-first into it? :)


Sorry that it's so big!! :(

To get started on this, you can print the sketch out, and draw the outfit you want over it (like I sort of did really really lightly on it)... If you don't have access to a printer you could just draw the outlines of the outfit using Photoshop or whatever else you're comfortable with!

After you've done any of that, my tutorials might be able to help! Start out by inking with this one (http://forum.neocron.com/showpost.php?p=1842504&postcount=133) and then color it in with this one (http://forum.neocron.com/showpost.php?p=1829889&postcount=71)!! If you're having difficulty understanding how I did some of the stuff on the tutorials, either send me a PM, or see if Al Mackey's Photoshop Tutorial (http://www.fur.com/~almackey/tutorial/index.html) helps at all. It's pretty much the exact same thing as my tutorial!

I hope I was thorough enough with this! I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone creating their own unique outfit :)

I'll make a few more sketches like the one above in a slightly less complex pose in the future! :)

08-08-05, 23:01
Some pretty leet drawings i must say , i like that one PE with the glass's and the red/white coat

Dribble Joy
11-08-05, 18:54
Have another, not great though.

Clive tombstone
11-08-05, 19:36
I got something, but it isnt nc related, just a piece of work I had to do for a game design class yesterday. The assignment was to draw up a figuer for a game based on a planet entirly covered in water. I had to create a side or main antagonist some how in 5 mins. And this is what I got. Hey rose can you suggest and color filters or something to add a "water" effect?

Clive tombstone
12-08-05, 05:09
Crap, the picture got deleted, ahh well, here it is again.

Sunny Rosalind
12-08-05, 23:11
That's a really cool dude Clive!! :)

I don't really know how to do too many special effects on photoshop but I can tell you that if you're looking for one in particular to check out www.pslover.com ... It has lots and lots of tutorials for photoshop, though more than a few of them aren't written so well and are difficult to follow!

I have two doodles, neither of them turned out as NC-like as I'd have intended and trying to put a screenshotted background on them just insulted the picture... :P


This is my finished version of the sketch I posted previously, although I really hate it :( it looks like an anime version of Lilo from Lilo and Stitch if instead of being an orphaned hawaiin girl, she was in a circus-style danceclub... Don't like it!!

I tried a different colorscheme than I normally do (very warm colors) but the hot pink stockings just mess it all up!


This is my new CA char called Agent Marmalade, who in this picture looks way too unorganized, messy, and generally bad-ass to live in NC!

I plan on redoing both of these pictures when I can find the time!

PS - 200th post on the most viewed thread in the RP forums! cool! :cool:

Clive tombstone
12-08-05, 23:59
I like those allot, Ill have some mecha scanned in probably tonight, but first I have to finish a 5 second animation cycle first (thats roughly about 75-90 hand drawn images, scanned twice each, and so on >_<)

PEace out

Sunny Rosalind
14-08-05, 17:20
Cool Clive, good luck with that! :)


This is a second version of my new char Agent Marmalade!! I think it's much better, not quite so strappy like the last one, but definately still badass!

BTW - noone else wants to give a shot at doodling their char? :(
I'll take requests for character doodles if you don't feel comfortable with your own drawing skills via PM! :)

14-08-05, 18:01
yea that last picture is sooo good i really like it :) background just completes it. and the shades etc everything seems to work perfectly :)

Dribble Joy
14-08-05, 20:37
Very quick doodle, and a bit shit frankly....

14-08-05, 23:37
Very quick doodle, and a bit shit frankly....

You are far too modest, lol

Your drawings, along with the other non-Paint ones, are great!

And Sunny's last one with the pink stockings is kinda kinky, 8|

Sunny Rosalind
16-08-05, 04:58
This doodle is an attempt to keep my renditions of the female anatomy back on track! Unfortunately the right arm doesn't really taper off too well, and her face looks like she was repeatedly bashed by a lead pipe... :(

I'm not really sure if this picture is of suitable content for this forums, so I'm going to play it safe-ish and not put the picture in the post... So if you're offended by more-than-partial nudity, don't click this (http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y173/mawee03/anatomy.jpg)!!

