View Full Version : Farewell

Henry Dorsett
14-06-05, 16:09
Hello Neocron,

these were for a long time my starting words when i was in the city.
Now time has come to say goodbye.

After more than 2 years Neocron as a "voluntary helper", i have to take leave.

It was a good time, i learned a lot about good (and evil) people and runners.
Many things i experienced here: events, fights, races, 6-hour meetings (you wont
believe it but is was on Terra), runners who did not notice for hours i am a
RPChar, pkers who made hours of RP, binge drinking in Garriots and other bars.

The old and new MoCs on all servers, who accompanied me and all others from
NC1 times through the MoC and City Council project i thank the most for the time
here. With Jack Red you now have a governor who will keep the pace in the
project, my successor will sureley also help when he is found.
Hold together, like you showed for months. (Ok on Terra you have to do some work
first to make this sentence true ; ) )

The GM Team and KK Team, as far as i had contact to and attention from, i wish
all the best for the future.

To end with the words of the enemy:

Vaja con Crahn mis amigos y enemigos,
Patience is a virtue, but patience has also an end.

Henry Dorsett, ex NX FC, NC Governor
Ferron, ex ECC, EGM

Harald "Ferron" Quint

14-06-05, 16:17
Adios Ferron,

Thanks for the time and effort you put into the game :)

Bugs Gunny
14-06-05, 16:18
And neocron city keeps dying a slow death :-(

14-06-05, 16:18
bye bye :)

Dribble Joy
14-06-05, 16:18
Leaving NC entirely? Or just the GM/RP post?

14-06-05, 16:26
Adios Henry!

It's a sad day for Neocron.

14-06-05, 16:44
bye bye :( gl with whatever you gonna do now.

14-06-05, 16:46
Bye Bye Henry/Ferry. Good luck to you

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