View Full Version : Falling Damage

09-06-05, 22:39
I was glad to see Falling Damage come back when it did - but I personally think it's a bit too extreme. I know a lot of people who agree... hence this poll :)

The TH main lift should kill you 500 times over. Jumping off the Skywalk in P1 should kill noobs and nearly kill capped players. Jumping off an OP fence should do 15-20 damage methinks.

Let KK hear what you think and see if our voice is loud enough to make a change!

### EDIT ###

The last option should be 75%, not 100%. I'm retarded. I don't want falling damage removed :(

09-06-05, 22:41
50% would suit me

09-06-05, 22:52
Remove fall damage, falling down the shaft in TH1 is very cool!!! j/k

Yeah, I'm glad it's back, just a little to harsh at times, espically around the mountains of Tech Haven.

09-06-05, 23:22
Poll fixed.


Obsidian X
10-06-05, 00:35
I would suggest 50 percent, though my pet hate is sliding down a hill and dying as opposed to just plain falling (which I can live with)

10-06-05, 02:38
I voted 75 %, but 50 % is fine too...

10-06-05, 02:49
Yes, reduce falling damage - but also fix it.ATM if you have about 400 health, no fall can kill you - including TH shaft...

Dribble Joy
10-06-05, 04:47
Dunno. I like that it's quite harsh, falling 20 feet should at the least break both your legs.

10-06-05, 05:20
Fall damage right now is ridiculously high. If you are wearing Power Armor, that should absorb a good deal of the fall damage.

*****-5stars :)

Dribble Joy
10-06-05, 05:22
How about we simply make fall dmg subject to force armour/shields?

10-06-05, 08:30
Tonight, because of synchbugs, login problems, inventory problems, my droner spy was pushed off the cliff and died because of fall damage (you know when you log in and you get that little "push" forward?). I had to log in so many times that I got pushed off the cliff, died and popped my Riggers Dream chip.


10-06-05, 10:05
Reduce it down by 25% is my viewpoint. I think a 50% reduction is too much personally because I like the fact that if you are running around on the mountain tops, there is that sense of fear of falling off and possible dying! :eek:

10-06-05, 11:28
Yes reduce it, but more importantly, will a Dev PLEASE go zone by zone around the wastelands and reset their position (to simulate a fatal when zoning). And then where they reappear make sure it is not a huge slope!!!

There are a number of zones where you crash, log in, and are killed by the slope you appear on.

There are many ways to die in Neocron when you crash, but this one is totally avoidable with a little work by a Dev. :mad:

Nid, please add this one to their (long) task list.

10-06-05, 13:39
:edit: nm... didnt read the question properly :p

i would say its fine for higher level players, but not for noobs. i would prefer it doing percentage based damage.

10-06-05, 13:54
How is this for ummmm fun, I at Race track, on the bridge over looking the GR, fully buffed ... I run to the end (Where the mountain is) climb onto the rail, and walk over rail. So what ever happens I die from pure falling damage and drop PA.

I thought that was harsh but go back and click on belt which is now at the bottom of the hill (where I would have died if I fell from top) and it says its too far away, relog and the belt slides down the slope, but I cant reach it.

Put help ticket in, GM comes, he can open belt but cant take item..... Tries a few times, Eventually he gets me a new PA (Very rare, but he could validate belt was mine and item was in belt, so proof beyond reason).

Given the hieght and the slope of the hill I should never have died....mebbe twisted and ankle if I landed a little wrong, tumbled a bit, but never died.... Unless on the way down a stone was dislodged an flew up in the air, and I swollowed it, it got lodged in throat and caus eme a horrable death ... but me did not think this was the case ...

Also Think of fall damage when enetering a sector on a hover tech .....

10-06-05, 19:13
Also Think of fall damage when enetering a sector on a hover tech .....

That's because of the poor way your character is ported in from zone to zone methinks.

- You zone in...
- Your character is spawned in the middle of the zone in the air with the default model...
- You fall to the ground as a PE... take damage...
- Your real skin is applied... your real character data is applied...
- You are moved to where you SHOULD have zoned in, sometimes still retaining the falling damage from the initial zoning operation.