I like the other one of a similar pose that I did earlier... It looks much more sultry and mysterious...

Also, Mystic-Crusader sent in a request for a male spy, which I should have finished pretty soon (I'm more comfortable drawing females as opposed to male bodies)

And if anyone's interested, I deleted my char 'Agent Marmalade' and renamed her as 'Madeleine Thorpe', so if anyone wants to, you know, talk or level up or give me stuff or something... :D

Sunny Rosalind
19-08-05, 01:35
I was really hoping that I wouldn't have to double post on this thread... :(

I'm not really too happy with the way either of these came out... I guess I was in just too much of a rush and did everything way too sloppily!


This is a CityAdmin infiltrator. I was planning on making this picture into a wallpaper, but I couldn't get that 1960s comic book style that I was looking for!


This is a DoY glider pilot (feel free to make as many women driver jokes as you want)... I like the pose, the belt and the feathers, but I don't like her simplistic body figure or her face. A set of goggles above her eyes would have completed the outfit, but I really can't be bothered to add it in now. I think the background came out really nice with the shadow I added on the bottom, though!! :)

Hope everyone else isn't suffering from an art slump like me :)

19-08-05, 03:04
The last picture looks like she has been sitting on horseback too long :lol:

very nice drawings though but I think mine was better :cool:

Original monk
19-08-05, 09:02
BTW - a lot of you guys are REALLY MESSED UP! :P

youre observations are correct !

Asurmen Spec Op
19-08-05, 09:05
youre observations are correct !

19-08-05, 23:44
BTW - noone else wants to give a shot at doodling their char? :(

I might have a go at drawing another character...a 'sequel' to my Black Dragon guy (http://www.deviantart.com/view/19832062/), probably. No idea what the character'll look like yet.... :lol:

20-08-05, 23:38
I look forward to the comic Clive :)

Clive tombstone
25-08-05, 21:33
Sorry for the lack of updates, been stayin up till about 3am every day (getting up at 6) to get my college stuff done and work, No time for comic since last time I talked, but Im getting a break (sooN?) so Ill try my best, i hope that Rose can help out in my absence

PS, if anyone is gonne study to be a Game designer, my advice, Be prepared to forfit sleep on a daily basis, and Coffee (or tea, depending on how much caffeen I want) will become your best friend.

PEace out *thud*

26-08-05, 00:58
HOLD ON GUYS! One more week and I'll be back home! Frankly, I'll kick all your asses.

No... not really. :P

Sunny.. kick ass stuff!

Sunny Rosalind
27-08-05, 04:31
I'm finally trying to begin working on one of hell-demons several cute little joke-comic ideas that he PM'd me!

It's pretty tough for me - I've never been good at drawing the same person more than once, but I'm working hard on fixing that!

Here's a really really quick thingy I've done, just so I don't have to post with no picture :) It's kind of really cutesy-putesy and disneylike, but at least I can draw a few expressions without completely morphing the facial structure :P Ignore all of the ugly rushed areas please!!

Also I've been working on my shading, so the shadows aren't so black and the highlights aren't so white. It looks more natural, if a bit more boring...


I bet noone can guess which movie character I was thinking of when I drew that!! (It's not Ariel from the little mermaid :P)

27-08-05, 05:28
I bet noone can guess which movie character I was thinking of when I drew that!! (It's not Ariel from the little mermaid :P)
Johnny Depp.

27-08-05, 18:41
Audrey Hepburn?

