View Full Version : Change of Direction

03-06-05, 13:09
If NC changed its direction a little in game play. IE Currently it is trying to balance role playing with 1st person shoot em ups. While trying to capture the essence of both, it may have the balance wrong (I am just speculating)

I heard of a game with a strong PVP but less role playing and leveling. So you would add more PVP content , and reduce level caps and top stats. Instead of a total of 300 for all skills, you would need 150 .... and change the role play around that, leveling to achieve this level quickly. Main focus is PVP, which is good in NC...
Concerns would be more generic setups, as you only have level 50 in main stats. But the introduction of new sub skils, splitting current ones out like introducing aimong and rate of fire sub skills and relevant good alternative weapons and chips.

The other direction is to add more content and make the draw more a competitor for every other MMORPG like SWG, Anarchy and WOW. All mission based with lots of mission based content....

I am not saying that the current setup and gameplay is not working, I am saying that there may be other alternatives.

03-06-05, 13:30
Isn't that Guild Wars?

03-06-05, 13:33
it sounds like planetside to me

03-06-05, 13:43
adding content, that doesnt need pvp is good.

adding options for pvping, redesigning ops, adding new areas is good.

there are countless improvements that could be made... of course the community will never agree as to whether bug fixes get the priority or content.

Dribble Joy
03-06-05, 13:55
The lvling grind in NC is still nothing like that of other MMORPGs, and this IS still an RPG, not a pure fragfest.

I don't think radical change to the base character mechanics is needed, but an overhaul of the gameplay is needed in some areas.

03-06-05, 14:04
the ONLY thinks needed imo are:

1. more players (hopefully will get some more with int release)
2. para nerf/removal(we wish :lol:, but just toning it down to like 25-50% of its current power would stop 90% of people using it)
3. main longstanding bugs fixed

those should go ahead before ANY more content is added, after those issues are sorted the game will be 1000000% more fun already, many older players will return, many more will filter in via word of mouth and THEN KK can put there resources towards more content

in a perfect world ;)

03-06-05, 14:05
I've often argued for mid to high level non-rare weapons to be more competitive compared to the rares used at cap, in order to get people pvp and op warring sooner, but I usually get shouted at ;)

03-06-05, 14:08
i agree that rares should be rare, and non-rares should be good enough to pvp with.

however with the drop rate and the amount of rares there are.. it won't happen.

tbh... remove safeslot, make items drop without belt, lower rare drop rate alot, and increase item deteriation on rares... then we got a set of guns rarely used... just for special occasions.

Dribble Joy
03-06-05, 14:12
I'd rather keep the safe slot, but make belts non hackable (so that killer gets first rights on loot rather than the item just dropping) and keep things as is. For balance's sake at least.

Also becuase having rares as the end game weapons rather than non rares is better for the economy and smaller clans.

03-06-05, 14:36
You can make this game as much RP as you want it to be tbh.

I think bug fixes first, then content.And keep safe slot

03-06-05, 14:44
No, don't bring the level cap down. Make grinding from 70 to 100 less of a chore.

I swear, no matter how you do it, it takes longer to get from 70 to 100 than it took to get from 5 to 70. And what's even more aggravating is that you have less to show for it. From 5 to 70 in your primary stat, every time the bell rings you do perceptibly more damage, every couple of times you get a new implant that raises your stats significantly. Every couple of stat points up to the low 50s, you unlock an entirely new class of weapons.

Once you get to a base stat of 70, then add implants, you've used every non-rare weapon there is for your class; nothing new is showing up. A few points later, you're using power armor. After that, it's a matter of grinding, grinding, grinding away at the same mobs in the same settings for hours ... to get +1 damage. Then do it again, for the same number of hours, to get another +1 to damage. Then repeat another 25 or so times.

You get to the end of that, and the resulting +25 damage per shot PvE (+8 per shot PvP) is worth it, but looked at step by step, it feels pointless.

If capping a character were as fun as getting a character up to the low 70s in primary stats, this game would be a lot less depressing for me than it currently is. The City forces are still in meltdown, so I don't have anything to fight for and hardly ever feel threatened. My chosen faction is so tiny that hanging out with them, organizing them, or politicking for them doesn't give me enough to do.

That leaves the leveling treadmill. And now that my primary character is within a smidgen over one point of being capped on all five stats, and all of my others have their primary stat in the 70 to 80 range, the leveling treadmill has stopped feeling like something I enjoy so much I pay for the privilege. It feels like a punishment, like a chore, like something I ought to be getting paid to do.

03-06-05, 15:12
On the PvP side, I wish they would implement clan missions as was the original plan in NC1. I can see there are certain complexities in it (like the number of hackers required to take an op etc, and the way all missions would need to be dynamically created [possibly based on players online/ops owned]) - but it's the main thing I have desired in NC since it's release.

It should be possible for your clan to receive assignments from your faction leaders.