I think that's how it works, but yeah, it's pretty stupid. 10 Unnamed PEs should not show up at a specific point in a zone when 10 people zone in, it's lame.

10-06-05, 19:19
I voted for 75%. Although any reduction over 50% would be fine for me.

Many a time (before it got closed) I was returning from the Point Red Ceres Lab, I slid down a hill....and died. Once doing this, my 5 slot heal dropped to my belt. I spent almost 10 minutes looking for it :lol:

Another time, me (on my noob char) with a couple others (including a high-lv tank) were roaming around in a Rhino. We zoned into a mountainous area. I suddenly found myself dead on the floor underneath the Rhino's tracks.

The other noob char hopped out. As soon as he hit the floor (less than a foot below him) he died. I think only the tank survived, due to his massive health bar.

10-06-05, 19:49
I also voted 75%, I think the fall damage is far too harsh atm.

10-06-05, 20:28
50% or more. When you are on a Glider and you zone you have a channce of dieing just from fall damage when you are in sync (your body im talking about, not the glider).

13-06-05, 12:20
Reduction yes! I have doubts between 50% or 75%. My vote was 75%, because gravity seems to love me :eek:

Freaky Fryd
13-06-05, 14:05
Eliminate sliding-fall damage or at least make it so that you just can't die from it. It's especially horrible when you run up an incline, then slide backwards down it without being able to stop yourself and die. I mean, come on...honestly... :wtf:

13-06-05, 19:22
i think damage is ok. theres a lot of luck involved when sliding down a hill. sometimes im send direct to GR, sometimes i survive it.

09-07-05, 00:11
Look at the voting percentages - any chance we can get a fall damage reduction KK?

09-07-05, 01:49
Look at the voting percentages - any chance we can get a fall damage reduction KK?

Another return of a forgotten thread..

and indeed I hope it will be reduced, but I think it already has been reduced, as I managed a 2 jump from high altitude on my not so high lvl hybrid monk, without losing more than half my health, and I´m pretty sure I died last i tried, but of course, I might have just landed correctly on my feet in the right posture at the time I hit the ground, and in my last attempt have missed terrible, and landed on my head instead, which of course would explain my sudden death.

09-07-05, 02:47
Some slopes in the wastelands should be perfectly climbable, and are in some cases but due to the weird angle you happen to be climbing the game tosses you off and you don't fall a couple meters, you fall alllll the way down no matter what.

Until the terrain is better suited for it, I say we really need to minimize fall damage.

09-07-05, 12:09
Im sick of running in the wastes then lose legs then heal then fall again, heal, fallagain dead...

09-07-05, 18:41
I voted for 75%. Although any reduction over 50% would be fine for me.

Many a time (before it got closed) I was returning from the Point Red Ceres Lab, I slid down a hill....and died. Once doing this, my 5 slot heal dropped to my belt. I spent almost 10 minutes looking for it :lol:

Another time, me (on my noob char) with a couple others (including a high-lv tank) were roaming around in a Rhino. We zoned into a mountainous area. I suddenly found myself dead on the floor underneath the Rhino's tracks.

The other noob char hopped out. As soon as he hit the floor (less than a foot below him) he died. I think only the tank survived, due to his massive health bar.

lol, i was with you both times :D

Personally, i dont mind fall damage, but psi animation, grrr. Also why is you cant cast on a hill?

09-07-05, 20:14
lol, i was with you both times :D

Personally, i dont mind fall damage, but psi animation, grrr. Also why is you cant cast on a hill?

ive noticed that if i run forward and then take 1 step backwards before i cast the psi spell it always works..

think its cuz its not done moving on the server, but is on the client, so the locations arent exactly the same, and then as you try to cast, it updates your position, and then it thinks youve moved, and thereby gotten out of the circle of safe-casting.

10-07-05, 08:58
This subject needs reviewing by KK. Thanks again for the post FN

10-07-05, 10:42
if u are wearing power armor that adds force resistance, shouldnt the armor help to compensate for the damage?

11-07-05, 03:21
Needs to be slightly reduced even though my tank can jump down the TH gravlifts and only loose half his hp.