Sunny Rosalind
27-08-05, 19:44
Might as well give the answer now, I guess I wasn't specifc enough... should have said which animated movie character... :P

But it was Mirage from the Incredibles (http://www.hochunkcdc.org/images/technology_club/Technology%20Club%20Websites/Trice%20Website/images/Incredibles/Mirage.jpg)!! It's my all time favorite Disney movie, although on this forum, I'd guess I'd be the only one who felt that way... :P

As of right now, I'm trying to work on a female counterpart to Tidus_Origin's current BD guy (which really rocks my socks!!), I should be finished before the day is over!

28-08-05, 03:22
Might as well give the answer now, I guess I wasn't specifc enough... should have said which animated movie character... :P

But it was Mirage from the Incredibles (http://www.hochunkcdc.org/images/technology_club/Technology%20Club%20Websites/Trice%20Website/images/Incredibles/Mirage.jpg)!! It's my all time favorite Disney movie, although on this forum, I'd guess I'd be the only one who felt that way... :P

As of right now, I'm trying to work on a female counterpart to Tidus_Origin's current BD guy (which really rocks my socks!!), I should be finished before the day is over!

Ah I see. I knew it looked familiar! I liked Violet more.

Sunny Rosalind
28-08-05, 05:02
Violet was cooler, but she's way too young to be in NC!

As promised here's my BD gal - doesn't really look like Tidus's BD guy, but you know, whatever :P

The bright extravagant colors look really weird in comparison to the dark dreary architecture in DoY, but my logic was that since there's really no laws in the city, people will wear whatever they want!

28-08-05, 05:21
Violet was cooler, but she's way too young to be in NC!

yeah, but barely. She was in high school I'm pretty sure.

Original monk
29-08-05, 15:29
It's my all time favorite Disney movie, although on this forum, I'd guess I'd be the only one who felt that way... :P

nice drawing again, the resemblance with the original character of the movie is indeed big :)

my favourite disney was fantasia (http://www.justdisney.com/Features/Fantasia/), 1 big trip :)

cant say this out loud tough i found dumbo ok also :) in contrary with bambi, darn annoying movie

Sunny Rosalind
30-08-05, 16:33
I loved Fantasia too! Both the first and the second (I liked the second more than the first one, but only because everything was higher quality thanks to technology!) I can't say I liked bambi as much seeing as they killed the mother!! Dumbo is a great classic, I love that movie too :)

Here's a generic DoY PE!


What's that? A different hairstyle? How uncharacteristic of me :P

Though I won't stop using red hair, it represents my anger at the fact that not many other people are contributing their artwork to this thread!

I was thinking, the other night... and I came to the conclusion that I think NC's current psi graphics are too flashy and magicky, and not really 'psychic' at all... But unsuprisingly I'm having difficulty picturing it any other way!

If you could change the psi graphics into anything, what would they look like? (pictures sure would help others see what you mean! hint hint)

Especially now that NC has DX9 capabilities (sorry, I'm really technilogically challenged), doesn't that mean that it's possible to make special effects that make other games look so nice? For example, Guild Wars has that constant glow-y effect (I think WoW does too, not sure though!), and some other offline games that I've seen have effects where parts of the screen are blurred or bent...

Google doesn't help me in my search to describe what I'm talking about in the previous paragraph, but hopefully someone else will understand and be able to explain it better than me :)

31-08-05, 03:38
Heres a sketch ive just done as i thought id finally show my shite work in this thread i can't draw for toffee.

Mr Tratos Skarn,
http://broken-reality.org/misc/tratossmall.gif (http://broken-reality.org)

The hair is a bit odd as well as his right arm, the left looks better on paper as you can see the detail.

I'll go over it in Photoshop sometime when i have a graphics tab, my freehand mouse skill is somewhat, like my drawing....shite, lol

EDIT: As you can imagine, Tratos suffers badly from 'Helmet Hair'

31-08-05, 04:01
I think the effect you are talking about is Bloom. It has a kinda love/hate thing with a lot of gamers.

Sunny Rosalind
31-08-05, 15:55
I know I was discussing the possibilities of new psi-effects in the new engine thing in my last post, but I realized that it would be easier to demonstrate some new drug effects (seeing as the one single one really does stink).

