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View Full Version : Hacker/Imper/Rifle Spy Setup ?

16-06-05, 11:49
Hiho, würde gerne nen Hackenden Impenden Rifle Spy machen.

Kann mir wer ein gutes Setup dazu nennen ? Wäre euch sehr verbunden!

Imp muss nicht gerade 115 sein aber Op hacken und ein bisschen was im PVP aushalten sollte denke ich schon drinn sein.

Wenns möglich ist auch ohne Drogen. Find nicht gerade lustig dauernt Drogen zu schmeissen :)


16-06-05, 12:36
Hiho, ich spreche nicht deutsch

Bugs Gunny
16-06-05, 13:52
hack 98 mit implantaten, dolinskin und spy1 gibt 115
implantieren +15 von glove, + bonus from nightspider und spy1
3 in spi use
Alles anderes in weaponlore.

Ist gein close combatspy, nur ein sniperspy.

close combat kan, aber dan mit weiniger geschwindigheid und mehr riflecombat zum compensieren von weiniger weaponlore als ein pure sniperspy.

Nicht auf dem slechten deutsch concentrieren bitte, ich bin von belgien und habe nie deutsch gehad im schule. :-)

16-06-05, 18:43
Sorry forget about that this is an English Forum :)

I try to translate :)

I want to make a Hacker/Imp/Rifle Spy.
Or is it better to make a Hacker/Imp/Pistol Psy ?

I never made before a Spy so i need your help for a good setup (all skills + imps and armor). He must not have 115 IMP skill, but he should hack ops and dont die so easy in close combat. Thats my wishes for the usage.


16-06-05, 19:42
Something like this setup then, it's rifle spy with around 115-120 fire/enr resist, 400+ hp, good runspeed and should have enough hacking to hack OP (or else he can get a spy3) and with 100 imp + glove = 115 imper. Not completely sure if 161 weapon lore is enough, but it ought to be with the high R-C. Only problem is you need to take 3 drugs

Character Overview for New Character

Character Class: Spy
Sex: Male
Server: None
Ranking: 42/68


Max Skill: 100
Current: 100 4
Skill: Hacking = 105 25
Skill: Barter = 0 0
Skill: PSI Use = 53 5
Skill: Weapon Lore = 161 45
Skill: Construction = 0 0
Skill: Research = 0 0
Skill: Implant = 100 20
Skill: Willpower = 0 0

Max Skill: 40
Current: 49 9
Skill: Melee Combat = 9 9
Skill: Heavy Combat = 31 31
Skill: Transport = 49 6
Skill: Resist Force = 102 8

Max Skill: 40
Current: 46 6
Skill: Athletics = 35 25
Skill: Body Health = 112 37
Skill: Endurance = 0 -17
Skill: Resist Fire = 50 0
Skill: Resist Energy = 50 0
Skill: Resist X-Ray = 0 0
Skill: Resist Poison = 0 0

Max Skill: 100
Current: 121 21
Skill: Pistol Combat = 0 -20
Skill: Rifle Combat = 185 49
Skill: HighTech Combat = 90 18
Skill: Vehicle Use = 0 0
Skill: Agility = 130 67
Skill: Repair = 0 0
Skill: Recycle = 0 0
Skill: Remote Control = 0 0

Max Skill: 20
Current: 25 5
Skill: Passive PSI Use = 56 0
Skill: Agressive PSI Use = 0 0
Skill: Mental Steadiness = 31 0
Skill: PSI Power = 4 0
Skill: Resist PSI = 0 0

-------Character Inventory-------
Slot: Helmet - Inquisition Helmet 1
Influences: FIR: 26 FOR: 13 PRC: 13

Slot: Vest - Power Assassination Suit v S-256
Influences: XRR: 121 PRC: 25 FOR: 23 R-C: 16 DEX: 6 INT: -6 END: -25

Slot: Belt - Heavy Energy Protection Belt
Influences: ENR: 70 FOR: 30

Slot: Trousers - Inquisition Trousers 1
Influences: FOR: 13 PRC: 13 FIR: 25

Slot: Boots - Light Inquisition Boots
Influences: FOR: 12 PRC: 12 FIR: 22

Slot: Brain Chip - Special Forces CPU
Influences: INT: 5 DEX: 5 HCK: 10 WEP: 10 P-C: 5 R-C: 5 T-C: 5

Slot: Brain Chip - MC5 Synaptic Accelerator CPU
Influences: INT: 5 DEX: 6 HCK: 10 WEP: 10 P-C: 5 R-C: 5 T-C: 5

Slot: Brain Chip - BioTech (M.O.V.E.O.N) CPU
Influences: STR: 3 CON: 3 M-C: 6 H-C: 6 TRA: 6 FOR: 8 HLT: 18

Slot: Brain Chip - Distance Weapon CPU 3
Influences: WEP: 15 R-C: 8 T-C: 8 P-C: -20

Slot: Eye - Rifle CombatEye 3
Influences: R-C: 15 WEP: 10 M-C: -10 P-C: -10

Slot: Heart - Strengthen Heart 2
Influences: HLT: 10 CON: 3 POR: -15

Slot: Glove - Crahn Power Gauntlet

Slot: Spine - Strength Booster 1
Influences: STR: 1 DEX: -1

Slot: Headbone - Biotech AntiGamma Headbone
Influences: XRR: 17 PRC: 10

Slot: Chest - Biotech AntiGamma Chest Enforcement
Influences: XRR: 10 END: 8

Slot: Arm - Biotech AntiGamma Arm Enforcement
Influences: M-C: 8 XRR: 9

Slot: Leg - Biotech AntiGamma Leg Enforcement
Influences: XRR: 10 ATL: 8

Slot: Foot - Experimental Foot Enforcement
Influences: AGL: 14 FOR: 4

Slot: Combat - Melee Combat Booster 1
Influences: M-C: 5 HLT: 4 AGL: 3

Slot: Support - Spy Booster 1
Influences: HCK: 5 IMP: 4 AGL: 3

Slot: Resist - Basic Resist Booster 2
Influences: FOR: 15 HLT: 15 POR: 15

Slot: Drug - Beast
Influences: STR: 5 H-C: 25 AGL: 25 HLT: -10

Slot: Drug - Redflash
Influences: DEX: 5 AGL: 22 ATL: 17 PSU: -15

Slot: Drug - Nightspider
Influences: PSI: 5 PSU: 20 IMP: 16 FOR: -15

16-06-05, 19:42
bleib ruhig bei rifles. meine hacker sind auch alle sniper, mit pistols musste ja näher ran, also ganz andres con-setup. ansonsten hat bugs recht. wenn du akzeptierst, dass deine SH nicht ganz gecappt ist, kannst du auch mehr auf hack tun, dann geht auch die dritte op stufe locker.

16-06-05, 20:46
OK MANY THX 4 THE INFO! Very usefull!

But wich imp can i use if i have no Synaptic Accelerator at the moment? And for witch Rifle is this Setup ? Silent Hunter or Healing Light ? And im able to use Shelter ?

16-06-05, 21:44
You're pretty screwed without a SA really, but maybe you can use a riggers dream/interface or any other imp that gives +5 DEX. And yes you can use shelter and with a SA you should be able to cap and use any rifle there is

17-06-05, 10:15
Ok now i have a SA. Setup works great! Got over 450 hp. But its a very expensive Setup because i take drugs like hell :) I only need the exp foot and my spy is finished :)