Also, I do realize that just editing the picture in photoshop and giving a little rundown on how you can replicate the effect probably isn't the way that effects can be added into engines... But hey, it doesn't hurt to see how everyone pictures drug effects as being :)

For each of the (currently two) drug effects that I've done, I've included three locations, so you can see the differences in each. My goal with that, was to make drug usage rather uncomfortable in NC, not too costly in DoY, and various effects in the wastelands. The reason for this was because I'm sure drug use would be condoned in a dictatorial society (in NC) for it's almost 'insightful' properties, while being fairly common in DoY for its BD roots.

The way it works in my head is that you get a toned-down version of the drug's specific effect when it's active. After the drug wears off, the drug's specific effect will triple in intensity, causing uncomfortableness in some areas while seeming very cool in others.

Here's the current drug effect in Plaza-1, so you can compare it to the others. (I don't have a picture of it ingame and didn't feel like taking it, so I just replicated the effect in photoshop... it's not really too different)


As you can see, it lets the user know that he's completely smashed, but instead of giving a 'sensation' makes the user feel like he's turned into an old television set with horrible reception.

Here's the first effect that I made. It has the same static effect, but handles it in a different way.

Plaza-1 active drug effect (http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y173/mawee03/drug%20effects/neweffect1-NC.jpg) -- Plaza-1 active drug end effect (http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y173/mawee03/drug%20effects/neweffect1-NC-OD.jpg)
DoY-7 active drug effect (http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y173/mawee03/drug%20effects/neweffect1-DoY.jpg) -- DoY-7 active drug end effect (http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y173/mawee03/drug%20effects/neweffect1-DoY-OD.jpg)
Wastelands active drug effect (http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y173/mawee03/drug%20effects/neweffect1-WL.jpg) -- Wastelands active drug end effect (http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y173/mawee03/drug%20effects/neweffect1-WL-OD.jpg)

This drug's effect will make people either fascinated or uncomfortable around brighter areas in the world (Viarosso, Wastelands, areas with neon signs), and has a lesser effect on the darker areas in the world (Pepper Park, DoY, sewers, some appartments, etc etc).

Here's how you can do it in Photoshop (I use CS, things shouldn't be too different in any version of it):
1- Put a screenshot on the bottommost layer.
2- Make three layers above it.
3- Set your foreground brush color to black and your background brush color to white.
4- Fill each of the three empty layers with the paint bucket, so they're solid black.
5- Go into Filter > Noise > Add Noise, and type in the following settings: Amount: 225%, Distribution: Gaussian, and make sure that Monochromatic is checked. Do this for all three of the black layers. This step adds the TV-static stuff.
6- Go into Filter > Pixelate > Mosaic. Use cell size 4. This makes the TV-static in the last step slightly larger. Do this for all three of the static-y layers.
7- Set the rendering mode of all three layers to 'Darken'. This basically turns the white in the static invisible, and shows the black part, dependant on the background.
8- Set the opacity of these layers to 50%.
9- Leave all three of the static layers visible for the overdoes effect, but any one layer around for the active effect.

The second drug effect that I did is similar to the glowy effect in Guild Wars. Basically, it makes all of the light colors brighter, and the deep colors darker, though the effect is slightly different as you go across the spectrum and depends on the surrounding colors.

Plaza-1 active drug effect (http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y173/mawee03/drug%20effects/neweffect2-NC.jpg) -- Plaza-1 active drug end effect (http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y173/mawee03/drug%20effects/neweffect2-NC-OD.jpg)
DoY-7 active drug effect (http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y173/mawee03/drug%20effects/neweffect2-DoY.jpg) -- DoY-7 active drug end effect (http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y173/mawee03/drug%20effects/neweffect2-DoY-OD.jpg)
Wastelands active drug effect (http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y173/mawee03/drug%20effects/neweffect2-WL.jpg) -- Wastelands active drug end effect (http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y173/mawee03/drug%20effects/neweffect2-WL-OD.jpg)

This area will make contrasted areas seem very cool (Pepper Park, the DoY clubs, maybe Viarosso) because the colors sort of 'bleed' into each other, and will make anything that moves seem very significant and almost magical. It will make you nearly blind in darker, greyer areas, however, so would be very unpleasant in Plaza and other areas.

Here's how you can do it:
1- Put a screenshot on the bottommost layer.
2- Duplicate that layer.
3- Set the tops rendering mode to Overlay. This effect does the color-changing effects that I mentioned in the paragraph above.
4- Go into Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur, with the top layer selected. This makes the color seem to 'bleed out' into the other colors.
5- Duplicate the blurred layers two times for the overdose effect.

That's really all the effects that I have time for. Like I mentioned earlier in this paragraph... I'm assuming that doing these little tutorials for drug effects would mean nothing to a programmer, but it sure is fun :) You guys should either create your own drug effect/tutorials, or see if there's any areas or actions that look cool when you're completely wasted on one of the drugs by taking a screenshot and using one of the tutorials (hope they were written well enough)... Preferably both :)

31-08-05, 17:12
Some rough colouring of Mr Skarns PA, detail will be added when i draw over it, this is just filling in areas of colour to get the basic look, also when i add the details the rough edges around the outside will be tidied up.


Dribble Joy
01-09-05, 01:49
Have a shitty little scetch.

Clive tombstone
01-09-05, 03:04
Sorry guys that Ive been gone for so long, School has really got me off my rocker as of recently, I swear, College (or at least mine) cases extreme cases of paranoya (or however you spell it), Anywho, In about a week or two Ill post some shit, including an animated video Im working on (it has to do with (a) ninja =P) I swear, I cant wait for the quarter to be over,

Ps, love the stuff Rose, looks awsome, to the rest of ye boyz, Keep it up, looks good, like the muscle girls Drib. :D

PEace out

01-09-05, 15:04
On the left, what i did yesterday, on the right what ive added today.

http://broken-reality.org/misc/tratosparough.gif http://broken-reality.org/misc/tratospa2.gif

Still need to go around the whole picture to remove rough edges but ive toyed with adding some details and this is what it came to.

Dribble Joy
01-09-05, 19:49
like the muscle girls Drib. :D

PEace out
I prefer the term 'athletic'.

Asurmen Spec Op
02-09-05, 00:22
I prefer the term 'athletic'.
I perfer the term tittastic

Dribble Joy
02-09-05, 11:49
http://broken-reality.org/misc/tratossmall.gif (http://broken-reality.org)
Kaaaahhh... Meeee... Haaaa....Meee.... HAAAAAA!!!!

Sorry, couldn't resist.

02-09-05, 11:51
Kaaaahhh... Meeee... Haaaa....Meee.... HAAAAAA!!!!

Sorry, couldn't resist.


(Too short O_o)

Dribble Joy
02-09-05, 12:02
You clearly know not of DBZ.

02-09-05, 12:03
You clearly know not of DBZ.

Nope but i have been tweaking the hair as its far to big, i do see what you mean now though :p

02-09-05, 12:57
Here's my alternative drug-flash effect.

Original Screenshot
http://img355.imageshack.us/img355/9851/shot02779sw.th.jpg (http://img355.imageshack.us/my.php?image=shot02779sw.jpg)

Drugflash Screenshot
http://img355.imageshack.us/img355/7643/newdrugflash0et.th.jpg (http://img355.imageshack.us/my.php?image=newdrugflash0et.jpg)

02-09-05, 20:11
Kaaaahhh... Meeee... Haaaa....Meee.... HAAAAAA!!!!

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Do you not mean.

"Kaaaahhh... Meeee... Haa..."



"...aa....Meee.... HAAAAAA!!!!"


05-09-05, 16:33
dammit people! slow down! :p

Back home, but as I explain on the OOC forum, not exactly in the best shape at the moment... ***!@)!@@!)*)^!!

Sunny, your style is terrifically amazing. It seems to change almost hypnotically from one pic to the next, it's very interesting. Proportion's hardly an issue when you're going in such a stylized direction, but I will admit that these pictures are heavily biased in that they're all female models :P

I'll use my downtime to whimper and scan in what little I have. Having a little trouble understanding what I can do to get these muy bueno clean lines (other than retrace them manually, BLEAH!!!)

05-09-05, 19:56
Here's my alternative drug-flash effect.
Drugflash Screenshot
http://img355.imageshack.us/img355/7643/newdrugflash0et.th.jpg (http://img355.imageshack.us/my.php?image=newdrugflash0et.jpg)


Vae Victis
05-09-05, 22:54
less than 3 mins work..

kinda big...
love that monk guy though, used it in my IX Ninth signature
and in my PPU sig
crappy one tho

Asurmen Spec Op
05-09-05, 23:12
your crazy!

make me a sig <.<

Vae Victis
05-09-05, 23:13
make me a sig <.<pick a number :/
I gotta make one for

want the same monk, btw ? (same monk as in pic)

05-09-05, 23:59
less than 3 mins work..

You modeled that thing in a minutes, spent another minute on a leet texture and after that you wasted a few secs applying a cheap filter + blending setting (color burn/dodge?) to the render...

Holy momma... I'd be proud if I was able to model that damn fast! :D

Asurmen Spec Op
06-09-05, 01:37
pick a number :/
I gotta make one for

want the same monk, btw ? (same monk as in pic)
I pick 7.62 :p

Hell any sig that sexy is awsome your uber dude

give me your soul so I can have your art skillz tbh

06-09-05, 02:04
Are you serious, Vae?

You actually did that model?!?

Clive tombstone
06-09-05, 02:27
No he didnt, befor you all freak out (which aperantly some of you did... N00bs =P), thats actaully from a game, Im trying to remember exactly which one right now, but maybe his wording wasnt so well, he shoulda maybe said "photoshoped" or something like that, beside that he has done wonders for it the image itself.

06-09-05, 02:53
Ooooh.. it looks like a Thief III promo that I vaguely recall.

Damn but doesn't it look incredible.

Sunny Rosalind
06-09-05, 02:57
If you're interested in making signatures similar to that, there's oodles of tutorials that say how to make them on www.pslover.com. Here's (http://www.xdesigns.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=54) a (http://www.gfxintervention.com/viewtopic.php?t=856) few (http://www.infinity-effect.com/forums/showthread.php?t=284&pp=10) examples (http://www.gfxhaven.com/forums/showthread.php?t=437&page=1&pp=10).

The trick to making signatures like that is to use and be comfortable with the grunge brushes. If you can become one with the brushes you'll be able to make very cool looking effects every time.

Tratos I really like your spy :) You really made sure that all of the details (the straps, the seperate armorplates) in the model carried through to your drawing which must have taken a lot of careful planning and double checking, it totally rocks my world!

Tidus your drug effect is awesome! I like the ridge-y thingies, or whatever you want to call them :P But I'm still witing for your new BD guy!

I drew a fancypants gal who's living in viarosso. I don't really like the way it came out though, I'll have to eventually try to remake it. (the weird hairstyle came out pretty nice though! I like that part)


Also I know I said that I'm working hard on a webcomic-style thing, but it's a lot more difficult than I'd have hoped. Coming from a fashion design and manufacturing background I find it really difficult to focus solely on heads and faces (thus my inability to draw repeated characters) and find it even harder to not put a rediculous amount of detail and complexity into the outfits, not to mention that I don't have much experience in drawing people interacting or basically any other aspect that's an absolute necessity for webcomic-design. I'll find a way to do it so everyone's happy, but it may take a while.